Java vs. Kotlin: A Comprehensive Comparison for Developing Android Apps

Java vs. Kotlin: Comprehensive Comparison for Android Apps


Java as a code has been in existence for a couple of years now. It is very widely used to develop applications and even set up websites.

Since it has been used for long, there are many app developers who are skilled at using Java as compared to other coding languages. This puts Android App developers who use Java at an advantage. The long usage also means that developers are very familiar with any obstacles that come with using Java, and have come up with solutions for these problems.

Another distinct benefit is that Java can be used to come up with multiple unique features on a website or application, with much more ease than other forms of code.


On the other hand, Kotlin is the new and shiny code that is made to do what other forms of code could not do. Kotlin comes with a large number of solutions that were previously faced by Android development services.

To put it simply, Kotlin is created in a way that ensure that it does not pose the same challenges for app developers as other codes do. It has also been simplified to cater for the needs of new learners who may not be very good at app development yet.

As an added benefit, Kotlin is more efficient and relatively faster. It also allows users to have other processes om the computer running even as coding is happening. On the surface, it would easily look like Kotlin is a better alternative to Java.

Why Java still works

It is true that Java still has very many benefits that no other programming language can match. Here are some of them;

  1. This is especially the case when it comes to app development.

    The most obvious advantage is that Java is easy to learn.

    Unlike other forms of programming, Java was designed to accommodate users who are new to the world of coding.

    In many ways, this is great news for dedicated android development teams that are made up of new employees with limited skills.

    It means that they can accomplish the same tasks without requiring a lot of training.

    In addition, it also means that employers in these development companies will spend less resources on training their employees.

    It also means that they can take on developers with limited experience and still trust them to do their jobs well.

  2. Next, Java has cross-functionality, and is portable across different systems. What this means is that the same app can be used for mobile phones, laptops, and desktop computers without needing any modifications. This is an advantage in two main ways. First, it means that developers only have to do their job once, and the application can be used on multiple devices. That saves time. It also means that the customer will spend less resource on developing an application that fits every platform. Second, it also makes it easy carry out any modifications or improvements on an app. The work only needs to be done once, then the new and improved version can be used with every device.
  3. As outlined above, Java has been in use for a long time. This makes it a mature programming language that has witnessed a lot of growth and improvement. To reiterate, programmers are now aware of all the features found within Java, as well as the bugs and shortcomings of the language. This amount of experience gives Java a lot of longevity and makes it attractive to developers. In short, Java has been tried and tested over the years, and the same cannot be said about new programming languages. As a result, Java is much more diverse and can be used with very many features to make an application more wholesome.
  4. Even more important is that the wide use of Java has created a community of developers who collaborate to learn from each other and improve the language. For new users, this means that they can get support from fellow developers whenever they are experiencing a problem. These users can also work together to innovate and come up with solutions for existing Java problems. This is an advantage that other programming languages do not have.

Advantages of Kotlin

Below are some of the Kotlin advantages;

  1. For Kotlin, its advantages are mostly drawn from the fact that it is based on all the knowledge that has been collected by website developers over the years. This knowledge has then been modified to.suit a new language that has less drawbacks and more unique features. First, Kotlin is very concise. The best Android development company needs fewer codes to accomplish what languages like Java can do. This saves a lot of time and energy used in the process. It also takes up fewer resources.
  2. Also, Kotlin is a safer programming language to use. It is less susceptible to system failures or computer crashes as compared to Java. That makes the development process more seamless and much faster.


It is worth noting that Kotlin can be used anywhere Java is currently being used. This means that switching to Kotlin from Java will not be hard for app developers.

Also, Kotlin brings together all the current features that Java uses and makes it possible for all of them to be utilized on one platform. Developers may enjoy the comfort of using an existing programming language that has stood the test of time. Even so, Kotlin is a better option because it is much more convenient and safe, with the same quality of results.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes