Top Education Websites Powered by Drupal: Exploring Comprehensive CMS Choice

Education Websites Powered by Drupal: Exploring CMS Choice

Plus, it also allows access to a large number of users at a time. For some of the abilities like this and more Drupal CMS system has chosen by the esteemed and famous universities for developing their educational websites.

Around 70percent of the top educational websites present in the market are created through Drupal. This is because there are some features and benefits that it offers to its clients.

Including the simplicity of the implementing, creating and editing various content of the website.

To know more about Drupal, its benefits and features, and the reason why it is famous among higher educational universities, please continue the blog.

What is Drupal?

What is Drupal?

It is an open-source content management framework tool, which is powered by the PHP programming language. Drupal is also responsible for delivering, 12 percent of the top 10,000 website back-end support.

This site includes government websites, corporate, knowledge management websites, and even business collaboration.

The standard version of the Drupal development services also known as Drupal core, provides the best content management system present in the market.

Which is capable enough to do certain works like page layout customization, RSS feeds, registrations and maintenance of accounts, system administration, and much more. The API offering of this system makes website installation and management very easy. Plus, it doesn't require any programming knowledge for the administrative works.

What are the benefits of using Drupal for educations websites?

What are the benefits of using Drupal for educations websites?

Alike other content management systems present in the market Drupal also offers, a wide range of benefits. Here is the list of those benefits,

  1. Permission Flexibility

An educational website allows the login of various visitors, students, professors, aluminize, and administrators.

In order to avoid chaos, all the persons should have different levels of access.

This issue can be solved easily with Drupal. As you will be able to develop roles of the specific types of users and grant them permission accordingly.

You will able to take care of every minute details of your website very easily.

  1. Easy managing workflow

The data flow between the inner modules of the website is very fluent in the case of Drupal. That is why works like content creating, editing, and publishing can be done in a very comfortable manner.

And you will be able to process each and every specific detail of your data.

  1. Implementation of various categories

An educational website contains verities of categories options that may be difficult to manage and maintain. But the Drupal taxonomy features help the developers to create a huge of categories and manage them at the same time.

  1. Extension Abilities

Along with the development of the university or other educational institutions. The extension of their websites is also mandatory.

Extension of websites includes additions of web pages, increase the number of user access, faster processing power, and increase in scalability. All this can be easily handled if the educational website is developed with the help of Drupal. Hiring a Drupal developer can make this process much easier.

  1. Support for the Drupal Community

The Drupal community is a very user-friendly community that includes people from various expertise. The data can be distributed within various modules in a very efficient manner.

That means if anyone got stuck anywhere in the development process, then her/she can get full help and support from the Drupal Community.

  1. Ability to easily create a site for every department

An educations university contains various departments and branches. Posting information from every department can be a bit difficult for the developer and also for the users.

Drupal solves this issue by developing different websites for different departments and linking them to main websites. This method saves both cost and time of institutes, by providing self-sufficiency and better autonomy to every department of the institution.

In order to ensure smooth information transfer to various modules of the website needs intranet connectivity. Which can be easily created with the help Drupal content management system.

  1. Implementation of various languages

The students of educational institutions can be from different parts of the world. So, the availability of different languages is mandatory for an educational website.

In this case, the multi-lingual technology of Drupal offers the users full support on the translations among various languages. As a user, you can translate the content present on the website into hundreds of languages without any hitch. This helps to provide a seamless user experience to the visitors.

Moreover, the chatbot used on the website is very helpful to guide you through the translation process.

Read the blog- List of technology used for mobile app development?

  1. Creating and editing contents are easy

Usually creating, implementing, and editing various content on the website is hard for non-technical people. But the Drupal content management system introduced an easier innovative way so that the non-technical people also do the above work with the same efficiency.

Along with the easier editing Drupal 8 also allows on-the-fly editing of contents, excellent image handling, and media management, etc.

  1. Display compatibility on mobile devices

In today's world, people are more comfortable working using their mobile devices. To be specific they are comfortable working on their smartphone.

In the present year, around 75 percent of the whole world population have their personal smartphone.

So, in order to increase the number of users, base the educational websites should be compatible with the small screens of the smartphone.

And not only that it should provide the user the same functionality and processing speed as the desktops. The resent version of Drupal that is Drupal 8 helps to create a responsive website for smartphones with its mobile-first approach.

Hiring a Drupal programmer can ensure better compatibility and processing power of your website.

  1. Better Security

In order to be a better website present in the market, you have to be sure about the security of the users as well as the institution's data.

Here also Drupal provides the best quality of security for the user's data. This can be achieved by providing regular security updates, thorough checks on all the modules and the users entries, watch full community, and much more.

All these benefits can be enjoyed properly if you can hire the best Drupal development agency present in the market.

Some famous educational websites with the reason why they choose Drupal?

Some famous educational websites with the reason why they choose Drupal?

Top educational universities like MIT, Oxford rely on Drupal website development for its versatility and security.

