Web application frameworks have quickly established themselves as a web developers best friend, as they significantly reduce the time and effort required to complete the daunting task of web app development.
In just a few lines of code, they enable developers to quickly implement complex features and functionalities. This saves them hours of development time and allows them to concentrate on optimization and strategy for the application to run smoothly and without hiccups.
Ruby on Rails, a web application framework for the Ruby programming language, is one such framework that has gained significant traction in the web development community.
In this article, we will take a closer look at what Ruby on Rails programming is, how it can assist you in achieving your web application goals by hiring Ruby developers or ROR coders, and how much it will cost to hire Ruby on Rails programmers.
Overview of the Cost of Hiring RoR Developers
Ruby on Rails was created by David Heinemeier Hansson while working on Basecamp, a project management tool developed by the company of the same name.
Basecamp was the inspiration for the creation of Ruby on Rails. It was first made available to the public in July 2004 and was made completely open source in February 2005. The framework reached new heights when it was released with Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) in October 2007.
At the time of writing, the most recent stable Ruby on Rails version is 5.2.0, which was released on April 9th, 2018. Shortly put, Ruby on Rails can be thought of as an open source full-stack web application framework that runs on the object-oriented programming language known as Ruby and is developed by the Ruby community.
Because of this, Ruby on Rails is commonly abbreviated to Rails only or RoR abbreviation in the industry. The RoR framework enables the development and maintenance of enterprise-level applications that are both visually appealing and functionally sound in a short amount of time.
Ruby continues to hold its well-deserved position among the top ten programming languages season after season. However, there are several advantages to using Ruby on Rails over pure Ruby, including the following:
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture - Ruby on Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which divides the functions of the application into three separate layers\The model, which maps database information into objects used throughout the application.
The view, which displays information to the end-user. The controller facilitates data flow by accepting input from the view and making necessary conversions for the model and vice versa.
Observe the DRY principle - Ruby on Rails follows the "dont repeat yourself" (DRY) principle, which aims to reduce repetition and redundancy of codes and entities by requiring that information be represented in a system in a single, unique, and understandable way.
Ruby on Rails adhered to the convention over configuration principle (also known as the COC principle), and Ruby introduced it on Rails.
This principle aims to reduce the number of decisions that developers have to make by providing them with reasonable defaults rather than requiring them to set up many configuration files before they can begin coding.
Following this information, consider the following advantages of using Ruby on Rails in comparison to other programming solutions:
As a high-level modern programming language, Ruby provides strong abstractions that aid in the automation of significant areas of computing systems and the ease with which the development process can be accomplished.
When compared to other languages, it is less expensive to learn.
Compared to other technologies, it is a fast-processing solution that can be used for web application development with less time investment.
In addition, the testing is quick.
Because of the preference for convention over configuration, the code is much clearer and simpler.
A large collection of gems and plugins that are available for free and open source.
You can find thousands of useful resources, sample projects, best practices, and RoR tutorials to help you get started on the internet.
Even though the number of Ruby on Rails developers and the cost to hire Ruby on Rails developers have not increased significantly in recent years, the RoR developers' community is strong, and its members are constantly updating open-source libraries. It demonstrates that Ruby on Rails technology will continue to be one of the most popular choices for web application development in the foreseeable future.
With its stable and scalable characteristics, Ruby on Rails is well-suited to developing enterprise-level application architectures.
Its no surprise that this technology is in high demand and finding a Ruby on Rails company that provides high-quality services shouldnt be too difficult. Knowing the advantages of RoR development, business owners and project managers are eager to hire Ruby on Rails developers to have such specialists on their development teams.
RoR developers are in high demand. When compared to the demand, Ruby on Rails salary rates are competitive, and in the following paragraphs, we will discuss how to hire a dependable specialist at a reasonable price.
What Kind of Projects Can an RoR Developer for Hire Work On?
Because it does not require any additional punctuation, as opposed to popular programming languages such as Java, C and Python, Ruby is extremely convenient.
Ruby on Rails is a web development framework that is based on the DRY and COC principles. It is agile and flexible. With the RoR framework, it is possible to create various types of web applications, and the MVC architecture makes the development process extremely quick.
In this section, you will find the most popular types of projects that can be developed using RoR technology:
Applications in the field of e-commerce
Because of its useful modular development approach, Ruby on Rails is widely considered the best choice for eCommerce website development and web-based applications.
Furthermore, because RoR allows for bulk image and file uploading and bulk information updating, the technology is extremely useful for filling out and managing product descriptions, which is especially useful for large e-Commerce projects with many products to choose from. Another remarkable RoR feature is the custom pricing and cropping algorithm, allowing administrators to manage prices and resize images to fit into pages with relative ease.
