Selecting the Best Software Development Approach: Guide

Choosing The Best Software Development Approach: Guide

A software development model is a vital aspect of your business. As it ensures a smooth experience for your day-to-day operations of your project.

All the development models have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you choose the correct model for your project or business you can ensure future success.

What are the types of models for software development?

All the model has their specific method of working and are unique on their own. Such models are

  1. Agile Software Development Model
  2. DevOps Model
  3. Dynamic System Development Model
  4. Extreme Programming Development Model
  5. Feature Driven Model
  6. Joint Application Model
  7. Lean Development Model
  8. Prototype Model
  9. Rapid Application Development Model (RAD)
  10. Spiral Development Model
  11. Waterfall Development Model

What are the advantages and disadvantages of software development models?

The advantages and disadvantages of the models are as follows,

  1. Agile Software Development Model

This model works on a metaphysical framework which is very helpful for many software engineering projects. It allows frequent alterations according to the project requirements for achieving short-term goals.

It also helps CRM Development Company to decrease the risk of developing software for a short period of time. This process of development is called iteration which lasts a minimum of one week to a maximum of one month.

  1. Advantages-
  1. Constant communication and feedback from the customers leave zero areas for guesswork.
  2. Delivery of the software is possible in a small notice period.
  3. The agile model also allows small instant changes for better customer satisfaction
  4. Customers will get total visibility on the project as they will be in constant communication with the developer and the tester.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. If the required software is complex in nature then this model can take up much time. As extra attention needs for extending the software life cycle.
  2. The authority of alteration is only given to the senior programmers. So, there is no place for the new programmers unless they have experience in the specific field.
  3. This model only focuses on the work and have lacked documentation.
  4. Customers can withdraw the contract without getting the end product if they want.
  1. DevOps Model

This model is the combined work of the Development and Operations departments of the organization. Continuous collaboration of these two departments helps to focus on the quality, security, and other aspects of the software throughout the life cycle.

This is why DevOps Model is famous for the explicit benefits it can provide to the client. DevOps model is best for Startups as it offers a better development life cycle.

  1. Advantages-
  1. This model can handle multiple on-going processes simultaneously. Which helps it deliver a better and efficient product to its client.
  2. The collaboration of the development and operation team helps the organization to deliver complex software in a shorter span of time.
  3. Constant delivery of updates and services of the software increases the reliability among the customers.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. If you change from a different model to a DevOps model you have to restart all the processes from the beginning.
  2. The model also demands a change in the traditional method for performing multidisciplinary tasks.
  3. In some cases, the collaboration might not work well. So, in that scenario, you have to keep a separate plan for security.

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  1. Dynamic System Development Model

This model is best for delivering software on time and within a reasonable budget. It is basically an iterative approach of the RAD model which has a continuous customer base.

Custom software development company working on this model believes that no software is perfect on its first attempt. Thus, it is an ever-changing process to perfection.

  1. Advantages-
  1. You can get better transparency in the development process and so that you have a better grip on the development project.
  2. The model is easily accessible for both the customer and the developer end.
  3. Delivery of the software is done within the given time and reasonable budget.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. The cost of implementation is high for the developer organization. As it requires training from both the developer and customer employees to implement it correctly.
  2. It requires progressive development after the delivery of the software.
  3. Not suitable for the start-up development companies as they have limited resources.
  1. Extreme Programming Development Model

The extreme Programming Development model is also known as the XP model. It can create software in a very unstable environment.

The main motive of the model is to minimize the cost of the software. Although the cost of changing the requirements can be very high in the higher stages of the project.

  1. Advantages-
  1. Customer involvement is required on a large scale
  2. The model is equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies with help to create quality software.
  3. The creation of rational plans and schedules helps the developers in personal commitment and leads to better efficiency.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. The created software will be efficient if the people involved with it work effectively. As the system will not solve the problems by itself.
  2. Frequent meetings and collaboration is needed on the on-going process of the project. Which can be pretty expensive for the client.
  3. Usually, the client needs too many changes during the development process. It can be difficult for the developers to adopt all the changes every time.
  1. Feature Driven Model

A feature-driven model is basically an iterative type of model. This type of model usually needs for the organization that is changing its phase-based method to an iterative method.

Feature Driven Development requires a large amount of workforce as it an object-oriented technology.

  1. Advantages-
  1. While using these model features of the software is the main focus of the developers.
  2. FDD can ensure noteworthy success by moving large consignments through open-source development services.
  3. Hassel-free creation of software can be done by following 5 easy steps.
  4. Multiple teams can work on the same project simultaneously which helps to reduce the time frame.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. FDD is not for individual developers and small projects.
  2. Developers do not provide any documentation for this model. So, there is no proof for their software.
  3. Project created using FDD depends mainly on the head developer. As they are responsible for mentoring, designing, and coordination.
  1. Joint Application Model

The joint Application Development model or JAD is most effective for business systems. As the involvement of the clients and end-users is required for both the design and development part of the software.

JAD requires a series of off-site meetings and workshops which help the organization to achieve short-term goals.

  1. Advantages-
  1. If you have proper assistance your problems can be resolved instantly
  2. If the clients have a well-defined requirement. Then the developers will be able to deliver a better quality of the result.
  3. JAD can reduce both cost and time by producing a huge amount of high-quality data in less time.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. An extensive amount of commitment and time is needed for creating desirable software.
  2. JAD model needs a number of experienced employees in order to have an effective implementation.
  3. Goals should be set before implementation as different opinions of team members can reduce efficiency.
  1. Lean Development Model

The lean development model is basically used for creating software that is easily changeable. Aim of the model is to create software in 1/3rd of the given time and limited budget.

  1. Advantages-
  1. The software can be created with less amount of workflow.
  2. CRM Development Services can deliver the product early which helps to increase the reputation in the market.
  3. A number of experienced developers required less which leads to cost reduction of the project.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. The quality of the product depends on the skill set of the development team. More the skillset better will be the product.
  2. The role of the business analyst is very important in this model. If the requirement is not documented in a proper manner then this model may not use for the client.
  3. Flexibility can be given to the developers but too much flexibility can lose the focus of the product.
  1. Prototype Model

This model is used to create the prototype of the required software. The prototype is basically used to demonstrate to the customers how will the final product.

Unlike the waterfall model here you can avoid the excess issues of software development.

  1. Advantages-
  1. It analyses the area of improvement first and then implements the required changes in the software.
  2. The model can detect the potential risk at the early stage which helps the system to reduce the failures.
  3. When there is a lack of required documents it helps in gathering and analysis of the data.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. After seeing the prototype client can demand the product as soon as possible.
  2. The client is involved too much which can disrupt the workflow.
  3. Chance of losing the contract if the prototype doesn't match client expectations.
  1. Rapid Application Development Model (RAD)

RAD is the most effective among all the models. Because it can create high-quality software very quickly. The main moto of the model is to deliver a better-quality product in the accelerated time frame.

RAD is designed in such a way that it can take maximum advantage of the development process. Which helps the model to achieve the goal with maximum efficiency. User participation is also a key aspect of this model.

  1. Advantages-
  1. RAD offers the customers to get a quick overview of the development process.
  2. Ruby on rails development company entertains the feedback from the client, improve the product in a lesser time frame.
  3. Each and every stage of RAD provides their customer the highest priority of functionality.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. It is compatible with the systems which are modularized by this model only.
  2. Clients often find problems in detecting the progress as there is no documentation.
  3. This method is not suitable for lower-budget projects as the cost of implementing this model is very high.
  1. Waterfall Development Model

It is the most traditional among all the models. Its classic style of creating software attracts many businesses.

Creating software in this model is very easy and has a sequential flow. A developer using the Waterfall development model should verify every step of the development process with their clients.

This is because once a phase is completed you cannot go back to the previous phase for any changes.

  1. Advantages-
  1. As this model is rigid in nature it is easier to manage.
  2. Every phase of the development process provides individual reviews.
  3. Both the smaller and larger project requirements can be done effectively in this model.
  4. This model is efficient and can deliver the product in a given time.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. Developers cannot move to the next phase of the development process without client approval.
  2. The developed software is working properly or not cannot detect until the last stage is over.
  3. An extensive amount of documentation can take up a huge amount of time from the developers and testers.
  1. Spiral Development Model

This model has the ability to analyze and reduce the risk in the early stage of the development process. In the spiral development model developers first, start the development process on a low scale.

Then after detecting and solving the upcoming risk they move forward to the next phase. The life cycle of the software depends on the managerial skills of the project developer.

  1. Advantages-
  1. Hire ruby on rails developer can ensure your product to be risk-free.
  2. This model can handle any type of large, complex, and critical projects
  3. It is best for the business which has to change their strategies and requirement on a time-to-time basis.
  1. Disadvantages-
  1. Developing software in this model is very costly.
  2. It is not suitable for low-risk and low-budget-type projects.
  3. If the developer was not able to find the solution to the risk. Then there is a possibility of not finishing the project.

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Conclusion- The above-mentioned model is suitable for different types of projects. To get an effective result you should opt according to the type of your requirement and resources present.

Moreover, you can hire a developer company in order to guide you through the development process.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
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  3. 🔗 NyTimes