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Hire CakePHP Developers

Work with the most proficient CakePHP developers team for the efficient and professional development of your web application using this highly popular web framework. Hire CakePHP developers from .

DEV on full-time or part-time basis for CakePHP application development and deployment and set your business on the right path towards its goals.

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Outsource CakePHP Project to .DEV for Great Savings offers a thorough range of CakePHP development services for businesses of all scales and industry verticals, helping clients incorporate their ideas and needs into a solid, robust solution. Outsourcing your CakePHP project to .DEV CakePHP developers will not only allow you to save a lot on the development costs.

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CakePHP Development Services We Offer

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    Custom CakePHP Web Application Development

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    CakePHP Support & Maintenance Services

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    CakePHP Based CMS Development

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    CakePHP Based Product Development Services

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    CakePHP Based Module/Plugin Development

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    Enterprise Application Development

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How .DEV Works?

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    Hire CakePHP Developers

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Ready to build a team of exceptional talent in the most feasible way possible

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Our Full-Stack Capabilities

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  • Technology We Use

    Our staff of more than 1,000 developers at .Dev is qualified to work on any project using your whole stack of technologies. We can assist with projects of any scale and have experts in practically every computer language. As your partner, we are able to assist you in:

    • PHP 4.x
    • PHP 5.x
    • PHP 7
    • HTML5
    • CakePHP 2.0
    • CSS
    • XHTML
    • Smarty
    • Pear
    • AJAX
    • MySQL 4.x/5.x
    • Angular
    • jQuery
    • JavaScript
    • Node JS

What CakePHP Services We Can Offer?

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    CakePHP Based Product Development Services

    No matter how big or small your business is, our developers have the expertise to develop the right product for you.

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    CakePHP Support & Maintenance Services

    You can rely on our CakePHP experts to provide your CakePHP applications with all the necessary support and maintenance.

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    CakePHP Based CMS Development

    Need a custom CMS that is easy to maintain over the long term? We leverage the MVC architecture of CakePHP to deliver so.

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    Custom CakePHP Web Application Development

    We can build quality web applications for you that deliver the flexibility, security, performance, and scalability that your business needs.

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    CakePHP Based Module/Plugin Development

    CakePHP developers at .DEV have showcased their rich knowledge in CakePHP through development of exceptional modules and plugins.

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    Enterprise Application Development

    Run your enterprise with more ease and efficiency with the high-quality CakePHP applications developed by our offshore CakePHP developers.

How .DEV Works?

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    Tell Us Your Needs

    Discuss with us your CakePHP project requirements, and we will present smarter ways to get it all done.

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    Hire CakePHP Developers

    Discuss, brainstorm, and review proposals. Once confident, hire CakePHP developers from us and start the project.

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    Get It Done

    Dedicated CakePHP developers will take care of Designing, Coding, Project Management & QA. Use your favorite tools to chat, share files, and collaborate.

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    QA & Delivery

    We do Performance Benchmarking using Testing Automation and deliver the application on your desired platform.

Outsource CakePHP Project to .DEV for Great Savings

but will also allow you to have a great solution ready to serve your business in minimal amount of time. Hire offshore CakePHP developers from .DEV by selecting from dedicated or hourly basis models.

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Ready to build a team of exceptional talent in the most feasible way possible

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Symfony Components: Exploring 7 PHP Frameworks


This article will discuss PHP Frameworks and give the relevant details. This article is a simplified version of the Symfony website's information.

These frameworks are:

  • Symfony
  • Laravel
  • Lumen
  • Neo Flow
  • Yii
  • CakePHP
  • Zend Expressive

Let's now explore the Symfony frameworks.


Symfony is an exception. It is both a framework and a collection of components. The framework also uses all the components.

Symfony says that Symfony is a collection of PHP components, a Web Application framework, and philosophy, all working in harmony.

Symfony Framework

The most popular PHP framework for creating websites and web apps. Built on top Symfony Components.

Symfony components

This is a set of decoupled, reusable components that are used to build the most popular PHP applications, like Drupal, Prestashop, and Laravel.

Symfony Community

An enthusiastic group of PHP developers, from over 600,000 countries, are all dedicated to making PHP great again.

Symfony Philosophy

Promoting professionalism, best practices, and standardization.

Symfony Project stats

+3,000 contributors

+600,000 Symfony developers

+200,000,000 monthly Downloads

According to the framework, Symfony is an Open Source PHP Web Applications Development Framework. SensioLabs, an interactive agency, originally created it to help them develop websites for their customers. Symfony, which was originally published by SensioLabs in 2005 under the MIT Open Source License, is today's one of the most popular frameworks for PHP development.

Its community resources include:

  • SymfonyConnect
  • Support
  • How to get involved
  • Code of Conduct
  • Events & Meetups
  • Symfony Projects
  • Download Stats
  • Contributors
  • Backers

Official website:


Laravel can be a great solution when it is needed. It's very popular, especially in America. Despite the fact that Symfony and Laravel are often compared, it's actually more like apples and oranges.

Laravel is often compared to WordPress and Symfony to Drupal.

These two will give you everything you need, regardless of whether or not you use them. They are also easier to use and can be used quickly. However, WordPress and Laravel are difficult to scale.

Symfony, Drupal, and other similar tools are more enterprise-oriented. They allow you to build virtually anything. They are also more flexible and scalable. As you can see, Laravel was built largely with Symfony.

Laravel is "The PHP Framework For Web Artisans." Laravel is an elegant, expressive web application framework. The foundation has been laid, so you can create without worrying about the details.

Symfony says that "Laravel" is a web framework with an expressive and elegant syntax. To be truly satisfying, development should be fun and creative. Laravel aims to ease the pain of web development by simplifying common tasks such as sessions, authentication, caching, and routing.

Laravel uses Symfony components

  • Cache
  • Console
  • ErrorHandler
  • Finder
  • HttpFoundation
  • HttpKernel
  • Mailer
  • Mime
  • Polyfill Intl ICU
  • Process
  • Routing
  • VarDumper

Its resources include:

  • Laracasts
  • Laravel News
  • Laracon
  • Laracon EU
  • Jobs
  • Forums

Official website:


Laravel writes, "In the years that have passed since Lumen was released, PHP has made many wonderful performance improvements." We no longer recommend you start new projects with Lumen, due to the availability of Laravel Octane. We recommend that you always start new projects with Laravel.

Symfony notes that Lumen is a microframework built on the same foundations as Laravel, and designed for microservice development.

Lumen uses Symfony components

  • Console
  • ErrorHandler
  • HttpFoundation
  • HttpKernel
  • Mime
  • Process
  • VarDumper

Official website:


Neo Flow states that Flow is a web platform that allows developers to create great web solutions. It delivers fast results. It provides a solid foundation for complex applications. It is supported by one of the largest PHP communities."

Symfony says that Flow is a PHP framework for web applications. It is focused on Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and clean code. It is built on solid conventions and best practices that allow you to quickly create web applications.

Symfony components used by Flow

  • Console
  • DomCrawler
  • Polyfill PHP 7.0
  • Polyfill PHP 7.1
  • Polyfill PHP 7.2
  • Polyfill PHP 7.3
  • Polyfill PHP 7.4
  • Polyfill PHP 8.0
  • YAML

Its community connections include:


Official website:


Yii said, "Yes, it's! Yii is a secure, fast, and efficient PHP framework. It is flexible and pragmatic. It works right out of the box. Has reasonable defaults."

It is also Chinese. Take that into consideration from a cybersecurity perspective.

Symfony states that Yii is a powerful PHP framework, best suited for Web 2.0 applications. Yii has many rich features, including MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, and I18N/L10N. It also supports caching, authentication, role-based access control, scaffolding, and testing. This can significantly reduce the development time.

Yii uses Symfony components

  • Console
  • Filesystem
  • Finder
  • Polyfill PHP 7.3
  • Process
  • VarDumper
  • YAML

It also has community connections:

  • Community
  • Forum
  • Chat live
  • Facebook Group
  • Hall of Fame
  • Badges

Official website:


CakePHP is unable to create complete sentences. Develop faster, validate faster, and grow consistently.

  • You can build quickly
  • No Configuration
  • Friendly License
  • Batteries included
  • Clean MVC Conventions
  • Secure

CakePHP developers do a better job exploring the framework and include examples of projects.

