Demystifying Java Development: J2EE, J2SE, and J2ME Explained

Over 3 million devices utilize Java, a popular, high-level, and adaptable programming language that was developed in 1995 and is owned by Oracle.

It is used in servers, games, mobile apps, desktop apps, online apps, and database connections. Because Java facilitates cross-platform programming, it is affordable and extensively used by over 9 million developers worldwide.

Its object-oriented structure, security, resilience, and learning curve are among its salient characteristics.

There are three versions of Java: J2EE for enterprise-level applications, J2ME for mobile devices, and J2SE for general-purpose programs.

Java's significant community support, broad use, and big skill pool make it a mainstay in the software development business.



We are confident that you are familiar with Java and its characteristics. Lets begin our session today by learning some incredible facts about Java and why it is so popular.

Java, a popular programming language created in 1995, is very well-known.

It is owned and operated by Oracle. Java is used on more than 3,000,000 devices.

Its used for:

  1. Mobile apps (especially Android apps).
  2. Desktop applications.
  3. Web applications.
  4. Application servers and web servers.
  5. Games
  6. Database connection
  7. You can find out more about it here

Java is the most popular technology for building different types of products, primarily mobile apps. It is as versatile as Python, and you can create many kinds of software with Java, not just mobile apps.

Its a high-level programming language, and Java developers widely use it to build feature-rich apps.

It is versatile and can be used for many products, such as mobile apps. You can embed embedded systems, web pages, servers, and many other uses.

It is a great technology because it supports cross-platform app development. It makes products affordable and worth it. There are currently more than 9,000,000 Java developers around the globe.

Java: Why Use It?

Java: Why Use It?
  1. Java is compatible with different platforms (Windows and Mac, Linux, and Raspberry Pi, among others).
  2. It is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world.
  3. This skill is in high demand in the current job market.
  4. Its easy to learn and easy to use.
  5. It is free and open-source.
  6. Its secure, powerful, and fast.
  7. It enjoys large community support (tens to millions of developers).
  8. Java is an object-oriented language that provides a clear program structure and allows code reuse, lowering development costs.
  9. Java is very close to C++ and C# making it simple for programmers to switch from C# to Java.

Java Technologys Most Prominent Features

  1. Java is an object-oriented and simple technology.
  2. JavaScript is a popular development language, so its easy to find JavaScript-certified developers.
  3. The Java platform is secure and robust.
  4. Its architectural neutrality and portability are the key to its versatility.
  5. High-performance app development is possible.
  6. There are trusted Java components that you can use if youre looking for open-source development services.

Fun Facts About Java Technology

  1. Java was originally known as OAK. There is an interesting story behind it. It was built from an Oak tree that the developer had outside their home.
  2. Because of his love for coffee, he was also given the Java logo with the coffee cup.
  3. It was in 1996 that the first major Java development kit, or JDK, was released. This has been more than 20 years.
  4. Android is built on Java technology. The Android SDK uses Java technology. Android is the most popular development platform.
  5. Java does not have pointers like its predecessors.
  6. Contrary to popular belief, Java is not a programming language. JavaScript is a scripting language.
  7. Java is still the most popular language in the world of development.

Different Editions Of Java Platforms

Different Editions Of Java Platforms

Lets now understand the editions for the Java platform:

J2SE (Java Platform, Standard Edition)

The Java Platform Standard Edition, also known as Core Java, is the most basic and common version of Java.

This is the most basic form of Java and the basis for all other editions.

This is the oldest version of Java and includes several general-purpose APIs, such as Java. Lang, Java. Util etc.

This edition of Java also contains many special-purpose APIs.

The Java developer services are designed to allow you to use the J2SE version for creating desktop applications.

It includes all the basic features of Java, including arrays, streams, variables, String Java database connectivity, and primitive data types.

This package contains many amazing features that will enhance the developers experience in coding and provide them with the needed ease.

This is the foundation for all other editions, which have evolved to meet changing development needs.

You should have some development knowledge. Developers love JVM and can use it in many applications.

J2ME (Java Platform, Micro Edition)

This version is for applications that run on smartphones and other small devices. It is limited in processing power and battery limits.

It was designed to develop apps for small appliances.

The J2ME app also allows you to use web compression technologies. This reduces network usage and offers affordable internet access.

J2ME uses many APIs and libraries from J2SE and its own. This edition is designed to be compatible with mobiles, set-top boxes, and wireless devices.

In the past, you might have used an app on the Symbian OS (the old Nokia phones).

Most apps for the phone were also developed on the J2ME platform, the.jar app on the Nokia App Store. This was before smartphones became popular.

J2EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition)

Java Enterprise is widely used and more versatile than any other Java version. Its used to develop web services, networking apps, and server-side scripting.

J2EE is the community-driven edition. Many technology experts contribute to the development and improvement of technology.

The Java edition has made it easier for the custom software development company.

