Increase E-commerce Traffic: 5 Essential SEO Tips

Improve E-commerce Traffic: 5 Essential SEO Tips

What Is SEO For E-Commerce?

What Is SEO For E-Commerce?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for web retailers is designed to increase their rank in the search results. A site optimized with quality Epic content will rank higher on popular search engines such as Google - this increases visibility and generates traffic to your storefront.

SEO for E-Commerce sites primarily aims to maximize leads and convert more customers. SEO goes beyond adding keywords and writing blogs; it is more complex than that, and understanding how search engines reward and function is crucial to its success.

Implement SEO strategically while adhering to Google guidelines.

E-Commerce Best Practices

SEO can be an intricate field. With so many retail websites competing to stand out, standing out can be challenging.

Your journey can begin on an auspicious note by following our best practices outlined below.

This guide can be an ideal target audience starting point if you have never optimized your website; alternatively, our suggestions might prove beneficial even if your optimization efforts have already begun.

How To Increase Your Website Traffic

How To Increase Your Website Traffic

Keyword Optimization For Your Site And Listing

Optimizing your web pages and products with keywords your target audience will likely use is essential to creating a successful keyword strategy.

Here are a few factors you should keep in mind when developing it.

Imagine yourself as a potential customer shopping for winter boots; what keywords might they use when searching online for them? Potential searchers would likely include commercial terms like "winter boot sales," "deals for winter shoes," or simply searching.

Working backward allows businesses to plan keywords strategically while gathering insight into customer search ranking patterns.

How Is Your Keyword Used?

Although commercial keywords were discussed extensively above, informational and navigational keywords also exist and will produce different results; "How to care for winter boots" will likely produce blogs, while "Winter boot stores in Boston" could bring local retailers.

What level of competition exists among target keywords on Google? Not all primary keywords have the same level of competition on the search engine - shorter ones tend to draw more searches each month but require more excellent work in ranking or bidding; longer keywords might generate fewer searches each month but are easier to rank and bid on;

Search types will dictate the most suitable strategy, while digital marketers who utilize data and tools such as Google Keyword tool Planner make informed decisions.

An example using scooters follows.

Create a strategy to target more relevant keywords for your products and pages, no matter which tool you select.

When necessary, include these in product descriptions, category pages, F.A.Q.s, or titles - without overdoing it; stay aware of their possibility when publishing product pages.

Enjoy Your Products Page

Once a keyword research tool is part of your marketing plan, review each product page to assess improvement opportunities to enhance customers buying experiences.

Yes, content ranking plays an integral role in SEO for eCommerce stores. Googles search engine has seen numerous upgrades to place top relevant content front and center for searching.

Google E.A.T. (Expertise Authoritativeness & Trustworthiness) guidelines were launched to encourage brands and ecommerce stores alike to produce more thoughtful content and ensure quality publication.

The focus should always be put on publishing quality material that communicates honestly and accurately to its target readers - this raises standards across brands and eCommerce sellers alike.

Ecommerce websites that accept payment online fall under the Your Money, Your Life (YMYL) umbrella and, as such, must comply with E.A.T.


How can you enhance the user experience on product pages? What features should your page experience include? Analyze Patagonias product pages as an example and utilize their success as a source.

After scrolling through one of their products, a few things stand out as notable.

An impressive assortment of product images in various colors and sizes is available here, each providing details about its model use.

Feel free to watch the accompanying video for a demonstration. Incorporate information regarding fabric sustainability as well as materials used. Product features of note include its zipper mechanism, pockets, and sleeves, as well as construction features and climate ratings.

Reviews, quotes, and ratings from real users. Patagonia is an inspiring brand to follow - they pay careful attention to the products content which has earned them better rankings on Google, resulting in increased sales.

Consider what checkout products and pages you like using some of that content to enhance the purchasing experience on your site.

Rich Snippets Can Be Marked Up With Structured Data

Now is the time to add features to your website, and structured data markup is a crucial feature to consider.

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Markup provides users with additional product details before they land on your site and ranks you higher in Google Snippets - a feature common among ecommerce businesses.

Below is an example.

Ratings and reviews can be essential in search engine optimization and driving user clicks to your site when they appear on results pages.

Search Engine Journal has highlighted data showing nearly 50% of customers would only accept products with four-star ratings.

What Is Structured Data Marking?

What Is Structured Data Marking?

Add structured data manually or automatically to your product. First, manually enter it. Those familiar with programming could try their hands at it by following Googles excellent article detailing this process and code they can copy and paste for reference.