Content management systems
CMS are a type of software that allows you to organize and manage your content. CMS platforms developed with Ruby on Rails are highly scalable and, as a result, can be accessed and used from any platform or device with relative ease.
For example, RoR was used to develop a multilingual Refinery CMS, which provides tremendous design flexibility. Camaleon CMS is yet another excellent example of a Ruby on Rails-based application widely recognised as a viable alternative to WordPress.
Camaleon supports widgets, short codes, custom information, content grouping, and its library plugin in addition to the standard features of WordPress.
Websites and applications for social networking sites
Its difficult to estimate the number of RoR plugins that can be used on social networking websites at this time.
Furthermore, many open-source libraries written with RoR developers in mind can be used to implement a variety of important features and even completely rewrite the social network website and application from the ground up. For example, social steam enables a programmer to interact with contacts, posts, private messages, uploaded files, and other information on a social networking site.
According to BuiltWith, a website that analyses website usage statistics across the web, Ruby on Rails is currently being used to power approximately 914,478 websites, of which approximately 472 are part of the Quantcast Top 10,000.
Furthermore, 1,826,120 websites have used RoR technology at some point in their history. This enormous number demonstrates that Ruby on Rails app development is extremely popular when it comes to the development of websites.
Furthermore, among the numerous eCommerce websites that use Ruby on Rails, it is worth mentioning that WhitePappers, Urban Dictionary, Basecamp, and Square are all built using the framework. The advantages of using Ruby on Rails are recognized by a small number of ardent supporters and large multinational corporations.
Look at some of the well-known companies that hire RoR developers for web app development, including GitHub, Airbnb, Bloomberg, Dribbble, Fiverr, Clarity, BaseCamp and 500px, as well as sites such as Sound Cloud, CrazyEgg and Shopify, as well as companies such as Apple and Amazon and Walmart and GoodReads and Kickstarter, among many others.
Methods for lowering the cost of hiring a Ruby on Rails developer
Of course, you can find an experienced Ruby on Rails programmer and the entire Ruby on Rails development company working on projects that they have developed themselves or that have been outsourced.
A reputable Ruby on Rails company can provide a wide range of services such as web development, premium consulting, redesign, and all-in-one solutions, to name a few. For example, Typically, business owners seek the assistance of a reputable Ruby on Rails web development company to develop remarkable web, mobile, and tablet applications from the beginning stages of development to the final launch and ongoing support.
As a result, every Ruby on Rails company prefers to collaborate with clients on a long-term basis.
There are various options for hiring Ruby on Rails developers to assist you with your next web application project.
Here are a few examples. Examine three of the most popular methods to determine which one is the most appropriate for you.
The various methods of hiring Ruby on Rails programmers
The most straightforward method to hire Ruby on Rails application developer is to hire locally, which can be accomplished through the job posting websites or local employment agencies.
This gives you complete control over the hiring process and eliminates the complications arising from time zone differences between candidates and employers. Hiring from the local market, on the other hand, can be prohibitively expensive in many countries, as developer salaries for Ruby on Rails-based web development are typically high.
Furthermore, this will necessitate the allocation of physical resources such as office space and machines to each developer that you hire. Additionally, you will almost certainly be required to pay government-mandated expenses such as taxes and insurance, as well as additional fees for software licenses, all of which will add to the already exorbitant price.
Furthermore, because long-term contracts frequently accompany local hiring, you will be required to retain your RoR developer even after the project is completed.
How Much Does It Cost to Hire RoR Developers on a Contract Basis?
Another option is to hire a freelance RoR developer, who can be found on freelance portals such as Upwork, Toptal, or Freelancer.com.
Because of the high level of competition among freelancers on such portals and the wide range of Ruby on Rails salary rates, doing so can be quite inexpensive. However, there is a significant risk associated with using freelance developers because of the possibility of reliability issues.
For example, they can be difficult to get in touch with at times, which will be a problem when deadlines for schedules are approaching. Because freelancers can come from worldwide, overcoming language barriers and time zone differences can be a significant challenge, especially when collaboration is required, which is usually the case for projects of reasonable size and scope.
Because freelancers can choose to abandon projects at any time if they become inconvenient, accountability is a concern, and there is little you can do to prevent this from happening. As a result, the low cost of hiring freelancers comes at a cost, which is not insignificant.
Hire Ruby on Rails Development Company
Another option to consider is hiring a Ruby on Rails coding team that works remotely or finding a Ruby on Rails development company specializing in Ruby on Rails development.
If you choose this option, the remote Ruby on Rails development team will work for you full-time and report directly to you; however, they will continue to work out of their companys offices and use their office resources. Hire dedicated developers as a result of this is extremely cost-effective, as it allows you to tap into inexpensive markets without having to worry about reliability and accountability issues, as the Ruby on Rails outsourcing company ensures that these developers perform as expected.
