Some of the biggest companies worldwide are also using it in the tech stack of their website and web applications.
There are some dedicated companies that either develop with CakePHP or Laravel. All companies in the industry need to know the differences between the two. This will help them in selecting one of them for their web development projects in the future.
Lets analyze it and look at all the important things about them, ranging from benefits to differences. Firstly, lets understand both of them individually.
A Glance At CakePHP
This framework is getting popular within the community. It has been a short time since it was launched, but the way it is growing is showing its potential.
Many big development companies are using this framework regularly, which shows that it has features that fit the industry. The developers love how it helps them seamlessly develop websites and web applications. A CakePHP development agency has great scope if they keep updating themselves according to their clients demands.
To understand how clients demands will change, companies must look at how the customers demand changes. This is something that will give them an idea about how the future of development will be.
CakePHP is one of the best PHP platforms, packed with the perfect collection of elements. A developer can also reuse the codes that are written in this framework.
This makes it easy for developers to create multiple applications of the same kind. The development process can be made quick; the same components can be just reused as they are with some customization.
CakePHP provides flexibility to the developers.
As you can get by the name, this framework is developed on top of PHP, and any developer who has worked on PHP in the past will be able to understand it easily.
The framework came into existence in 2005, but it became popular a few years after its release. It has faced a lot of competition, and one of its biggest competitors is a fellow PHP framework, Laravel. Lets read more about it in detail below.
Benefits Of Using CakePHP
Every framework has some qualities, but CakePHP has many. This is the reason why so many development companies use it.
Below are the benefits that a development agency, a developer, or a business would get. Lets take a look at each of them one by one:
It is an Open-Source Development Framework:
CakePHP is an open-source development framework, and that is why it gives developers full flexibility. Developers can change the framework according to their requirements and modulate the features and the working.
Though the basic development functionalities stay the same, they can still change some parts to suit their development style. This is only available with some other web development frameworks. Companies can hire CakePHP developers to develop great web applications for their organizations.
Many great developers are available out there.
Doesnt Requires Pre-Configuration:
So many web developers prefer CakePHP as the main framework for web development because it saves them a lot of hassle.
With other frameworks, the developers have to do a lot of pre-configuration; that is different regarding CakePHP. The developers dont have to pre-configure Linux Apache-MySQL-PHP. This is something that saves them a lot of time and stress.
Developers could create better web applications as they would have time to unleash their creativity in the world.
Object Relational Mapping:
Object Relational Mapping, or ORM, helps convert data between incompatible systems. CakePHP has this feature inbuilt in it.
This makes the work of the developers very easy as they dont have to put in extra effort for the same. With this, the developers can even predefine rollbacks. All of it makes the website or the web application even better.
Easy To Extend:
With this framework, the developer gets the power to reuse the code; this is possible when they are developing another web project.
They prefer giving functionality to the components, plugins, and behaviors instead of extending the libraries. This improves the framework and makes the code and web projects easy to extend. There are a lot of plugins on the cake forge website.
The developers can directly download the components, plugins, and behaviors and save time.
Allows You To Create Test:
With this framework, the development and testing teams can work together. They get the ability to create tests that can test all fragile and critical points in the project.
All the tests are custom-made and will be more efficient than any other general tests. This feature is used by many developers who want their projects to be free of all errors.
Great Security:
The security of the platform is great. Developers today are using frameworks that provide them with better security features.
While developing a web project for a business, the developers have to pay attention to the security part. If things go wrong, they are the ones answerable. This is why CakePHP is used more; it provides great security-related features to the developers.
Better Class Inheritance:
When we look at inheritance in CakePHP, we will get to know how easy it is to understand. There are two folders in each project that are related to class inheritance.
One is the core library, and the second one is app-specific. The app-specific controller here is an extended application controller class that is empty. But it can be easily extended by some smart measures, such as predefining core functions.
MVC (Model View Controller) Pattern:
Because CakePHP is MVC-based, developers can save any query into the database. If the developer has to make any change, they can make it by going into the database.
They can insert, delete, and change the model they want. It all depends on their custom requirements.
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A Glance At Laravel
Laravel is a framework that everyone in the development industry respects. The reason for that is not just a framework; it comes with an MVC (Model View Controller) and architecture model.
You can access a database in a way better way when you are using Laravel as the web development framework. This is a feature that helps the developers during the development phase and in the maintenance phase as well. Database tables need improvements from time to time, and a framework that allows it in an easy way is a blessing.
This is why a lot of developers mostly stay in this framework. Agencies and great companies use it with web apps or websites, and it is constantly improving.
This is an open-source development framework and hence can be used freely by development agencies and freelance developers.
All the features that this framework provides help in app development and maintenance. Lavarel might have been here for some time, but it is still in trend. The framework has kept its ground; it has stayed prominent even when so many other new frameworks are out there.
Every year there are new frameworks, and Laravel and CakePHP have been used a lot. Companies trust them, and the development communities behind them have maintained the relationship. They work hard to keep it relevant for all future demands.
Benefits Of Using Laravel:
You Get Faster TimeTo Market With Laravel Development:
This framework can ease a lot of common tasks for developers. It works on a modular basis, and it implies that there are a lot of pre-built functions and structures.
All of these work on the latest principles of PHP. This is why the development is fast, and hence the business team gets to work hard on marketing the product. This is something that can give a great boost to businesses.
You Get Better Options For Authentication And Authorization:
With Laravel, you can easily implement an authentication system. Some developers might even be surprised that the full authentication system can be implemented with a single command.
Yes, login, registration, password reset, etc. All of this is easy to implement on your website when using Laravel. Developers can also implement authorization as easily as authentication.
Companies can hire Laravel experts and forget all the hassle they must put in while developing a websites authentication system.
You Dont Have To Face Technical Vulnerabilities:
With other frameworks, the development company might have to put in a lot of money and effort to fight technical vulnerabilities.
But, when they use Laravel, it becomes really easy. This is because they dont have to face any technical vulnerabilities.
MVC Architecture:
Just like CakePHP, this PHP framework also comes along with MVC architecture. This makes it easy to play with the model of the website.
The developers can insert, delete or add any element to the websites architecture. They get the power to play with the database easily.
Automatic Unit Testing:
One of the reasons why website development services make use of Laravel is the advanced features it provides for testing.
The developers can automate the unit testing part with the help of this framework. It will ensure that the code is free from any errors. Allowing the framework to test the application will ensure that the web app or website works as smoothly as you wish.
Automatic Execution and Scheduling:
With Laravel, you also get to automate the execution of tasks easily. You can schedule them, and the framework ensures they are executed promptly.
This is something that helps the developers to focus on other main things like user interface or database.
Better Handling Of Traffic:
Once the website or web application that you have developed gets popular, it will become really difficult to handle the traffic that comes to the website.
But, with the help of Laravel, you can easily handle any amount of traffic that comes onto the website. This is something that will take the load off the shoulders of the website admin. You can hire Laravel developers to handle traffic in a better way.
Great Security:
This framework also offers great security features to the developers. Nowadays, every development company has to hire web developers who can easily handle the websites security.
It has become really risky on the web these days.
Read More: What are the benefits of outsourcing CakePHP website development?
Difference Between CakePHP Vs. Laravel
There are many things that people might find the same between these two PHP frameworks, like MVC and testing support.
But they are not the same. These two have differences, and the developers or development companies need to know about all those differences. Below are some factors and the differences between CakePHP and Laravel.
Read it carefully so you can finally decide which one among the two is better for your requirements:
Basic Performance:
CakePHP: CakePHP is way faster than Laravel when we talk about general performance but in the case of small projects.
When the framework has to deal with big projects, it is the one that is less preferred as it doesnt do any data binding.
Laravel: Laravel is a popular open-source framework that works with MVC architecture. It is the one that developers prefer when they have to develop projects that are bigger in scope.
This has the edge over CakePHP when bigger projects are considered.
CakePHP: It uses HMVC architecture but doesnt provide any data binding process.
Laravel: This framework works on MVC architecture and provides the developers with a two-way binding process that drives application activity.
Web development companies that want MVC framework handlers can hire Laravel developers.
CakePHP: This framework uses Underscore templates. The templates have fewer features than the ones in Laravel.
Laravel: It offers templates through HTML attributes. These are added to the documents to make the application easy to understand at the functional level.
Support And Performance Upgrade:
CakePHP: There is a big community of developers behind this framework. A CakePHP development Agency can get support at any time.
Laravel: This framework has a big community of developers and document libraries. Because of both, it gets really easy for development companies to understand anything that they want to.
Backup And Handling:
CakePHP: Because this framework is mainly considered for small projects, it is also not preferred for backup and handling tasks.
It could provide better performance regarding backup and handling of the data used in website development projects.
Laravel: Laravel is better because it has a good data backup and handling approach. This is one of the reasons why companies hire Laravel experts.
They can create a better layout, keep a backup, and handle it.
Advanced Features:
CakePHP: This framework works on the direct MVC architecture. This also works on a smaller application manipulation approach to make any change in the data and the apps architecture.
If this is something that you need, then you can hire CakePHP developers.
Laravel: This framework mainly focuses on HTML and dynamic elements. It can mirror the underlying data to re-develop the website element for bigger applications.
This is something that is done according to specified rules. All this works on the updated record of data.
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All the major factors we can differentiate between these two PHP web development frameworks are mentioned above.
The article contains the benefits that the developers or development company would get. There are some benefits for businesses as well. We can conclude that if you deal with smaller projects, you can go with CakePHP.
If your preference is anything bigger, then Laravel is a better option. The developers have to pay attention to more parts, and they have to know about them.
Every company works on different sets of principles. Their way of deciding which framework is better for them differs from any other company.
If you hire web developers, you will at least finalize the framework beforehand because you will find developers who can work with your development framework. If you are already working with one of these two, it is a decision that you can make based on the projects. If you are using any other, you still have to pay attention to the requirements that your clients provide you mostly.