Second, use an app plug-in. Here are the best-structured data apps you can install into your Shopify store to automate the markup of products; however, many may require monthly fees payment to stay active.

Your Websites Navigation Structure Should Be Improved

Although every website differs, users usually spend only 10-15 seconds exploring yours before leaving again. They will search bar elsewhere if the navigation and structure of your site prove challenging or if your categories could be more organized; as a result, improving both is essential to search engine optimization (SEO) and improving user experience (UX).

Breadcrumbs can provide essential navigation aid

Breadcrumb navigation provides users with another method for browsing websites without needing the full address of each webpage they want to explore.

Shopify has provided an instructional guide on implementing breadcrumb navigation into their storefront. At the same time, Google also makes this feature part of its search results, showing an example. Below is another illustration.

Optimize Your 404 Page And Fix Broken Links

Broken links are one of the main concerns for SEOs. Not only can broken links negatively compromise site performance and customer experience, but they may also reduce customer satisfaction significantly if interlinked product categories and pages containing broken links appear.

Some customers may leave while others click on other pages instead of remaining stuck!

An SEO tool like Ahrefs or Semrush is an invaluable way to locate and repair all broken links quickly and effortlessly, unlinking any unnecessary ones from wherever they were linked in the past and automatically fixing broken ones in Shopify stores.

No need to fret if there are occasional broken links on your website; an optimized 404 can still help users discover products by leading them to different parts of it.

Zappos provides an example: rather than leaving customers stuck where they are, Zappos uses its 404 pages as educational or assistance tools for potential clients.

Secure Your Online Store With Https

Secure Your Online Store With Https

After each sale, email subscription, or SMS opt-in, shop owners must collect customer information and ensure it remains protected and encrypted.

With HTTPS adoption, customer trust will undoubtedly increase; otherwise, someone browsing your online store might become disconcerted and abandon it entirely.

Google has declared HTTPS an official ranking factor; many high-quality sites have transitioned over recent years, as weLiveSecuritys graph below shows this increase.

Most ecommerce platforms already include SSL as part of the package or offer it for purchase; therefore, it should be one of your essential SEO traffic tips for ecommerce stores, if it matters at all.

Investing in it could make or break your store.

Page Speed Can Be Improved

Google has long recognized page speed as a crucial ranking factor since its quick access can assist buyers in quickly locating what they are searching for.

Recall from our article the statistic stating that users typically only spend 10-20 seconds viewing websites before leaving - meaning any slow page load times could significantly damage both SEO and traffic.

Making an ecommerce website load fast can be challenging, so we have listed below some simple solutions you can implement immediately to increase its speed.

Reduce Image File Sizes

Your goal should be to reduce stress on your website as much as possible, which should help in several ways. A Content Management System could store audio/video files and further reduce stressors.

Read More: E-commerce: Definition, Types, and Advantages

Integrating an app that optimizes files can be an economical approach to file optimization. There are various freemium and paid versions available for Shopify stores to do this task.

Reduce Css And Javascript

Use shorter functions and variables to increase page speeds and boost SEO by using less data to load pages. Your SEO rankings will benefit as your page loads quicker!

Google offers a free tool called PageSpeed Insights which gives an overview of metrics used to assess page performance.

Add Lazy Loading

Lazy loading means delaying video, image, and audio uploads until they have been seen by your visitor rather than immediately upon being on-page - an excellent way to boost performance and SEO instantly for websites featuring numerous images or videos, such as eCommerce sites with numerous images or videos.

Some e-commerce site builders provide lazy loading by default; you could also implement an application allowing this on other websites.

Optimize Your Store For Mobile Devices

Google will begin spidering sites using its mobile device spider to test and compare performance on mobile websites against benchmarks, ultimately ranking you accordingly.

Googles algorithm for crawling and ranking websites remains secretive; however, they appear to keep an eye out for various criteria, including: Verify that both versions contain similar content.

Make sure videos and images are mobile-friendly as well. Make sure your mobile ads do not interfere with user experience.

D.T.C. brand experience; here, we can see that their images, content, and navigation are easily readable and load quickly.

Before publishing their websites online, online merchants should test them on mobile devices to ensure consistent experience and content. This will guarantee an optimal shopping experience and content experience.

Create A Blog To Promote Your Online Shop.

Start blogging as an media -effective paid strategy to expand traffic to your store online. Beginning a blog may seem daunting at first, but its rewards could prove lasting - such as ranking highly for focus keyword searches related to products sold or industry information or simply increasing page visits that increase chances for sales conversion rate

Even if your blogs dont generate revenue directly, they still serve an educational function and expand brand recognition for customers and brand recognition purposes.

If you need further convincing that blogging could work for your company, watch our 5-minute video detailing its advantages!

Get Backlinks For Your Categories, Blogs, Products, And More.

Backlinks occur when another site links to your product, page, blog post, or any other content you own. Google recognizes these backlinks as social proof that other websites deem your material authoritative enough for linking; having many quality backlinks increases your chance of ranking higher on search volume engine result pages (SERPs).

Backlinks are one of the best ways to strengthen ecommerce SEO and earn traffic referrals from other sites.

While earning these links may seem impossible, you can increase your odds through various methods.

Write for other sites. Ask other businesses and brands you are associated with if you can write articles for their websites; this could link back to one of your most visited pages and provide another way to reach their audiences.

Pay websites that Email lists products for you may be an affordable way of listing products online for sale, giving a percentage of each sale made through them as a commission.

Create incredible high quality content. Earn organic links by producing fresh content on ecommerce marketing people will link to; it should be no surprise.

However, content production standards have never been higher; The Sole Supplier offers an outstanding example of engaging content by translating pop culture and education concepts into shoe concepts, an ideal example that has garnered several links since its launch!

These advanced techniques include broken link building and reverse image search, reverse image search statistics, and statistics rounds! These strategies offer numerous options to build business links effectively!

Internally Link To Products, Blogs, Categories, And Other Content

Internally Link To Products, Blogs, Categories, And Other Content

Though backlinks may be hard to come by naturally or independently, you can perform an activity that will have more immediate ramifications on SEO for your store - this practice is known as internal linking.

You are transferring link equity by linking directly to specific pages or products within your blog, category page, or product page.

Google favors pages with more internal links as they give them more priority in search.

Internal linking is one of the best ecommerce SEO practices and has already shown signs of its success.

Andrew Dennis from Search Engine rankings Journal conducted a test and discovered that internal linking increased organic traffic. To see his results click here:

Your "Top 10", "How to," and "How to" blogs provide another avenue for customers to discover your latest offerings - this time via their referral traffic by clicking through.

This could lead to increased business for both you and them!

Create Duplicate Content

Avoiding duplicate content creation on your website can be challenging; product descriptions, titles, or categories might all contain multiple copies that might occupy duplicate slots on search results pages.

Here are a few methods to reduce duplicates and give more content strategy a chance of ranking well.

Write Unique Product Descriptions

When your brand offers products manufactured by multiple companies, entering product meta descriptions from each is relatively straightforward.

Unfortunately, when other brands follow in your footsteps and publish similar material, you publish duplicate content yourself. To add more depth to your meta descriptions and create an unforgettable user experience. Read Patagonias case study as an inspiration on how best to tell their product story through compelling storytelling - then make the necessary edits yourself before publishing this text!

Check Your Categories

As your brand expands, new product categories may emerge - keep them the same! If you are new to ecommerce, keep it simple by targeting one keyword per category using keyword research as described earlier.

Established brands should regularly audit their websites to search for duplicated categories that might cannibalize each other and compromise search engine optimization efforts. If, for instance, they all had categories called Womens Winter Coats but then also listed Winter Coats for Women and Winter Coats for Women - these could all have negative ramifications on search engine optimization efforts and should, therefore, all be used together instead if possible to maintain visibility across channels and search engines!

Ecommerce Seo Requires Patience And Consistency.

Ecommerce Seo Requires Patience And Consistency.

Growing organic traffic can be challenging for any brand and incredibly challenging today. Still, increasing it doesnt need to be impossible: by following even some of these ecommerce SEO services , you could see an uptick in organic visits and increase organic search visibility.

Are You Expecting Immediate Results from P.P.C. Advertising? Most likely not; SEO requires consistent and long-term focus to reap its full potential benefits - ultimately reducing paid advertisement costs in the process! By devoting time and energy towards improving SEO efforts for your business, its future success may surprise even you!

Ahrefs provides free keyword suggestions, estimates of traffic volume, and bidding estimates if youre willing to put down money; otherwise, you can upgrade and get even deeper insights on long tail keywords, traffic levels, and your competition; for instance, below is their example using winter boot as the keyword.

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SEO for E-commerce websites can help increase website visibility and bring in new clients while building up a loyal clientele.

Focusing on critical best practices and optimizing key areas can make things less complex.SEO takes time and requires constant upkeep if its to produce optimal results.Improve E-commerce Traffic: 5 Essential SEO Tips


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes