Every enterprise, from start-ups to big companies, wishes to get an app that stands out in the market. But, this is not a cakewalk.
For making an exceptional app, lots of decisions are taken, especially while selecting the right technology stack for the app. This is primarily the work of an Android app development company, but the integration of yours and the company's choice would collectively end up resulting in the best decisions.
So, it is advised to be thorough with the technical term.
Primarily, Structure, features, functions, and design are some of the important factors to be considered while developing an app.
These factors depend on the right choice of the technology stack. So, first of all, you need to know the list of the technology stacks used for Android app development.
Understanding Technology Stack
As the name suggests, stack means pile. Here, the pile is made of different components. So tech stack is a pile of various technical components required for developing an app.
These components are a programming language, a set of tools, frameworks, and a combination of software applications. All of these come together to form a better front-end and back-end of the application. A tech stack decides the future of the mobile app.
You can hire Android app developers and discuss with them your requirements from an app. Select the right tech stacks and secure a factor that is responsible for the future of your enterprise. These developers are people with high ability and talent in their field.
List Of Back-End Technologies
Back-end, in simple terms, means the work that is done behind the curtain. It infers the inside work done while developing an application.
It is used for data storage, security purposes, etc.
- Programming Language
It is a set of instructions that produces the desired output after feeding it to the computer.
- Python: It is a versatile programming language. It is also chosen mostly by beginners. The Django framework works in Python and is easy to catch. It has a special package that helps Python in maths, computing, engineering, data science, machine learning, image processing, etc. Since some of these are of academic concern, Python is inclined towards academics. Mobile app development services have service providers who are highly able to acknowledge the right programming language and framework, and all essential needs for your app. We would recommend you to contact them and discuss your needs from the app. Help them to select the right stack and further be satisfied with the product.
- JavaScript: It is a widely-used programming language and has been increasing in its popularity for the last 7 years. It is mainly a front-end language but is used in the back-end through Node.Js. It is considered the best programming language due to its friendly syntax. Hence, JavaScript is one of the best programming languages, especially for beginners.
- PHP: It is widely used and one of the oldest languages. It is mainly used to develop web apps, but according to Zend, it is used for Android as well as iOS apps.
- Databases
- MongoDB: It is the most popular document database. In the back-end, it is useful for storage purposes. It is easy to learn and apply. It stores data in a flexible form. It has a facility of queries and aggregation which helps to analyze the data. The best part is that MongoDB is free to use. These technical works are well-acknowledged by Android applications development services. Service providers have the experience, skills, and techniques required in this field. They will help you to select the right database for your app and reduce the storage problems. Look for them, get to know their skills, and then select the best tech stacks for your app.
- MySQL: It is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) which is used for storage purposes. It is also a free and open-source database. It is used by many biggies such as Netflix, Twitter, etc. It facilitates advanced features and is quick, easy, and flexible to use, which makes MySQL helpful in projects.
- Framework
It is a set of programs or a collection of code or the structure on which technology is based. It refers to the kind of programs that can be built.
- Ruby On Rails: This is an open-source framework that is free to use. It simply helps in building a website. Some big names are attached to Ruby on Rail such as GitHub, Shopify, Airbnb, SoundCloud, InstaKart, etc. It makes programming easier. It has a lot of tools that facilitate building simple as well as complex mobile applications. It offers a large library of plugins. It gets updated and runs smoothly. It is great for small projects, unlike Django.
- Flask: This framework is written in Python and is classified as a micro framework. It runs on the server context. It is also mostly preferred for smaller projects. It is very flexible and lightweight. It supports unique testing, secure cookies, etc.
- Django: Django consists of almost everything that is required by a developer to execute their ideas. It is mainly for larger applications. Some popular websites that have been built on Django are Mozilla and Pinterest. Django is highly customizable and scalable. It is a high-level Python framework.
- Swift: This is used for macOS and Linux. It uses various tools such as Swift Package manager, X code, and Perfect Assistant. Swift is developed by Perfectly Soft.
- Server Providers
- Apache
- Nginx
Front-End Technology Stack
This is what you see while using the app. It takes care of rich user experiences, easy user interface, and clear internal structures.
Front-end developers keep a check on the accessibility and performance of the app. Front-end decides whether the app is effective while interacting with the user or not. A good front-end makes the user stay in-app.
We would suggest you hire dedicated developers India. Make sure you have a clear idea of what you require in your app. These developers are skilled and equipped with new technologies.
You can talk to them, exchange ideas, and come up with the best selection of tech stacks in your app.
- JavaScript
- Web Assembly
The technology stack is divided into three parts: Native Apps, Hybrid Apps, and cross-platform mobile apps.
- Technology Stack For Native Apps
A native app is mostly preferred while developing a mobile app. A native app has some special features like device compatibility, rich performance, and high security.
Some popular apps that use native apps are Waze, Pokรฉmon Go, and Lyft. It is further divided into two parts according to tools and programming language. Though it is the job of an Android app development company to select the right stacks.
But, you are well aware of the features that you need in your app. So, it should be a combined effort to get the best result. No doubt the company provides the best services with the help of its experts, but your idea is required to fulfill your needs.
So, know about tech stacks and have a conversation with the team.
- Android App development Tech Stacks
- Java: Java has established itself as the most widely used programming language. It has vast libraries, making it an official Android app development language. It has a vast open-source tool that makes this programming language developer-friendly. It is regularly improved with the help of a big company like Google and Yahoo. Hire offshore developer, because this is an efficient approach to selecting the right tech stacks for your app. Here your task will be done by the best service providers. This will not only improve productivity and quality but also reduces the overall price.
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- Kotlin: Kotlin is in trend these days because of its unique features. It is a lightweight and clean programming language. This new language was made to overcome issues of Java and provide a better experience to developers. Google has considered Kotlin as the second official Android programming language, making this language more acceptable.
- Software Development Kit (SDK): This is necessary for developers who are into writing programs with all the latest features. The software can be different for different androids. It can be easily downloaded.
- iOS App Development Technology Stack
An iOS developer needs a different set of technology stack:
- Swift: It is the most preferred native app programming language by developers for iOS. It is less prone to errors, and hence widely accepted. It has vast libraries, which helps to reduce the size and hence in better functioning with a remarkable increase in performance. It provides many more rich experiences with its intricate features like reusability, readability, high security, and simplifies the development process.
- Objective - c: It was one of the most used native iOS programming languages but due to some loopholes, Swift has taken over the market. It is still used while handling large-scale and very complex projects. It is an object-oriented programming language.
- Toolset-(a) Xcode: The main functions of Xcode are to develop gaming apps as well as help in publishing native apps. This tool is a UI development tool. Xcode has a dynamic interface builder. It helps to design interfaces without writing code.
- Appcode: This tool has established itself as an alternative to Xcode. It uses all the programming languages such as Swift, objective - c, Java, and C++. A unique feature of AppCode is its faster coding. Hire offshore developers,and they will give you the option to recognize more talents. These developers will be pro in their respective fields. It will help you to save time and concentrate more on your core business goals. Though you should have a clear conversation about your requirements from your app.
- iOS SDK: Thus kit helps to create native apps for Apple which can be used on different Apple devices. This is based on the Applications Programming Interface (API). It works as an interconnection between software applications and different platforms.
- Technology Stack For Hybrid Apps
Hybrid apps work on two components:
- Native shell
- Back-end code
The integrated function of the native shell and back-end code results in the development of Hybrid Apps. Here, native shell functions as a wrapper with reference to the web back-end code.
Examples of prominent names using hybrid app development are Amazon App Store, Evernote, etc.
Some technology stacks for hybrid apps are mentioned one below:
- Ionic: This hybrid app development framework is based on AngularJS. It uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build an app. It focuses on UI experience.
- Apache Cordova/Adobe PhoneGap: Apache Cordova was bought by Adobe that was later renamed as Phonegap. Phonegap is a commercialized distribution of Apache. It is an open-source hybrid mobile app development framework. Since it is a hybrid app it uses JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS as programming languages. JavaScript is used for logic operations whereas the latter two are used for rendering.
- Technology stack for cross-platform apps
Examples of cross-platform apps are Instagram, Skype, and Pinterest.
- React native: This framework is supported by one of the most used social media platforms - Facebook. This framework is based on JavaScript.
- TypeScript: This language is supported by Microsoft. It acts as a support system for the React Native framework as it has an error detection feature. We would recommend you contact mobile app development services. They have service providers with high skills and abilities. They have better knowledge in this field. You can communicate with them and share your ideas to select the right tech stacks. This step is most important to get an app with the required design, structure, and interface.
Read the blog- What Are The Best Android App Development Frameworks 2020?
- Xamarin: This cross-platform mobile app development tool is supported by one of the leading companies - Microsoft. It is based on the C# programming language. It facilitates bringing many apps on the same code.
Essential Requirements For Selecting A Suitable Mobile App Tech Stack
It is observed that most of the owners who need an app completely depend on the service provider to develop a mobile app.
It would be better if you take some time out and help service providers in selecting the right tech stacks. In the end, you need an app for long-term use. So, be careful! Some aspects which you should consider are:
- Network Dependency
Here, both native, as well as hybrid apps can work without Internet connectivity. But, here the point you should analyze is do you need an app in high latency and low bandwidth network? Hybrid apps have tough limitations of in-browser caching.
Android application development serviceshave skilled and experienced service providers. You can contact them and select the best programming language, type of app, framework, and database. The right choice will help you to get the right product.
Remember, your app gives an impression of your company.
- Security
Security is one of the most essential aspects which should be deeply checked as cybersecurity has always affected the tech industry.
Apps may have payment facilities. To avoid any cyber threat all the payment and banking apps ask for a password before accessing certain protected data.
Though, this is not a complete solution. For better security, enterprises should not allow VPN to be accessed over insecure public networks.
Content Delivery Network is essential to ensure faster response as well as fast downloading. You may want your business to expand overseas, and in that case, a user accessing your app miles away may get irritated and leave your app due to slow speed.
So, it is advised to launch a mobile app on CDN instead of the local server. Hire dedicated developers India,and be assured about the development process of your app. Have interaction with these developers and exchange your ideas with the experts.
Make an integrated effort to select the right tech stacks and you will be happy with the product.
Wrapping Up
Above are the list of the technology stacks that are used for Android app development. In that, we got to know the front-end, backend, all the tech stacks that are used in native apps, hybrid apps, and cross-platform apps.
Along with that, we discussed the aspects to be considered while selecting tech stacks. As you know, tech stacks are related to the development of an app for your enterprise or company. An application is a multitasking technology.
It helps you to connect with your customers whenever required and it represents your company. It is a significant factor in deciding the future of your company.
The development of an app depends on selecting the right tech stacks. How the app will come out after building it depends on the selection of the tech stack made while developing it and the skill of the developer.
Hire Android app developers if you want to give a rich user experience and attract potential customers through your app. These developers are proficient in their field. Discuss with them and select the right stacks. And then, you just have to wait to get positive reviews from your users.
So, it is essential to know about all tech stacks and select the right one keeping in mind the requirement of features, structures, and designs in your app. An app should be user-friendly with intriguing and attractive designs. So, it is important that you make the right choices.
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