It is the only Content Management System (CMS) present in the market which can manage communities of students, faculties, staff as well as users from various departments with the maximum efficiency possible.

Being a community monitored content management system, Drupal ties all the community modules together. This is to overcome the potential challenges or issues together by providing better data and workflow among the modules of the network.

Moreover, Drupal offers better accommodations for growing institutions. It is capable enough to maintain a larger user base and high website traffic easily.

Which makes it the best content management system present in the market. This is possible because Drupal uses a single code base for developing individual websites. And it also helps to connect those websites to the main website with the help of hyperlinks.

Plus, the features of Drupal 8 like access control, mobile-friendly, multi-language implementations, and better workflow make it best for all the educational intuitions present in the market.

A better CMS development service will provide you the best development service and product at a very reasonable cost.

Here are some of the top educational universities and organizations which are relying on Drupal and their reasons for relying on it. Such as

  1. Oxford University

The Oxford University is on the top university among all the universities around the world for 5 years. The university offers more than 250 programmers to more than 24,000 students spread all over the world.

Here are some of the reasons that made them choose Drupal as their website development,

  1. The open-source nature of the content management system present in Drupal helps the university financially.

    This is because they don't have to depend on any particular development company to full fill their technical needs.

  2. The worldwide reach of the Drupal community helps to develop the Drupal framework every day.
  3. It also helps the university to co-operate with the other esteemed universities that are already working on Drupal. Thus, creating a better and efficient user-friendly environment.
  4. The detailed case study on the user profiles helps the organizations to make the final call on any decision.

  1. Bookshare

Bookshare is not a famous university. But it is famous for imparting educational knowledge to visually challenged and learning-disabled peoples.

This is possible by implementing various audiobooks and using a larger size of the content on the website. Here are some of the reasons it was made possible by Drupal's enhanced content management system.

  1. Deeper integrations of various media files with the help of enhanced APIs present in the system.
  2. The implementations of various languages make the website accessible to people from various countries. Presently the Bookshare website has more than 7 languages to surf through, and more languages are being added in the coming days.
  3. A higher level of compliances needed, in order to make the website accessible for visually impaired students.

  1. UChicago News

UChicago is a website that is famous for providing educational current affairs to the students. Plus, it publishes all the educational updates and news with various multi-media supports.

Last year the website has published 1000 stories regarding new implementation in educational industries. The reasons for choosing Drupal as their content management system are,

  1. Drupal maintains the best performance when there is higher traffic on the website.
  2. This content management system is powerful enough to handle nodes of more than 20,000 along with taxonomy terms of more than 10,000.
  3. Plus, the administrator is allowed to control the access of the users along with the addition of content pages and types.
  4. Management and editing the content are super easy with Drupal. And thus help the organizations to maintain a better and effective workflow.

  1. University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota was established in 1851. It is one of the leading universities of present times with a student strength of over 50,000.

This is because the university consists of every educational stream like engineering, medical, law schools, agricultural institutions and also veterinary studies, and much more. The streams are spread over 600 sites on the campus. And migrating all those sites into a website takes a lot of space along with higher traffic every day.

Here are some of the reasons they choose Drupal as the main CMS for their website,

  1. The security of the student, professor, and staff's data is secured with zero failure tolerance police.
  2. The flexible nature of the content management system allows a huge number of visitors at a single time. And manage the visitors easily by providing them maximum performance.
  3. The introduction of new web pages is very easy with Drupal functionalities. And also, the creation of content is very convenient using the CMS.
  4. The different platforms and the modules present on the website can be controlled centrally.
  5. There are many CMS Development Company are present in the market which ensures proper maintenance of the website at a reasonable cost.

  1. George Washington University

It is one of the famous websites famous for the content present in it. This engaging presence is created with the help of Drupal.

These are the reasons why it is chosen by the university,

  1. Drupal has to capability to create a website with better web accessibility.
  2. It also allows the users and gives them access to larger verities of custom layout and functionalities. That can be implemented for developing a better website.
  3. These content management systems enable the GWU website to provide better user interfaces and experiences to its visitors.
  4. The use of multi websites helps the organization to provide better login or signing speed to the visitors.

  1. Rutgers University

Rutgers University is also one of the esteemed universities of the world located in New Jersey state. The student of the university crosses the mark 71,000 every year.

That is the reason the university is using the Drupal-created website for more than 10 years. Here some of the reasons the university opt for this content management system,

  1. The mobile-first technology of the systems makes the website accessible from smartphones.
  2. Better users experience while comparing two or more ongoing programs in the university.
  3. With the help of Drupal students from different parts of the world can enroll in the university easily.

Choosing the best available software application development company in a market can make your education website reach the front bench of the market.

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Conclusion- Drupal is the content management system, which can help any educational institution or organization reach better heights.

This can be achieved by providing a website with better content, functionality, accessibility, and performance. So, it is better to do thorough research on the development organization that you are hiring for you developing your website.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes