Uncovering the Timeline of Drupal E-commerce Development

Unleashing The Timeline Of Drupal E-commerce Development

A PHP-based content management system (CMS), Drupal is free and open-source. Drupal is a publishing platform that can create enterprise and blog applications.

Drupal provides a solid foundation for managing, organizing, structuring, and creating web presences. Drupals standard structure makes it easy to find basic functionality and the source code for anyone who is interested.

Drupal is a popular choice for developers who want to create enterprise-level websites. Drupal is a free, powerful publishing platform that offers top-level solutions for maintaining your online brand image.

Drupal is a content management system (CMS) widely used worldwide. Drupal is more complicated than other CMS platforms but offers high customization and flexibility. Unlike pre-made eCommerce platforms, Drupal allows you to combine content and commerce into one platform.

Drupal ecommerce development solutions are suitable for businesses from small online shops to large international corporations.

Drupal developers are people who code in PHP and other server-side languages. They create custom modules, consume web services, automate deployment and testing, and write automated tests.

They are also known as "backend Drupal developers."

7 Reasons that Drupal is a Good Choice for E-commerce Website Development

7 Reasons that Drupal is a Good Choice for E-commerce Website Development

These websites were created with Drupal Commerce, a CMS framework specifically designed for Drupal Commerce.

It is written in PHP code, which means it doesnt cost any licensing fees and can be used to save money on website development.

Drupal is a great choice for E-Commerce website development.

Read More: Which is the Top E-Commerce Development Platforms in 2023?

These are the few most important reasons Drupal is a good choice for your E-Commerce website development:

Unimaginable Functionalities

Drupal Commerce has many advanced functionalities, such as graphics and poll management. It allows developers to create advanced websites.

Drupal allows you to include photos, videos, and event calendars on your website. Its multi-user functionality is incredibly useful for creating websites for enterprise clients.

Advanced Modules

Drupal commerce, a modular and open-source web content management system, comes with core modules that provide basic functionality.

Secure Pages is one such module. This module allows you to create simple pages that can be used for site security by using basic example matching.

Drupal has two themes and twenty-nine thousand module options that can be used extensively to create customizable templates.

These modules improve the performance of websites without requiring developers to do much manual work.

Rapid Deployment

Drupal Commerce-based websites can be deployed in a matter of hours. Once the core is installed, the developer can manage the content and images or make third-party integration.

After deploying a site, you can make drupal customization using the Drupal developer services.

A live site can be modified according to business needs and feedback.

Robust E-Commerce Workflows

Your website will be connected to some of the most renowned brands by choosing Drupal Commerce. Drupal allows you to create attractive landing pages and blogs.

Your e-commerce store can be designed to have robust workflows and increase conversions. Drupal is a great tool for building an e-commerce site or an online marketplace that covers multiple product categories.

The Commerce Simple Stock module makes stock management easy and offers advanced features that increase customer satisfaction.

The Commerce Product Add-on module can increase customer purchases of other products. Commerce Shipping provides shipping rates and flexibility. Customer Invoice allows for flexible billing.

Smart Device Friendly

With the rise of mobile internet and fierce competition in business, it is virtually only possible for marketers, corporations, advertisers, and corporates to operate with a mobile-compatible website.

These websites use heavily using Drupal ecommerce.

All types of businesses can benefit from internet marketing. Drupal Commerce designs websites to be viewed on smartphones, iPads, and other devices like on the website.

SEO Friendly

Drupals SEO Modules include Page Title, Pathauto, and Sitemap. These modules offer many options for making content search engine friendly.

Drupal development services are essential because all major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, are content-driven and prioritize high-quality content to rank websites higher.

Drupal is the most popular platform for creating e-commerce websites. Drupal development services are renowned for their flexibility and top-quality characteristics.

This allows you to create stunning websites that are secure in every way.

All organizations, governmental and non-governmental, are increasingly using Drupal. Drupal is a great tool that has revolutionized website development.

Data Security

Data security is a crucial consideration when choosing a CMS, as the number of data breaches that have been successful increases.

Drupal has always been known for its security and this has been a key consideration since its inception. Security is a top priority for e-commerce websites, as they store large amounts of financial and customer information.

Drupal has a dedicated security team that reviews and evaluates vulnerabilities in the modules.

It includes modules that provide password security and multiple-level encryption of the database. The best eCommerce module, Security Kit, protects web applications from vulnerabilities.

Password Policy can also enforce password restrictions through the definition of policies. For added security, it supports Captchas as well as the two-factor authentication system. After a pre-set time period, the Automated Logout module logs users out.

Building an E-commerce Website

Building an E-commerce Website
  1. There are three options when it comes to building your ecommerce shop.
  2. Open source means you can build your website from scratch.
  3. Customize a SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution.
  4. MACH architecture is a powerful tool.

It can be built from scratch

Open-source is a good option if you have an IT or web development team. Open-source ecommerce platforms allow you to modify any aspect of the code.

This allows you to build your website with few or no limitations.

Keep in mind, however, that open-source solutions often mean your business is responsible for PCI compliance and web hosting.

Security issues can also be addressed manually.

Open source may be seen as too complicated, costly, and heavy by some brands. This is especially true as your business grows in complexity and size.

Create a customized SaaS solution

Do you need help coding, or do you have the budget to create a new solution?

Enter SaaS ecommerce

SaaS, or subscription-based software, is developed and maintained by third-party vendors and hosted in the "cloud." This allows you to rent the platform, and the provider will take care of all the technical tasks like product updates, security, PCI compliance, and hosting.

SaaS solutions allow businesses to quickly go to market and do so at an affordable cost.

Many e-commerce solutions are called " Open SaaS" and offer benefits from closed-source and SaaS platforms.

BigCommerce is an open SaaS e-commerce platform for enterprise and mid-market brands. Merchants can enjoy a SaaS platforms benefits, including a lower total cost and quicker go-to-market times.

They also can develop custom integrations faster than an open-source platform.

MACH (Microservices API-First, Cloud Native, and Headless)

The traditional e-commerce model combines the backend server-side and frontend storefront into one monolithic setup and has been in use for decades.

For small to mid-sized enterprises (SMBs) with basic needs, a monolithic solution makes sense. When your firm expands and requires more complexity, such as the introduction of many websites or expansion into new regions, this can provide difficulties.

Read More: What Are The Stages Of E-Commerce Development In 2022?

What is the solution?

What is the solution?

MACH architecture

MACH (microservices API-first, cloud-native SaaS, and headless) is an approach that uses best-of-breed principles to build enterprise software tech stacks.

MACH is a flexible architecture that allows you to select the technology that meets your business requirements and will be used in the future.


Microservices are small, specific services that are combined to create an application. Each service uses a different code and is independently developed, updated, and deployed.


APIs (application programming Interfaces) allow you to communicate and connect to deliver content between multiple applications or services.

This means that your application must be built with APIs in mind.


Cloud-native apps make full use of cloud and SaaS technology to monitor, administer, and licence technology through subscriptions.


Headless commerce architecture refers to the separation of the websites frontend presentation and the backend ecommerce functionality.

This gives you greater flexibility in designing the user interface and integrating different channels.

Drupal Ecommerce Solutions

  1. Mobile app and E-commerce website development.
  2. Securing security and scalability.
  3. Performance tuning and optimization.

Platform Feature Offerings

We can provide any solutions for your e-commerce platform. We provide a range of options, such as the following:

  1. Integration of Marketplace.
  2. Loyalty Management.
  3. Affiliate Management.
  4. Consumer Analytics.
  5. Marketing Automation.
  6. Content Personalization.
  7. Conversational Commerce.
  8. Data Exchange (CRM/ERP).
  9. Voice Commerce.
  10. Mobile Applications and Kiosks.

Any ecommerce website must have a CMS (content management system). It houses all dynamic content in one place, such as blog posts and visuals.

Using a CMS, you may edit or add material to your website, and your e-commerce site will update to reflect the changes.You can continue to add fresh information to your website to complement your offerings.

Product Management: They will likely have the product you need in stock, offer multiple versions, and offer discounts and promotions when necessary.

When you are developing an ecommerce website, ensure it includes the necessary functionality to edit, add and track inventory in order to provide customers with the products they desire.


You are responsible for protecting sensitive data when you develop an online store. This includes customer phone numbers, credit card numbers, and other payment information.

Accepting payments requires compliance with PCI standards. Failure to do so could result in fines, suspension of your ability to accept payments, customer loss, and other financial consequences.

Some platforms offer more than the minimum requirements. While some platforms include an SSL certificate, proper protection could require third-party software and additional infrastructure investment.

Marketing strategy

Start building your e-commerce marketing plan early in developing your online shop. This will allow you to plan the layout of your website and decide what features you might need.


  1. Drupal 8 core Module Migration Implements the general-purpose framework.
  2. Drupal 8 core Drupal 8 module to migrate Drupal to Drupal 8.
  3. Drupal 8 core Migrate Drupal module offers a browser interface for Migrate Drupal.
  4. You can perform migrations with different tools:

The upgrading Drupal 8 documents; That explains how Drupal 6/7 and Drupal 8 migrations are performed.

Migrations from non-Drupal sources can only be done using contributed modules, which work in conjunction with the core Migrate API.

Migrations can be Described as Extract - Transform and Load (ETL)

Migrations can be Described as Extract - Transform and Load (ETL)

Migration is Extract Transform, Load. The Drupal Migrate API provides the following:

  1. The extract phase is also known as the source.
  2. The transformation phase is a process.
  3. The destination is the load phase.

You must understand that load in ETL refers to loading data into storage. In Drupal, however, the term load means that data is being loaded from storage.

The source phase consists of a set of data called the row. This data is retrieved directly from the data source.

You can either migrate from a database, load the data from a file (for instance, CSV, JSON, or XML), or fetch it from a web service (for instance, RSS or REST).

Migrate API plugins

Migrate API plugins

The drupal Migration plug-ins can specify individual ETL migrations such as taxonomy term, node, or user migrations.

YAML is the format used to define migration plugins.

Examples of migrating users, nodes, and other entities from non-Drupal sources.

Reading the Drupal core/contributed modules migration plugins is also a good idea. These migrations are used to extract data from Drupal 6/7 databases.

These migrations are found in the modules "migrations" directory.



Taxonomy terms can be an example of a data structure where an entity may have a reference back to its parent. A term can be migrated if its parent term has not been migrated.

Migrate API solves this "chicken or egg" dilemma by creating a parent term stub so that the child term can refer to it. Migrate API replaces the stub created previously with the actual content when the parent term is finally being migrated.

Map tables

Map tables

Once a row is saved and the destination ID is known, Migrate API saves the source ID, destination ID, and row hash into a table.

Continuous migrations can be tracked using the source ID and hash of the map. You can also look up values in the map that links source and destination IDs.

Highwater marks

Highwater marks

Highwater marks enable Migrate API track changes, so we can only migrate content created or modified within the source since the previous migration was executed.

This means that the source plugin must have a special high_water_propertyproperty. This property can indicate the most recent (or highest) value that has been migrated.

Lets take nodes as an illustration. We could use the ID to identify the high_water_property. The migration system would track the highest nid that has been migrated.

When we do another migration, we will only move the nodes with a higher ID. Only nodes can be migrated to the source system since the last migration.

The changed property also gives nodes a timestamp. This timestamp is used to populate nodes that are created, or when an existing node is.

This property can be used to migrate properties that have higher values.

Want More Information About Our Services? Talk to Our Consultants!

Creative Drupal Themes That Grow Business and Boost Sales

Creative Drupal Themes That Grow Business and Boost Sales

Custom Drupal UI

For converting web traffic to sales, we build and customize Drupal UI. Our Drupal designers use the latest innovations to increase your brands online reputation using visually appealing themes.

Customized themes

Are you experiencing any limitations in your theme? Are you looking to install a new drupal theme development for your business? We can help you customize a theme to suit your needs.

Support provided promptly

If you have any issues with theme customization or integration, we are available to help 24/7. To optimize your business growth, we focus on the appearance and features of your Drupal website.

Drupal Development Expertise

Drupal Development Expertise

It would be best if you had Drupal applications that are flexible, secure, user-friendly, feature-rich, and user-centric to help your business achieve its digital goals.

Our team has extensive experience in developing websites for all types of businesses. Our Drupal experts can help you develop Drupal solutions that meet your needs. Our team can help you with the following:

Create the perfect digital core for your company.

  1. Easy content authoring makes it easy for marketing teams to empower themselves.
  2. Launch campaigns/landing pages faster..
  3. Deep personalization and omnichannel strategies are essential.
  4. Drupal Website Design - Visually appealing.
  5. Reduce development and maintenance costs.
  6. SEO Rankings - Improve.
  7. Get powerful analytics and data reporting tools.

Our Drupal 9 Upgrade Strategy

Our Drupal 9 Upgrade Strategy

Analyze existing CMS

  1. Learn how files, content, and users are stored. Are stored.
  2. Analyze architectural features and current architecture.
  3. Documentation and reports.

Content Inventory

  1. All content types are listed.
  2. Identify duplicate contents.
  3. Plan and document upgrades.

Upgrade process

  1. Upgrade any software, or create custom scripts.
  2. Maintain log file for upgrade.
  3. If necessary, migrate the URL structure of the webpage.

Content cleaning/revision

  1. If there is a file that is not in the content, you can migrate it (video, pdf, or other).
  2. Replace the absolute URL with a relative URL.
  3. If there are any issues with the format, clean them up and update them.


  1. If the URL of the page has changed, add redirects.
  2. Migrate metatag, page title.
  3. Replace the old 404 links online with newer ones.

Validate and Test

  1. Ensure that all content is migrated to the exempted format.
  2. Check the SEO data on the page.
  3. Verify if there is a 404 page.

Pros & Cons of Drupal Commerce

Pros & Cons of Drupal Commerce

Drupal e-commerce Benefits:

Simple content management

Drag-and-drop editors are intuitive and straightforward to use.

Multilingual sites

Multilingual Drupal eCommerce sites can increase sales and reach out to people who speak different languages. Drupal supports nearly 100 languages right out of the box.

Integrations of payment gateways

Drupal 9 e-commerce allows for easy integrations with third parties. PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Stripe are all available as payment options.

Flexible shipping options

You can quickly and easily set up different shipping options for your online shop.

Mobile-first architecture

Drupal mobile-first design makes your website look and function great across all devices and channels.


Drupal SEO functionality can help your online store rank higher on search results.

Drupals drawbacks for e-commerce sites:

  1. Technical knowledge is required.
  2. Many custom code-writing opportunities.

What is a Drupal Developer?

What is a Drupal Developer?

Drupal site developers are specialists who create and maintain websites using the Drupal CMS. This developer is familiar with PHP.

The frameworks have worked with many versions of Drupal and know front-end languages such as JavaScript. The Drupal web developer is responsible for designing and developing a website, as well as its architecture and performance.

They also ensure that it is user-friendly and functional.

What Should a Drupal Developer Be Able To Do?

What Should a Drupal Developer Be Able To Do?

Drupals guru is an experienced Drupal website developer. An expert Drupal website developer is the guru of Drupal.

This person knows everything about the system, including its drawbacks and perks, and can design and build any system. While some senior developers might be more focused on developing Drupal websites from scratch, others may work with themes and modules development.

The requirements of the project will determine the level of expertise and qualification required for a Drupal web developer. Contact us to get a quote so that we can help you find the right Drupal developer for your project.

Hire a Drupal developer for your project

Hire a Drupal developer for your project

We can offer a Drupal developer to:

  1. B2B enterprises.
  2. Automotive.
  3. Healthcare.
  4. Media & Publishing.
  5. Tourism.
  6. Real estate field.
  7. Finance & Insurance.

We can help you find your industry. Please share the details of your project with us. We will evaluate your idea and provide the expertise required to realize your unique ideas.

What Role Does An E-Commerce Developer Play?

What Role Does An E-Commerce Developer Play?

E-commerce web developers are crucial in ensuring that potential customers can navigate your e-commerce store easily, find what they need, and check out quickly and safely.

They have a wide range of skills. These include back-end programming and front-end web design. Their responsibilities will vary depending on the type of store they work in.

A team or developer can:

  1. Your e-commerce storefront should be functional but also beautiful.
  2. Customers will find it easier to find the right product by filtering by price, size, or color.
  3. This will help you decide which features the best match your other website content.

How Can I Find Out What Features My E-Commerce Site Needs?

Your business model and specific needs will determine the features and functionality that your e-commerce website should have.

You can create a list of what your e-commerce website requires based on your goals and metrics. These features should closely match your customers lifecycle.

These are the most important things to keep in mind:

  1. Responsive design.
  2. Strong SEO capabilities.
  3. Page speed.
  4. Integration with social media channels or marketplaces.
  5. Multiple payment options and gateways.
  6. Integration of CMS (content management systems)
  7. Shopping cart design.
  8. Filtering of products.

Want More Information About Our Services? Talk to Our Consultants!


To efficiently deliver Drupal development services, we use Agile methodology. We do this by integrating project goals with business goals.

The outcomes that we produce at each stage will show how your digital assets are changing. Developers.DEV can significantly impact any website, whether its a social network site, e-commerce platform, or enterprise website.

Our team of Drupal theme developers is experienced and focused on creating designs that will convert visitors into customers.

We collaborate with clients to understand their needs regarding theme layout, functionality, and features.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes