Each year, the global music streaming market is growing. It was $7.9 billion in 2020. However, it grew to $9.2 billion in 2021.
According to the market study of Music Streaming Service, music revenues are higher than any other services. The audio streaming industry is more profitable than other industries and is expected to dominate in any situation.
As per Forbes, 84% of the entire money generated by the music industry comes from music streaming.
Many businesses are embracing the opportunity to be part of the growing music streaming market. It is possible that you are also planning to follow the same path to determine your destiny.
This article will give you the basics of a music app. It includes information about types, top streaming apps, key features, costs, and more. We are confident that you will find the answers to your questions and understand all of your concerns about developing a music application after reading this article.
Music Apps - A Brief Introduction

Music streaming apps enable music lovers to instantly access any song by any singer with just one click. They are usually less resource-intensive, faster, and have access to all soundtracks online.
Remember the days when you had to collect CDs of your favorite songs and then, for each new release, buy another one or swap it with friends? Things are much simpler today than they were in the past.
We no longer have to do this to listen to the music we love.
Different Types Of Music Apps - Which One Do You Want To Build?

A layman would say that there is one type of app that can play music with just one click. You need to be able to distinguish between different types of music apps, even though you are here from a business perspective.
There are three types:
Music Streaming Apps
Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Soundcloud are just a few of the top apps in this market. These apps are designed to play music from the music services music database, create personalized playlists, and suggest similar songs.
Let Us take a look at the most important elements of these music apps.
- Recommendations: To provide users with more relevant song suggestions, one should implement a recommended music streaming engine.
- Search: Your apps music availability is the most important element of user engagement.
- Social Networking: Users can create custom playlists in their app to promote educational or promotional purposes. This will allow them to share their playlists on social media.
- Personalization & Categorization: Music streaming apps allow users to sort music by genre, mood, or pace.
Development Of Music Streaming Apps
- Integration of social media platforms effectively.
- Diverse categorizing systems are available to segment content.
- Public Performance License issued by PPL PRS to U.K. services, ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC to the U.S.
You can also integrate an off-the-rack Music Streaming Solution, such as the API of the existing music streaming app to provide a unique experience for your users.
Music Store Apps
It becomes a music store app when a substantial commercial trading element is added to the music streaming service in order to grow it.
The same niche is occupied by music apps such as Pandora, GarageBand, and YouTube Music. These music-store apps have the following key features:
Engagement: Music is the main source of user engagement. These apps use standard eCommerce engagement strategies like season discounts, special offers, and bonuses.
Monetization: The latest music store apps encourage listeners to purchase a subscription or unlock premium features.
Feedback: Music Store Apps encourage user input through reviews, comments, and other user feedback that assists in making purchase decisions.
Development Of Music Store Apps
- Anti-fraud features.
- Integration of social media platforms.
- Integration of payment systems.
- Large license product inventory (embraces media and related merchandise).
Music Storage Apps
Google Music and Amazon Music, two of the most popular music apps, can be plugged directly into your storage. This could be general cloud storage or your phones internal storage.
You can create a music player that is completely curated by the user. The music player apps main features are:
You will need to have the following requirements in order to develop music player apps:
- Integration of payment systems, such as Stripe, Braintree, and PayPal.
- Scalability for seamless media playback.
- Varied media formats compatibility.
- Integration of third-party cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud.
Top Players - Leaders In The Music Streaming Market

You should also look at your competition before you create your music app. Pay attention to their footmarks as well as the standards they choose to follow.
Spotify is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of music streaming apps. Spotify is the most popular music app, offering audiobooks and podcasts in addition to music services.
Its annual revenue is growing along with its audience. This apps best features include its accuracy in recommending artists and the ease of finding new artists.
Pandora was the first music app to prioritize personalization. Later, Apple Music and Spotify also adopted it. Pandora uses artificial intelligence for suggestions, and monthly active users have begun to fall.
Apple Music
The audio app has a great music collection and can be used with Siri and connected devices. The app also features a connected radio station.
This music apps revenues are also rising due to the growing audience.
Why Are Music Apps So Popular?

Global music streaming market:
- In 2021, the global music streaming market was worth $29.45 billion.
- It is expected to grow at around 14.7% CAGR between 2020 and 2030.
- The music streaming market had total revenue of $11.8 billion in 2020.
- In 2020, this music streaming apps subscription service segment generated approximately $10.5 billion in total revenues, which is about 89.4% of the total market value.
- The individual segment achieved the highest revenue share at approximately 60% in 2021.
- Music apps accounted for the highest revenue share at 85% in 2021.
- In 2022, music streaming revenue was expected to reach $26.61 billion.
- This segment is expected to have 959 million users by 2026.
- The user penetration rate is expected to reach 9.4% by 2022 and 12.2% by 2026.
Why Should You Develop A Music App?

Before you start to create a music app, it is important to understand why. Music is the fastest-growing entertainment industry.
Around 14% of the population has access to streaming apps every day.
Your Own Music Streaming App plan to develop is perfectly executed, as the apps growth is constantly increasing.
You can expect to see a growing audience and increasing revenue. The music industry offers many opportunities. Market players opt for advanced technology integration in their apps, such as AR and VR, 5G, and AI.
Music is universally relatable, and there will always be niches in the market to fill them. This is why business-minded individuals often decide to create a music streaming app and hire developers to help them achieve their goals.
Read More: 10 Reliable Music Streaming Services for Business (Global)
The Core Idea Behind A Music Application - The Inner Logic

To get an idea of how to create a music streaming service, let us look at the inner logic.
- You can store music on different servers.
- The music app searches millions of servers to find a random track that you can play on your phone. It then transmits the track to your mobile.
- Servers are your music streaming app subscribers computers and other devices.
This concept is better than downloading tracks or sending requests to the servers. Your app can also be a crucial link to the global music-sharing network by providing such a service.
That is quite engaging. Users can also pay royalties to the artists to legally listen to the tracks. Let us now look at the features you can add to your app in order to make it successful.
The Key Features Of A Music App

Below is a list of key features of a music app:
Register/Sign Up
This is an important feature that allows the user to sync his playlist and music in the service. Social media authorization is a great way to quickly gain new subscribers.
To help users find music, you can provide a music catalog.
Track Search
Give your app users the ability to search for music and build a following.
Push Notifications
Recent research shows that push notifications are more effective in generating engagement across all categories.
Profile Of The User
Users should be able to create and manage personalized playlists after signing up. App owners will be able to analyze the user data and determine their preferences.
This account allows users to share music and even upload their own tracks.
Artist & Album Profiles
It is not mandatory to add artist pages and albums. However, users want to know the track details. The pages can be kept simple but loaded with important information such as the release date, most liked tracks, and the number of likes.
Users Library
Your app should allow users to create and manage playlists that meet their preferences. You can encourage users to create unlimited playlists and increase user engagement.
Spatial Audio
Spatial audio will make it easier for artists to mix music and create an immersive experience. This feature is already available on top websites such as Amazon.
Lossless streaming is the best way to listen to the highest-quality tracks. Its algorithm ensures that digital audio files are compressed to their best quality after compression.
Music Player
To ensure your music app has the right timing, shuffling, and tuning options, you must embrace these features. It should allow users to save favorite songs and create playlists.
Music Videos
People would also enjoy videos in the audio streaming app. You can offer your users such an amazing experience by including a feature that allows them to listen to music while watching videos.
Radio streaming is another feature that you might implement in your audio app. This allows users to tune into their favorite tracks and not be interrupted by ads.
Advanced Features For A Music App - Make Your App Competitive

The next stage is the advancement and improvement of your app once it has been flooded by enough users to make it more interesting.
Consider the following features for your app when you reach the second stage in music app development.
Your audio streaming app navigation should be easy to use. This will allow users to search for and add tracks to their library or playlist.
Append additional options to allow users to search for their favorite tracks by album title, artist name, song name, etc.
Social Media
People love to share music with friends on social media sites like Snapchat, WhatsApp, or Instagram. This feature will help you spread your brand awareness.
A Well-Thought-Out UI
Your applications UI can be a big deal. You must create a user experience that is seamless, intuitive, visually engaging, and accessible to everyone in order to make a music app popular.
High Performance
App performance is primarily a decision point. It needs to be faster and use fewer resources. The user should be able to click on a song to play it immediately after clicking it.
Your app should create an atmosphere, the aura, for any event, whether it is a party with friends or family. Listeners today prefer to listen to their music on audio apps rather than listening to radio stations.
Your app should offer personalized or customized playlists for your users or allow them to create their own playlists.
For music streaming, the song must be digitized. This may result in a series of audio snapshots. Our brains then create a continuous track from all the snapshots.
Bitrate is the quality of streaming music.
Here are three audio options available for mobile apps:
- Normal (96kbps).
- High (160kbps).
- Extreme (320kbps).
High-resolution tracks are better for streaming or as digital files on a particular player.
The Business Model For A Music App: Lets Look At Spotify To Get A Better Understanding

Spotify is a house of 70+ million songs. It stores all tracks on its servers. Spotify relies on a P2P network. It does not slow down its servers, internet bandwidth, or internal computers in order to stream audio to millions of listeners.
Spotify is a leading audio streaming app that uses social networking and local users searches to determine if they have the song in their caches. Spotify allows users to listen to the requested track if it has it.
This Helps Spotify Servers Avoid Being Overloaded.
Spotify uses Cached files for faster playback. Users save the tracks they play on their devices in a file called a cache.
It replays locally from this file when users want to replay it, even if it is downloaded again.
Spotify Also Preloads Audio From An Album To Delay Playback.
Spotify saves songs in Vorbis format. This makes it easier to transfer and smaller. Many songs can stream at around 160 KBPS on this platform.
For Premium users, however, songs stream at approximately 320 KBPS (high-quality).
Spotify buys licenses from artists, publishers, labels, and other rights holders in order to allow audio streaming on its platform.
Spotify pays a royalty to artists. It uses an algorithm to determine the stream price for each artist or label.
Models Of Monetization: How To Earn Money With A Music App

Music apps generate more revenue than any other category. Even though they have different music tracks, people tend to prefer audio streaming services.
This allows music apps to make more money without having to invest any additional effort. These are two options to monetize music streaming apps:
Allow app users to access your audio app for free, provided they are able to listen to ads. You can, for example, play an advertisement after each 3 to 5 audios.
This is one of the most effective ways to make revenue.
Subscription-Based Method
Only your subscribers can have unlimited access and use premium features or tracks. There are two types of it:
Free Trial Period: The user must fill in the cart and provide payment details before they can proceed to the free trial.
The app automatically charges a subscription fee after the free trial expires.
Basic Features: Users will have access to the basic features of your app by creating a free account.
However, such models do not offer premium functionality.
Other Revenue Sources

You can also look into the following revenue sources in addition to the more traditional methods of monetization.
Paid Content
You can still sell individual tracks or albums within your app, even though you have access to the entire catalog.
For a song or an album to be tuned, a user must pay. This monetization strategy is followed by Google Play Music and Apple Music.
Transaction Revenue
Transaction revenue is a charge that you make when a user buys something through your app. Pandoras app allows users to purchase tickets for their partners from the app, Ticketfly.
You can charge a certain amount.
Karaoke And Live Streaming
Tencent Music Entertainment (TME) is a Chinese audio streaming company that has this monetization model. It makes up approximately 70% of the revenue.
Karaoke is a paid feature that allows users to perform karaoke online.
The Challenges You Might Face When Building A Music App

Its not easy. When we begin something new, it is often difficult. This is also true when developing music streaming apps.
There are many challenges that we must face. Let us look at a few of them:
How To Get Around The Competition
It may prove difficult to launch a project among the top-earning leaders like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music.
To succeed in the crowd, your idea must be unique and your execution flawless. These are the two essential ingredients to be able to compete with the best players and increase your chances of success.
Identify the top listeners needs that other apps dont meet and then try to fulfill them with the most recent technologies.
Copyright And Licensing
The law was ahead of all when we came up with the idea to develop an audio streaming app. The app would need to have the right to stream copyrighted tracks from artists.
Public Performance Rights are required for music streaming apps to operate. Legality and copyright should not be considered a challenge in a technical context. They are simply things that must be done before.
Splitting Revenue
As we have to pay to use the property of others, every streaming service must share its revenue with copyright holders and artists.
Spotify, for example, shares its entire revenue with artists, songwriters, and labels after keeping a 30% share.
Read More: How Long Does It Take to Build a Custom Music Streaming App?
Steps To Create A Music App

You can develop an audio streaming app in nine steps:
- Step 1. Refine your innovative idea and value proposition
- Step 2. Define your target audience
- Step 3. Pick features and tech stack you need to include
- Step 4. Hire a dedicated app development team
- Step 5. Choose your business model
- Step 6. Licensing
- Step 7. Craft an MVP
- Step 8. Build an app
- Step 9. Updates & support
App Development Team - Who Will Contribute To The Creation Of A Music App?

A professional team of developers is required to create a music-streaming app.
- Business Analyst (BA)
- QA Engineer
- Project Manager
- Back-end developers
- Creative UX/UI Designer
- iOS Developers
- Android Developers
Technologies To Consider
- Server: Nginx
- Database: PostgreSQL, Cassandra
- Programming languages: Python and Java
- Tools: Bootstrap
- CDN: Amazon CloudFront
- Amazon Cloud Storage: Google BigQuery
- DevOps: Docker, Datadog, TestFlight
- Hadoop Frameworks, Apache Storm, Hub Framework
Key Tools And Technology For A Music App Tech Stack

The technology stack you choose is determined by the platforms/devices you intend to target, such as iOS, Android, as well as a web version.
If you have limited funds, you can create an app for one platform. You can later choose to concentrate on another platform.
You can also use technologies such as Flutter or React Native to create a cross-platform app with a single codebase that runs on different platforms. Your music app projects needs will determine the tech stack you choose. Before you choose a tech stack, consult your developers.
What Is The Cost Of Building A Music App?

Its impossible to give a precise estimate of the cost of developing an audio app. We need to take into account many factors in order to calculate the cost.
There are many factors that affect the cost of music app development. Let Us examine some of the more significant ones.
Platforms & Devices
If you create both iOS and Android apps, the cost is almost twice as high. The price of music app development will be directly related to how many devices the app will support.
Also, the technology and frameworks we use will impact the cost.
Cost is directly affected by the features that you add to your app. The complexity of your app will directly impact the cost of app development.
Engagement Model & Development Partner
There are many factors that influence the cost of hiring development companies, freelancers, or teams. You can:
- Hire an app development agency
- Hire freelancers
- A dedicated team of developers can be hired
No matter how you develop your app, there will be a different pricing structure. There are many factors that can affect the price of an audio streaming app.
However, these were the main ones.
The cost of developing a music streaming app is determined by the form for your mobile music streaming app. Another cost-influencing element is the time necessary to develop an audio streaming app.
The music streaming service might be between $15,000 and $25,000. This is a rough estimate of the cost of creating an MVP music streaming mobile app.
Countries Hourly rate ($/Hr):
United States: $140 -$240/hr
Western Europe: $110-170/hr
Eastern Europe: $120-$200/hr
India: $15-$30/hr
The final cost of Developing a Music Streaming App might vary depending on where you live as well as the rates paid by the professionals working on it.
What Are The Benefits Of Investing In A Music Streaming App?

It is critical to examine the history and evolution of music streaming apps. Looking at solid facts from studies and research is the greatest approach to understand why you should construct a music streaming app as well as enter the global music streaming market.
Lets get started.
According to projections, the global music streaming market would be worth $18.9 billion in 2020. The United States alone received $10.1 billion.
Spotify has become the most popular streaming platform as well as app, closely followed by Apple Music. It also boasts the most users, with 165 million music streaming subscribers. With over 2 billion users, YouTube is among the most popular.
Spotify only has 381 million users. Spotify seems to have a 13.7% digital share of radio advertising in the United States.
The American internet radio market dominates the online audio market. Users spend 16+ hours each week engaging with the internet radio market on average.
Do you know how much money streaming music mobile applications generate? These statistics only show one thing: opportunities.
These streaming services are becoming increasingly popular. You have the opportunity to sell as well as monetize your MVP audio streaming app.
What License Is Required To Start Music Streaming Services?

This is perhaps the most critical aspect of developing a music streaming app. When launching an online music streaming service, make sure that all legal criteria are completed.
Two rights typically protect songs. The first is for record labels sound recordings. Other copyrights concern composition. This includes both the lyrics and the melody.
These copyrights can indeed be held by publishers or songwriters. Music streaming applications allow music fans to listen to music for free, but you must have the necessary rights to operate a music or audio streaming app.
You will need the following licenses to launch a music streaming service: Among these are the Sound Recording License, Public Performance Rights, as well as Musical Composition License.
You can establish contracts with these major labels to stream music from them. Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment Group, Tips Industries Ltd, and Zee Music Company are among these labels.
Wrapping Up
Streaming music is a popular topic. To compete with the top companies within the music streaming sector, you must reach a large audience.
It is not sufficient to have a brilliant concept such as travel application development, video streaming apps and many other app ideas with essential features. To be successful, you must also execute it properly. To design a successful audio streaming app, hire the appropriate individuals.
We can aid you in making your music app a reality by giving a team of experts as well as professionals who will assist you.
We offer complete mobile app development services, utilizing cutting-edge technologies, highly qualified developers, as well as scalable app development procedures.