Symfony says that CakePHP makes it easier and faster to build web applications while using less code. Modern PHP 7 framework that offers a flexible database access layer as well as a powerful scaffolding system. This makes it easier, faster, and more enjoyable to build small and complex systems.

This Project Uses Symfony Components

  • Config
  • Console
  • YAML

It has community connections that include:

  • Get involved
  • Issues (Github).
  • Bakery
  • Featured Resources
  • Training
  • Meetups
  • My CakePHP
  • CakeFest
  • Newsletter

Official website:

Zend Expressive

We are now at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to Symfony integration. We won't even go into it because this barely qualifies.

Symfony notes that Zend-stratigility is used to create Zend Expressive, which provides a minimal PSR-7 middleware framework. Expressive allows you to create middleware applications, such as APIs and websites, single-page applications, and many more.

This Project Uses Symfony Components

  • Console

Official website:


You can see that there are not many PHP frameworks made on Symfony compared to eCommerce platforms and CMS. But, they still make up millions of websites. Many are supported passionately by large developer communities. These frameworks range from the most popular to the least. They are open-source, and apart from Yii, they can be used by open societies. It is a good idea to have several. Symfony would not be the only one we could use, so it would be CakePHP Development or Laravel.

CakePHP: The Workhorse among PHP Frameworks

PHP was first created in 1995. It is still one of the most popular server-side scripting languages. PHP helps 7 out of 10 websites succeed. Google Trends shows PHP is still outperforming all of its competitors nearly 25 years later.

There are many PHP frameworks available to you, including CakePHP and Codelgniter. They all speed up development and are unique in their approach.

The venerable CakePHP is often considered the most reliable PHP framework. Let's find out why.

A brief introduction to CakePHP

CakePHP is an open-source PHP framework that makes it easier to build web applications. It simplifies the process by eliminating the need to create your application from scratch.

After the cake PHP programmer has learned a few convention rules, such as calling a class a certain way or ending the name for a foreign field in a table with "_id", then the framework's backend creates all the code by itself. This makes the code stronger, faster, and more delicious, just as its website claims.

CakePHP's official website states that:

CakePHP simplifies the process of building web applications and makes it faster, easier, and requires less code. Modern PHP 7 framework with a flexible database access layer, and powerful scaffolding system. This makes it easier, faster, and more enjoyable to build complex and small systems. CakePHP allows you to build fast and grow strong.

CakePHP's popularity and advantages have made it a popular choice for many developers. There are over 8300 stars, 3500+ forks and a forum on GitHub. CakePHP developers are motivated to continue to improve their products and keep up with the constantly changing PHP web development environment.

It announced CakePHP 4.1.5 on 5 October 2020.

CakePHP Recipe: The Best Ingredients

The Cake is a PHP framework that allows for rapid development. It uses well-known design patterns such as Active Record, Association Data Mapping, and Front Controller. Our goal is to create a framework that allows PHP users of all levels to quickly develop web applications.


The Cake framework's MVC implementation largely follows the principles used by Ruby on Rails.

This is an easy way to organize your application into three parts: Views, Models, and Controllers.

  • The model layer is the part of your application that implements business logic. It allows data handling.
  • View supports data rendering on the monitor. Because the data is structurally separate, it can be presented in different ways depending on who requests it. It can be JSON for an application, but CakePHP transparently does it for an HTML browser.
  • The controller processes and responds to events. It can also modify data before it is incorporated into the model (database).

MVC: Why use it?

  • MVC is an established software design pattern that transforms applications into modular, maintainable, and quickly developed packages.
  • Your application will be lighter if you separate your tasks into views, models, and controllers.
  • Cake PHP MVC Framework supports parallel and rapid development.
  • This pattern makes it easy to separate logic and presentation. This is great for large sites and applications.

Convention over Configuration

The software design paradigm Convention over Configuration is used by many software frameworks, including CakePHP. Its primary purpose is to simplify the work of cake PHP developers by reducing the number and complexity of decisions they must make, while still allowing for flexibility.

Here, "Convention" is also known as "Arbitrary decision". A convention that has been decided already saves time and reduces defects.


  • Developers are less likely to have to make difficult decisions, which allows them to focus more on important issues.
  • There are fewer mismatches between components and modules.
  • Visually, the code reflects the standard and makes deviations obvious.

Why CakePHP uses Convention over Configuration

CakePHP prefers Convention over Configuration and mentions:

We prefer convention to configuration. Although it can take some time to understand CakePHP's conventions, you will save time over the long term. You get functionality without having to track config files and it is easy to follow conventions. Because conventions are uniform, it makes it easy for other developers to help.

CakePHP conventions allow cake PHP developers to name pieces of their applications without the need for configuration. This allows them to achieve functionality without having to deal with the maintenance and hassle of configuration. This is an example of how it works:

  • Database table: Articles
  • Table class: ArticlesTable, found at src/Model/Table/ArticlesTable.php
  • Entity class: Article, found at src/Model/Entity/Article.php
  • Controller class: ArticlesController, found at src/Controller/ArticlesController.php
  • View template, found at src/Template/Articles/index.ctp

Using these conventions, CakePHP knows that a request to maps to a call on the index() function of the ArticlesController, where the Articles model is automatically available and renderd to a file.

These relationships can't be configured other than by creating files and classes that you would need.

Active Record Pattern and Association Mapping

An ORM (Object Relational Mapping) is used to facilitate web development using a modern framework. It's a programming technique that converts data between incompatible types of systems using an object-oriented programming language.

ORM is the layer between your database and your application. The Active Record Pattern, Association Data Mapping, and the Active Record Pattern are two of the most well-known ORMs. The two are common in most frameworks.

Pattern for Active Record

The Active Record Pattern's core idea is to ensure that your database records are 'active' within your system. It is a way to access data within a database.

This means that if 4 MercCars objects are touched and saved into your database, there will be 5 rows in your merc_cars table. If an object is changed, the corresponding row in that table will also be updated. If your MercCars object contains carColor or purchaseDate properties it opens the door to the assumption that these columns are in the merc_cars tables.

Advantages of Active Record Pattern

  • Active Record is a product of simplicity. Once you are able to use it efficiently, you will be able to write beautiful, concise queries that are easy for others to understand and maintain.
  • It's easy to pick up a project and look at its database schema. This is due to how closely matched and conceptual your records and objects are.

Association Data Mapping

A Data Mapper (also known as a Data Access Layer) performs bidirectional data transfers between a persistent database (often a relational one) and an in-memory representation (the domain layer). The pattern's goal is to keep them both in-memory representation and separate from the data mapper.

Association Data Mapping Advantages

  • Data maps allow for greater flexibility between database and domain.
  • Doctrine2 or other data mappers are much more efficient.

CakePHP uses which ORM--Active Records Pattern or Association Data Mapping

Many believe that CakePHP uses the Active Record pattern as an ORM. The reality is that CakePHP uses Active Record Pattern as an ORM.

CakePHP's ORM draws inspiration from Data Mapper and Active Record patterns. This ORM combines elements of both the Active Record and Data Mapper patterns in order to make it fast and easy to use.

CakePHP's ORM version combines the best of both ORM and CakePHP to provide a flexible way to interact with relational databases.

VOYlegal, its Scalable Journey with Net Solutions

VOYlegal, a law firm, needed a job portal that would allow both potential employers and lawyers to register. This would enable them to make informed decisions. The problem with the job portal was its inability to attract more traffic than it expected and consequently, began to slow down.

We redesigned the entire architecture of this website to make it more scalable, especially for high-traffic sites. We also created an advanced search within the portal. It was able to join almost all tables in the database, allowing us to tackle the problem of offering an advanced search that covers millions of data units.

CakePHP: Should You Bake Your Code?

CakePHP is undoubtedly one of the most widely used PHP frameworks for developing PHP applications. It's a robust, feature-rich framework. It helps to reduce CakePHP web Development costs and speed up the creation of applications by using code generation and other scaffolding tools.

CakePHP's pillars are discussed in the blog. They show that CakePHP is more strict than other PHP-based frameworks. It means that the user is 'forced to' follow a particular way of laying out code. It allows the codebase to be more consistent and understandable.

The right CakePHP development company can be hired to create the code using the CakePHP framework. This will ensure that the code is consistent and follows Cake's conventions. It will also help to make sure that applications are robust and well-written.

Why Should You Hire Cake PHP Developers?

Web development is becoming increasingly popular. A website that is functional for your business is a must in today's market. Web development can be expensive and time-consuming. There are many programming languages and frameworks, which can be confusing to some people.

As we all know, web development can be divided into two parts, server-side or front-end. Each is required to ensure that the website functions properly.

This blog will cover CakePHP web development. It is part of the PHP development category. Learn more about why Cake PHP developers are worth hiring.


CakePHP is an open-source web development framework. It is different from other frameworks in that it has a variety of unique features. It was released under the MIT License in 2005. You might be wondering why it is still being used. Let's now find out.

Cake PHP offers many advantages to help CakePHP Development company create websites and web apps that are both safe and fast. It's also built on the model-view-controller (MVC) framework. CakePHP is able to create dynamic, interactive websites and web apps thanks to the MVC structure. This structure also allows Cake PHP Developers to collaborate with other developers.

Let's take a look at some of the main advantages of CakePHP web development. These benefits are vital to your decision-making process when choosing the right Framework for your website.

You can also get detailed instructions from CakePHP developers. For more information on CakePHP web development, contact

CakePHP Framework and Web Development

CakePHP has many advantages. It is completely reliable when it comes to PHP development. Following are the main advantages of the CakePHP Framework.

  • Open-source
  • Large community
  • CRUD integration
  • MVC architecture
  • Code-reusability
  • Code generation
  • Custom URLs and Routes
  • Quick
  • Reliable
  • Flexible templating
  • Built-in validation
  • Flexible ACL
  • Data Sanitization
  • Testing with an easy code
  • Built-in Libraries

CakePHP offers many advantages, as we have seen. Let's take a look at some of them. We will discuss the top 10 features of CakePHP Development. Let's start the party now, without further delay. The most important aspect of CakePHP is the MVC Pattern. MVC is an acronym that stands for Model, View, and Controller.

What are the advantages of the MVC Pattern?

It allows web developers to break down web applications into three parts. You read correctly. Development is broken down into three main stages. Developers can work efficiently and effectively on each component. This is one of the reasons CakePHP developers prefer CakePHP to other PHP frameworks.

Code Reusability

It is not easy to develop software. This requires a variety of skills. Even the most skilled programmers can have difficulties writing code from time to time. This is the problem that cake PHP solves. Cake PHP allows programmers to reuse code. You read that right. It can reuse code. Programmers can reuse code multiple times with Cake PHP's reusability code PHP. This means that you can reuse code once created, and not have to start over.

Let's continue our journey to Cake PHP, and let us see what it turns out to be.

No configuration required

If you're building a complex web app, you don't want to spend too much time configuring settings. To ensure that an app runs properly, you should be more focused on logic. You may be required to interact with configuration settings on a daily basis by some frameworks. It is a time-consuming task that can cause engineers to spend their time on other tasks.

Is CakePHP working on this issue?

CakePHP came up with an amazing solution. Be cautious with the settings for cake PHP's database connections. This is all there is. Configuration settings are not necessary for cake PHP. This allows developers to focus on the most important aspects of web development. If you are looking to hire cake PHP developers then look no further. A CakePHP development company is the best option.


CakePHP is the best solution for those with a tight budget who want to build a Web app. Cake PHP is an open-source PHP framework. It is true. It is Open-Source despite its many features. Instead of spending money on expensive frameworks, it is better to spend your budget to hire a cake PHP development company. This will pay off in the long term and save you both time and money.

Easy Code Testing

You don't want anything to go wrong when you build a website or web app. You need to test your software at multiple levels in order to ensure it is error-free. Cake PHP allows you to perform simple testing. You can test your code multiple times without any difficulty, unlike other frameworks.

Built-In Libraries

CakePHP is open-source and has code reusability and an MVC structure. What can you do to make CakePHP even more useful? Built-in libraries are the solution. CakePHP is built on PHP and comes with many built-in libraries. These libraries make CakePHP web development more fun. CakePHP's libraries allow CakePHP developers to create beautiful websites without spending a lot of time programming.

Reliable and Secure

Every feature of the Framework will fail if it isn't secured. This is the cake on Cake PHP's web development cake. CakePHP has many features that allow you to create secure websites. You can store user data safely in CakePHP. A CakePHP development company is the best way to ensure a secure and unbreakable database.

Large Active Community

CakePHP's active community is one reason it continues to be used. Millions of people use CakePHP. CakePHP web developers are constantly excited about its advancements. If you are new to web programming, it's a great place to start. Understanding CakePHP is a must-have for anyone new to PHP Web Development.

No Installation Needed

The cake is becoming more delicious. This is because no installation is required. CakePHP can be used from any computer without the need to delete it. This Framework can only be used directly if the database is configured. We now want to discuss CakePHP Web Development's last top feature.

CRUD Platform

The CRUD Platform is our tenth and last feature. What are the CRUD Platform's benefits? The solution is better code management. CRUDE stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete.

CakePHP is the best PHP framework available. The CakePHP framework is not finished. There are many other features that you can discover. Cake PHP is flexible. Hire a CakePHP development company to get started. This cake will be a delight for both you and your customers. Hire cakephp programmers!

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Tech Talk

Maximizing Website Development with CakePHP

BY Developers.Dev
A customized, highly navigable website is crucial to the success of your business. You need more than just a digital storefront or an online presence - you need to be organized and functional on the web. Choosing the right development framework can be tough, but understanding your business needs is even more important.Choosing the right framework for a web development project is a challenging task that many business owners dont think about. However, if you want your development project to succe

The Cost of Quality: Explore the Expenses of Hiring a CakePHP Developer

BY Developers.Dev
Open-source software is widely used in web development to create dynamic websites and other tools for online business promotion. Web developers need to improve their skills and learn how to code. CakePHP helps reduce the boredom of development by providing logic and tools specific to each application. This prevents coding from being repeated in other projects and saves the coder the effort of rewriting the same code.Not only will you lose precious time, but your teams morale as well.This articl

Comparing Laravel vs. CakePHP: A Comprehensive Guide

BY Developers.Dev
Laravel aims to ease the pain of development by simplifying common tasks such as sessions, authentication, and caching. What is Laravel? Laravel is designed to make development easy for developers without compromising application functionality. Happy developers produce the best code. We have combined the best from other web frameworks and frameworks in other languages, including Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, ASP

Choosing The Right Framework: CakePHP vs Laravel

BY Developers.Dev
Some of the biggest companies worldwide are also using it in the tech stack of their website and web applications. There are some dedicated companies that either develop with CakePHP or Laravel. All companies in the industry need to know the differences between the two. This will help them in selecting one of them for their web development projects in the future. Lets analyze it and look at all the important things about them, ranging from benefits to differences. Firstly, lets understand both

CakePHP: The Ultimate Choice for Web Development Worth 0Gain!

BY Developers.Dev
Nowadays, PHP powers more than 70% of websites. Its flexible capabilities enable many website and app projects. It is an all-purpose scripting language for web and app development projects. Moreover, its well-developed frameworks expedite the development of robust web applications with features specifically tailored to meet business requirements.One of the top frameworks for PHP web applications is CakePHP. It has an MVC architecture with integrated validation, unit testing, and other developme

Outsource CakePHP Website Development for Maximum Efficiency

BY Developers.Dev
The platform is known to be cohesive as it allows pulling the utility classes into your app. This allowance helps increase speed by using the framework, which is Full-stack in nature. Another option is also there, that is, by creating a micro-framework by using the router class. Hire CakePHP developers wisely to get the best out of them.Creating code is also allowed that can be reused very easily. This mak

Unlock Success: Hire the Perfect Cakephp Developer!

BY Developers.Dev
These need to be updated frequently. These are intended to be useful and make users feel at ease. Your clients are key to expanding your business or ideas. You need to be open to the idea of creating, developing, and updating your website. A website developer is the best option in such situations. Websites can be written in many languages. There are many languages that websites can be written in, including HTML (HyperText Markup Language), JavaScript, and PHP (HyperText Processor). Ca

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