J2EE uses many components of J2SE. It has many new features, including JavaBeans, Java Message Services, and Servlets.

J2EE uses HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and other technologies to create web pages and services. It is also the most accepted standard for development.

Although there are many languages, such or PHP, they lack versatility, compatibility, and security features.

These features make the technology stand out from the rest and give it an edge over the competition. This is something that not many languages can offer.

The edition is well-known for its superiority in the development environment. It is renowned as a flexible, web-friendly language.

Why Is Java Important?

Why Is Java Important?

You are likely an enterprise application developer and know Java. Your organization may have thousands or even millions of lines of Java-based production code.

To maintain and upgrade your codebase, you must have some Java knowledge.

It would be wrong to think of Java as a legacy application. The Android operating system is powered by the Java language, which forms the core of the Java language.

It powers the vast majority of smartphones worldwide. Java is also a popular language for data science and machine learning applications.

Because of its reliability, usability, cross-platform compatibility, and security, Java is the language of choice for enterprise Internet solutions.

Java technology, in particular, is a great framework for developing web applications.

This is the foundation of any digital business. Java application servers are web containers that host Java components, XML, and web services.

These web containers interact with databases to provide dynamic web content and allow Java components and XML to be used.

Java application servers provide a stable environment for enterprise applications that can be used to manage security, transaction management, clustering, performance, connectivity, and scalability.

Other Java Variants

Java Card

A Java Card version of Java was released in addition to these three versions. This edition was designed to run applets securely and smoothly on smart cards and similar technology.

It is well-known for its portability, security, and versatility.


JavaFX is a different edition of Java technology. It is now merged into J2SE 8 (Standard Edition). It is used primarily for creating rich GUIs, or graphic user interfaces, in Java-based apps.

Swing has replaced the version and is a standard GUI language library. It can be used in both desktop and web browsers.

Personal Java

Personal Java is another important version of Java. The function was already fulfilled by J2ME, so it was not used much.

It supports the World Wide Web and Java Applets, as well as consumer electronics.

Personal Java was also used in embedded and mobile systems, but it was abandoned earlier.

Different Collaboration Scenarios For Your Software Development

Different Collaboration Scenarios For Your Software Development

Custom Software Development

Long-lasting and profitable software - designed specifically for your business processes but easily adaptable to future requirements.

Software Product Development

We develop scalable, resilient SaaS, desktop, and mobile software products that are easy to use and have great UX.

Full Outsourcing Of Software Development

We create self-managed teams of developers to meet your current and future software development needs. You dont have to rely on internal resources or expertise for your software development plans.

Software Support Maintenance

We ensure that your software runs smoothly and is relevant through continuous performance monitoring, proactive optimization, fast issue resolution, and rapid issue resolution.

Product Development Outsourcing

Product Development Outsourcing

Quick Time To Market

We can implement product changes using Agile development, CI/CD pipeline, and DevOps approach.

This allows us to maintain a steady release rate (every 2-3 weeks) while still maintaining a steady pace.

Lower Development Costs

Our cloud-native architectures are scalable and can be scaled to provide cost-effective products. We also employ pre-built elements (frameworks, platforms, and APIs).

Transparent Self-Management

Our self-managed software development team allows you to have as little involvement in project administration as possible.

We also guarantee high-quality product delivery through our Quality Management System, backed by ISO 9001 certification.

Through KPIs we develop together, we provide transparency in all that is done.

Committed Teams

So that your product is embraced by the team, we assign our experts to the projects keeping their professional interests in view.

Secure Cooperation

To protect your data, we begin cooperation by signing (if necessary, already at the initial negotiation stage).

Our secure IT infrastructure with IDS/IPS and DLP, SIEM, and data security practices approved by ISO 27001 certificate, as well as adherence to industry-specific standards (e.g., HIPAA.

PCI DSS. GDPR) ensures that your product remains protected throughout the project.

Flexible Outsourcing Options

We can either manage the entire development process for you or support your in-house team with a dedicated team or the staff augment model.

Read More: All You Need To Know About Java Development (A Comprehensive Guide) 2023

Context-Aware Product Design

We will be mindful of your target audience. We can use user behavior data to plan the product's UI/functionality.

Risk Management

We assess different risks (time and budget) and create a mitigation plan to address them.

Technical Benefits

Technical Benefits

There are many technical reasons Java should be considered when choosing a programming environment and language for your next enterprise app.

These include interoperability and scalability, as well as adaptability.

The primary justification for choosing Java for new enterprise applications continues to be compatibility across a variety of devices.

Javas object-oriented architecture allows it to create modular programs and reusable code. This reduces development times and extends the life span of enterprise applications.

Javas platform scalability is its key feature. Java allows you to use one system for a wide range of uses.Existing desktop applications can easily be converted to work on smaller, less powerful devices.

It is possible to migrate apps from mobile to desktop. This enables you to create professional Android business apps and then incorporate them into your current desktop software.

Strategic planners also love Javas ability to adapt to new use cases. Java, for example, is widely considered an ideal platform to support the Internet of Things (IoT).

A typical IoT application connects many disparate devices. This task is made easier by the billions of Java-enabled devices.

Javas vast ecosystem of developers is constantly creating and sharing new libraries that specifically target IoT application development.

Benefits For Businesses

Benefits For Businesses

Although the technical arguments for Java are strong, there are also compelling business reasons to choose Java: a large talent pool and a short learning curve.

Java also offers a wide variety of integrated development environments (IDEs).

The demand for skilled developers is increasing as companies adopt connected devices, machine-learning algorithms, and cloud services.

Analysts predict a shortage of senior-level programmers within the next few years, making it more difficult to staff new software projects.

The demand for mobile app developers could easily surpass the supply.

Java is a great platform for major software projects because of its large talent pool. Java developers are a popular choice for staffing managers.

They can expect to get many qualified applicants and fill the positions quickly. Managers may also use contract resources to augment their staff for specific tasks without increasing headcount.

Major software projects require a large number of junior contributors in addition to high-level developers.

Although Java is still a popular programming language for university computer science students, many Java graduates need to become proficient enough to become productive from day one.

Java is much easier than other programming languages. This allows for a faster learning curve and quicker ramp-up to productivity.

Javas large online community of tutorials, user groups, and developer forums help novice programmers quickly get up to speed and gives seasoned programmers effective, proven tools for solving problems.

Java has a wide range of IDEs for programming tools. Java developers who are experienced can quickly learn in a new environment.

This allows development managers to select the IDE that is most appropriate for their project budget, programming methodology, and programer skill level.

Most Java programmers consider NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA the best IDEs to use for enterprise application development. There are situations where a lighter IDE.

Java Primary Features

  1. Platform independent: The compiler converts source code into bytecode, and then the JVM executes bytecode generated from the compiler. This bytecode is compatible with any platform, Windows, Linux, and macOS. If a program is compiled on Windows, it can be run on Linux. Although each operating system uses a different JVM to produce its output, the output of all OSes is the same after the execution of bytecode. Java is a platform-independent language.
  2. Object-Oriented programming language: Organizing a program according to a collection of objects is a method of object-oriented programming. Each object represents an instance in the class.

These are the four major concepts of Object-Oriented Programming

These are the four major concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
  1. Abstraction
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  1. Simplified: Java has simple features such as pointers, operator overloading, and explicit memory allocation.
  2. Robust: The Java language, which is reliable, is strong. The Java compiler is designed to make it easy to spot errors early on.
  3. Safe: Java doesnt have pointers, so we cant access out-of-bound arrays. It will show the Array Index Out Of Bound when we attempt to do this. Java doesnt allow for buffer overflow or stack corruption to be exploited. Java programs are also run in an environment independent from the operating system environment, which makes them more secure.

Read More: What Are The Main Differences Between Windows And Linux Regarding Java Development?

  1. Distributed: We can create distributed applications with the java programming language. Remote Method Invocation (or Enterprise Java Beans) are two methods to create distributed Java applications. Java programs can easily be distributed to multiple systems connected via an internet connection.
  2. Multithreading: Java allows multithreading. This Java feature allows the simultaneous execution of multiple program parts to maximize the CPUs utilization.
  3. Portable: As we all know, java code written on one machine can also be executed on another. Java is portable because it has a platform-independent feature that allows its platform-independent bytecode to be transferred to any platform for execution.
  4. High Performance: Java architecture has been designed to reduce overhead and make Java run faster. Java uses the Just In Time (JIT) compiler that compiles code on demand basics.
  5. Dynamic flexibility: Javas object-oriented nature allows us to add classes, create new methods for existing classes, and even create new classes by subclassing. Java supports functions written in languages other than Java, such as C++ and C. These are called native methods.
  6. Sandbox Execution: allows Java programs to run in a separate space. This will enable users to execute their applications without affecting any underlying system. The bytecode verifier provides additional security by checking the code for access violations.
  7. Write Once Run Anywhere: As discussed above java application generates a .class file which corresponds to our applications(program) but contains code in binary format. Because bytecode does not depend on any particular machine architecture, it is architecture-neutral. This is why java is widely used in the global enterprising IT sector.
  8. The power of compilation and interpretation: Languages are either compiled or interpreted. Java integrates enormous power because the Java compiler compiles source code to binary code. JVM executes this binary code to machine OS-dependent executable codes.

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We hope you enjoyed the content. Java is a popular technology with large community support. Java is used to develop mobile apps, web applications, and software programs.

It is one the most well-known technologies of today because it offers flexibility and powerful performance, which we require in todays competitive market.

Contact us to learn more about Java consulting services that will help you make better decisions for your business.


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