Moreover, it gives you complete control over your developers, including the interview and screening processes, just as you would with local employees. Payments for dedicated developers are also typically all-inclusive, which means you wont have to worry about additional expenses such as taxes, insurance, software licenses, and so on.
Furthermore, taking this route allows you greater flexibility with your resources because you can easily add different developers as your project requirements change.
Which Skills Should You Look for in a Ruby on Rails Developer Resume?
Except for the cost of an RoR engineer, its time to sort out the skills and experience that every experienced Ruby on Rails programmer should possess.
If you are looking to hire an RoR developer who has extensive knowledge of the field and a unique coding methodology, take a look at the following examples of previous experiences.
Experience in web development spanning more than four years
Experience with Ruby on Rails development spanning more than two years
A diverse range of applications that have been successfully launched
Knowledge of Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and other programming languages
MySQL and PostgreSQL are both required (development experience is a plus)
Extensive experience in developing highly scalable web applications
Hire Web Developers
Whatever you want for your companys website, make a list of your ideas. Consider the implications of this for a moment.
Please inquire with your employees or colleagues about their impressions of your site. Alternatively, you could survey a few of your customers to determine what they think of your website.
Create a shortlist of things that must be done and things that must be owned based on all of the information. Make a list of everything you want to be done and be very specific.
Make a list of everything. Youre essentially laying out what you want the designer to do for you in writing.
Hire top Ruby on Rails Developer
So, how do you hire Ruby on Rails developers? First, accept that hiring is about fit.
Dont confuse peoples qualifications with the fit between their abilities and the needs of your company.
Next, remember that job candidates arent looking for a job; theyre looking for an opportunity. They care as much about what they get out of the job as what they put into it.
And, while they may claim to be looking for work, they may well be looking for something else, too: a raise, a promotion, or a chance to learn something new. Finally, test, test, test.
Heres how I do it. First, I post the job on hacker news. Then I make a list of people who might be interested. Next, I email them.
I give them a link to my blog, which describes the Ruby Test. I explain how the test works and tell them Ill use it to select the dozen or so people who will get a second interview.
The Ruby test isnt perfect. Its designed to test three things: knowledge of Ruby, analytical thinking, and knowledge of Rails.
But theres room for creativity. If you give a candidate a problem they cant solve, theyre probably going to get frustrated. But if you can give them a problem thats hard but not impossible, theyll usually solve it.
Hire Software Developers
Using a paid trial period as an additional screening tool is beneficial to both you and the software developer you hire.
Make sure they understand that you expect them to dive in just as they would if there were no trial period, but that you also want to use the time to learn as much as you can about whether they will be a good fit in the long run. While monitoring their progress, provide meaningful software development work and appropriate support, and keep your instincts active as you do so.
Have them evaluate their experience along the way and at the conclusion in a blame-free environment? Whether or not you decide to hire them, this will be useful information for both of you in the coming months and years to come.
The quickest and most effective way to get a software developer off on the wrong foot is to throw them into software development completely blindly and without support from the beginning.
Occasionally, you might reasonably anticipate being able to do so-in which case; it should be made clear before you even begin interviewing the candidate. But even in that case, provide as much assistance as you can because this is an investment that will pay dividends in terms of productivity and morale almost immediately afterwards.
However, if your onboarding process is too lax, even minor mistakes can spiral out of control and lead to catastrophes. To become properly acquainted with your environment, even an experienced software developer will require some time.
Custom Software Development
The difference between custom software development and off-the-shelf software (COTS) is that custom software is developed specifically to meet a clients requirements.
Off-the-shelf software (COTS) has already been developed by a third party and is available for sale or distribution.
Custom software development targets a specific set of clients. COTS-despite its broad marketing-usually focuses on a particular market.
Custom software companies, by contrast, are businesses whose sole focus is the production of custom software, either for internal use or for distribution to other parties. Their main asset is the skill set of the people who work there. Custom software development is risky.
To specialize in producing custom software, it must determine what it has to offer that no one else does. It must identify its target market, understand its markets, and identify its strengths and weaknesses relative to them.
It must identify and cultivate the kind of clients it wants and be prepared to compete aggressively for its customers. Software startups have an advantage since they dont have that baggage. But most startups are founded by people who saw an opportunity that nobody else did.
For a start-up to be competitive, it must identify its critical advantages and exploit them ruthlessly. The critical advantages may be that the company is run by people who work there rather than people who got hired there; or that the companys customers are mostly not competitors; or that the companys competitors are all small companies that cant compete on price; or that the companys competitors are all big companies that cant compete on quality.
Whatever it is, a start-up must identify it and exploit it.
Final Words
It has been our pleasure to introduce you to the Ruby on Rails development framework for the Ruby programming language and show you how it can make web application development with Ruby significantly faster and simpler.