Creating User-Friendly Interfaces: Tips for Accessibility

Creating User-Friendly: Tips for Accessibility

UX (user experience ) design is of great significance when considering user satisfaction; an apps design must be intuitive and cohesive for optimal use of UX; however UI does not equal UX; UX includes more features when compared with UI; its purpose being meeting users needs and expectations of using it; in comparison UI only deals with cosmetic features of its presentation of product.

User interface (UI) designers face an often daunting, yet achievable task: they need to determine where content should go on a page - such as where logos should go (at either bottom or top of page); buttons could change color when user hovers them or not - all this requires keeping in mind hierarchy, interactivity and making sure every visual element on page and brand align with one another and appeals.

UI Design Principles

UI Design Principles

There are some fundamental principles to follow when designing any application. There are dozens of examples online and in textbooks.

However, there are a few that stand out.

1. Consistency is Key

Consistency between colors, fonts, animations and words will create a coherent user interface and reinforce both brand recognition as well as user satisfaction.

Your users should never need to wonder whether two words mean the same, which can be achieved by making all form button text "Submit" and "Send".

External consistency is important as well; following conventions used by other products ensures your users wont need to learn anything new when using your app or website.

You might see an option called "Home", for instance, that refers directly to its homepage on many websites - however if your navigation menu included something called "House", most people may take several seconds before realizing this is indeed their homepage - by adhering to established practices from similar apps and websites, cognitive load on users is reduced significantly.

2. Feel In Control Of Your Users

Your aim should be for users to feel in control when learning and exploring your app, which means being able to make mistakes and undo their actions with minimal hassle and confusion.

Pop Ups must provide clear buttons for closing them; checkout pages must provide easy ways for edit or backtrack; editors should have options for undoing/redoing their work etc.

3. Provide Feedback

Reassure your users by offering feedback as they interact and navigate your interface. A loading animation could serve as the initial form of feedback to show their request has been successful and content is currently being downloaded - or other means are also possible to inform users in other ways.

Order confirmation messages in online stores provide much-needed relief to their users by assuring them that their order has been accepted, since otherwise users might doubt whether their request has gone through, leading them to double up or abandon it entirely.

Wrap Life offers users this information so that they may better comprehend their final costs, encouraging more spending by informing them how far away free shipping is.

4. Allow Users To Fix Errors

Error messages provide users with an effective means to correct mistakes made in user interfaces and avoid repeating the same one again, by clearly outlining faults with simple language and pictures which point out where problems lie while offering solutions.

Error messages regarding incorrect password entry on login pages are common errors that usually point to two solutions for you to address: either entering it again or changing it altogether.

Package Free Shop will display an error message if either a password or email address entered are invalid, giving users the chance to either guess again at their password, or click Forgot Password in order to reset it.

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5. Prevent Errors

Allowing users autonomy, while at the same time providing the tools for successful navigation of an interface and action completion is of great significance.

Error prevention mechanisms must not only detect but prevent them. You could give the option to undo, require them to enter personal or payment details for verification or sending warnings should an error arise - all methods which help users stay on the path towards completion and avoid making costly mistakes that lead to user frustration and ultimately frustration and disappointment.

Consider all of the restrictions when creating a password. Your new passphrase must meet certain requirements such as meeting minimum length requirements and including at least one special symbol; and also being unique among all others used by other users or that cannot be accepted or processed by the application - an essential measure for security purposes.

Filling out forms incorrectly is another effective way of avoiding errors. If any important fields remain blank when filling out your form, an error message will alert you and request you review and amend it before submission.

6. Do Not Rely On The Users To Remember Important Information

Users should always be able to quickly locate all necessary information no matter their position on your interface, from scrolling to the bottom of your homepage to clicking to indicate theyre ready to check out, they must know where and what steps they must take next.

Information shouldnt need to be hunted up again via scroll up/back buttons/or using search filters if they require immediate information retrieval or scroll up /back buttons for navigation purposes.

Imagine offering a discount through banner advertisements prominently displayed on your homepage only, yet users could wonder about its size when browsing products pages; in order to copy the discount code they may need to return back to homepage if on checkout page; while they could decide not to complete purchase at that moment.

Avoid this problem by making information easily visible throughout the interface, for instance by placing banners with discount codes at the top of every webpage on your website to make them easily found.

COIX Shoe Store features an innovative user experience to offer discounts by showing a hero picture on its homepage and icons that indicate its discount amount in its product archive page.

On product pages themselves, prices have already been discounted, eliminating the need for remembering or performing math calculations in order to calculate new prices.

7. Keep It Simple

It doesnt mean that you should make the interface flat or avoid effects, shadows or other decorative elements. When designing an interface, its important to take a minimalistic approach.

Consider: What elements do you need to include to help users achieve their goals? Any other elements will likely compete with the users attention and are better left out.

8. Design For Different Types Of Users

Imagine designing the interface of a content-management system (CMS). Some users will likely possess experience using CMS platforms while others might not; when designing for both expert users as well as beginners its crucial that both groups are taken into consideration during design.

Attract new users by providing demos or tooltips tailored towards beginners while offering shortcuts or acceleration features tailored towards experts.

Users who require help can utilize demos and suggestions while more experienced ones can utilize acceleration features to learn their platform more efficiently.

WordPresss admin dashboard is an excellent example. Novice users will find helpful guidance regarding navigation, layout and content by accessing its Help tab; advanced users may choose to minimize it or switch tabs altogether.

How to design a websites UI

How to design a websites UI
  1. Understanding your users pain points is important.
  2. Write user stories.
  3. Create an interface inventory.
  4. Identify design patterns.
  5. Create a prototype.

1. Understanding Your Users Pain Points Is Important

Understanding your users is the first step of successful UI/UX design, not demographics alone. What matters is not age or location of their audience but what their expectations and challenges they encounter while performing tasks; only then can an interface thats both accessible and efficient be designed.

Empathy is more valuable than data or analytics. To understand your users better, conduct interviews, use online surveys and test them extensively before creating the user interface (UI) process at every step.

This data can also provide invaluable feedback that informs future iterations of UI design projects.

2. Write User Stories

Once your interviews, surveys, and user testing efforts are complete, you should have gained considerable insights about your users.

User stories provide an ideal method for organizing this knowledge effectively. Tom Brinton of UXBooth noted that user stories provide a succinct description of basic goals of individual app users: typically in one sentence and using this format: "As an application user I would like to..." [goal].

Consider some of the goals that customers of kit meal delivery services might want to meet with this purchase.

Establishing user goals could take considerable effort, yet is ultimately worth the time spent doing it. By identifying user stories for your applications design and functionality to reflect users needs and behaviors.

3. Create An Interface Inventory

Once you know your user needs and preferences, you can compile a comprehensive list of UI elements they require in order to meet their goals.

Brad Frost of Web Studio North calls this "the interface inventories". These may include typography and images as well as media forms buttons tables

Frost suggests compiling screenshots into a PowerPoint. Once complete, this allows you to identify any inconsistencies -- for instance if one member designed buttons with rounded corners while another designed them with squared ones -- as well as patterns to help streamline UI design.

This method offers one surefire method to reduce complexity within user interface design.

Read More: How Frontend Developers Can Enhance Design?

4. Identify Design Patterns

As you complete an interface inventory, it is possible to identify typical design trends. Design patterns offer solutions that can be applied across many software design issues - these patterns dont involve writing any code but simply describe or template how a problem should be approached in different situations - for instance when theres not enough room on a websites pages for a navigation bar, vertical dropdown menus may provide the solution in this instance; by identifying patterns within UI design patterns will ensure consistency and efficiency are preserved.

5. Create A Prototype

Prototypes are interactive layouts designed to give a glimpse of an interface for an upcoming app, without providing all its functionalities.

Users will interact with this interactive preview. Prototypes enable web design company to demonstrate how elements will function and test out ideas before giving over their designs to developers for implementation.

We will examine tools that will allow us to quickly build interactive and responsive prototypes.

How To Create Easy-To-Use And Accessible Ui?

How To Create Easy-To-Use And Accessible Ui?

Implementing accessibility (whether digital or not) into any product means increasing its usability so that anyone can use it without major complications, targeting all users with equal ease of experience.

That means considering users with disabilities such as low vision, blindness or hearing impairments as well as cognitive or motor impairments as well as any situational restrictions when developing interfaces that are intuitive, understandable and clutter-free.

You must consider all users that could use your product - this requires considering users with low vision impairment, blindness impairments hearing impairments cognitive or motor disabilities as well as situational constraints when creating this process.

UI accessibility can be a difficult thing to do. You have to think outside the box and consider all types of users.

To make this journey successful, remember these three principles:

  1. Clear: interfaces must have a clear layout with distinct menus, buttons, and calls-to-action.
  2. Robust: a product that is accessible aims to be useful for the largest number of users, regardless of their specific conditions.
  3. Specification: The interface should make maximum use of the accessibility features available (i.e. In a mobile OS).

Its Now Time To Look At Those Suggestions For Improving Your Uis Accessibility

Use Color and Contrast

Accessibility should always be top of mind when designing software applications, particularly user interfaces that will easily recognize users with color blindness or visual impairments.

With careful use of color and contrast settings can you ensure users can interact with your product properly; certain elements could even be highlighted or pointed towards suggested navigation paths.

Attain this effect by selecting well-contrasting colors and leaving plenty of breathing room between each element that displays them.

To draw the eyes focus towards your most critical elements (buttons containing your primary CTA or menu items providing access to support services, for instance), employ colors with as much contrast possible - even stark color contrast can serve to draw visitors eyes right where you need them!

Remember that contrast doesnt only refer to color. To achieve the same result, you can also use different shapes, sizes and fonts.

Pay Attention to Visual Hierarchy

Focusing on color and contrast should result in an interface with an ideal balance and clear hierarchy, where elements fall naturally in place with one being prominent while all others form part of one cohesive narrative map.

Narrative maps can help communicate specific meaning to users (the way you would like them to use and perceive the interface).

One effective strategy for creating visual hierarchy would be avoiding overcrowding of screens; focus instead on prioritizing elements while being cost effective in building them out.

Consider that people with impaired sight will still require assistance to use your product even with its most attractive layout.

Use an easily legible font and scale content based on user needs so people with impaired vision can also utilize your app, website or other design. This ensures your customers experiences remain the same and they remain usable by everyone involved in its creation.

Use Interactive Elements With Care

Remember the early days of the internet, when web developers would cram as many interactive elements into pages just for fun? Well that wasnt an accessible user interface! Adding interactive elements just for show can give your product an eye-catching aesthetic but make it harder for customers to interact.

For an enhanced user experience, interactive components will be necessary; however, only use them sparingly. How should one assess the worth of interactive elements? Simply consider their usefulness for users - for instance, small pop ups that direct people towards chatbots may work fine for those less tech savvy; but excessive complexity will likely cause confusion for these individuals and leave them not knowing what steps to take next.

Interactive elements must be timely and relevant in order to enhance accessibility and enhance user experience. One effective method for testing whether these interactive features are working is through user tests who may have accessibility concerns.

Allow Users To Resize Your Screens

Visual hierarchy was mentioned briefly earlier; but we want to elaborate. Your product (an application or website) may be used by users with screens of various sizes and orientations; thus it must have the capacity for adaption.

When designing a product, responsive design should serve as the ideal example of adaptability. But that does not have to stop there - giving users options such as Mozilla Firefoxs Rearrange UI feature may provide another avenue of flexibility and personalization for users.

Your users must be informed about their adaptability options. To do this effectively and without hiding accessibility features in submenus - an accessible interface should provide all features which help users use it easily - you need to communicate this to all customers who begin using your product or service.

Test, Adjust, And Test Again

No comprehensive list of tips on UI accessibility will cover every possible accessibility situation that might exist among any audience.

In order to be certain your product is accessible for its target users, test and refine based on their feedback.

Your data from these tests will enable you to gain a clearer insight into how users interact with your UI and further enable you to comprehend various perspectives of your target audience, helping make it accessible.

Read More: What Skills Does a UX Designer Need?

UI Design Tools

UI Design Tools

1. Justinmind

Justinmind is an open source tool that makes creating interactive and responsive prototypes simple and accessible.

Users can customize layout, style and size of user interface elements according to different screen dimensions for optimal presentation. Furthermore, animations and transitions allow for the creation of an engaging interface experience.

2. Sketch

Over one million people currently utilize Sketch, an open design platform allowing people to collaborate together on developing ideas collaboratively.

Sketchs vector technology enables resizing drawings without impacting quality; one-time fees and monthly subscription plans are available so anyone can use this design tool.

3. Marvel

Marvel is an easy-to-use tool for designing wireframes, prototypes and mockups of any device imaginable. Create mockups directly in Marvel or upload images or sync designs from Sketch; millions of stock photos and icons available through Marvel can help enhance your designs; you can give access to your project at any time to all stakeholders or leave comments/annotations about others designs; there are three plans ranging from free through two premium to an enterprise plan if applicable.

4. Wondershare Mockett

Wondershare Mockett Design, a rapid prototyper with a built-in library of UI assets and template designs, is a ui design tool for rapid prototyping.

Drag and drop UI elements onto the page. Create and reuse your libraries. Work on the same page with teammates in real-time. The free version is available along with two subscription plans.

5. Invision Studio

Invision Studio is a popular tool for ui/ux designers.

Invision Studio, like Sketch, is a vector tool. You can easily and quickly design, scale, and adjust your interactive high-fidelity prototypes so that they fit on any screen.

Invision Studio Boards allows you to share your designs with clients and colleagues.

6. Figma

Figma provides powerful design features for user interface designers to use, such as producing animated prototypes faster, adjusting them for various screen dimensions using constraints feature and reusing elements throughout projects using components feature.

Plus you can co-edit projects together so you can provide feedback as you design.

7. Adobe XD

Adobe XD, an advanced tool for user experience design, provides everything you need in a single place. From wireframing and animating designs, prototyping them, collaboration among team members and more - Adobe XDs vector-based nature makes creating high quality designs suitable for any device easy; free and paid plans available both to individuals as well as small businesses alike.

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Its Time to Start Care About UI Accessibility

These tips should serve as an introductory framework to UI accessibility; however, keep in mind there may be additional factors you must take into consideration when planning for accessibility.

In particular, explore platforms, devices, and target audiences when exploring options specific to accessibility planning.

If you still are confused about accessibilitys importance, read that blog post from March. Ideally you will gain an appreciation of its positive effects for yourself, your audience and society at large.

As part of your design process, testing should always be included in the mix. Even though your user interface seems flawless, real-use tests may provide invaluable feedback that reveals issues in its implementation - its best to conduct them before launch to minimize issues down the road!


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes