Supercharge Efficiency: Essential Tools for Top Front-End Developers

Essential Tools for Top Front-End Developers

These are the tools that present a massive wide range of opportunities for responsive app design like the code-streamlining process, advanced plugins, browser add-ons, etc.

But a large number of the tools make it complicated for the front-end developer in terms of selecting the best one. So, once you decide to hire front end developer for your business, the shortlist of tools we bring for you will make you fall in love!

1. What is Sublime Text?

1. What is Sublime Text?

Sublime Text claims to be a "sophisticated editor for code and markup" and is now in its fourth major release. It supports Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Sublime Text, at its core, is like a Swiss Army Knife that can be used to solve any problem or use case involving manipulating Text.

It is a well-designed, extremely efficient, and agile code editor that helps in making your life simple. It offers a myriad of keyboard shortcuts apart from a comprehensive entire range of feature functions.

It means that you now simultaneously edit your code and quickly navigate to the symbols, lines, and files. It will surely lead to time-saving if you are spending a hefty amount of time with your editor.

Sublime Text might appear as a text editor only for developers at first glance. Sublime Text is an excellent tool for developers but also powerful for bloggers and writers.

Lets take a quick look at some scenarios where Sublime Text might be useful before we get into the details of Sublime Text.

  1. How to Download Sublime Text

Sublime Text can be downloaded for free from the Sublime Text official website. Sublime Text technically is not freeware.

Instead, it is a "shareware app" which can be downloaded for free but may have some limitations after a certain period.

Sublime Text will continue to work indefinitely. However, you may occasionally see a popup that details how to buy the app.

Sublime Text can be purchased as a personal or business license starting at $65 per seat/year. Although a paid license does not unlock additional core functionality, it gives you access to these perks:

  1. No reminder pop ups for purchases.
  2. Access to Sublime Text development versions.
  3. Notifications of updates in-app.
  1. Regex Replace and Find

Regex is short for a regular expression, and its a syntax to specify search patterns. Regex is often used to find similar text strings (but different) for text editing.

If you want to remove all HTML tags from a text, for example, it will take a lot of time to search for each tag.

You can instead use a single regex pattern to perform your search. The regex pattern is used in this instance [a-zA-Z0-9].

It can be used to locate all HTML tags within a document. Sublime Text makes it easy to perform a regex replacement. Click Find > Find In Files in the menu bar. Next, enable regex mode on the find and replace menu.

In the "Find" field, enter the regex pattern. Click on the Find or Replace button, depending on what you are trying to do.

  1. Quickly Run Code

Sublime Text allows you to run code within the app, which is a departure from traditional text editors. This is particularly useful for smaller development project, such as small Python or Bash scripts.

If you are writing a Python script to extract data from a list of URLs, creating a separate Terminal for debugging code is more convenient than running it directly in Sublime Text.

Sublime Text allows you to run code using Tools > Build System. Select the language you want to use (Sublime supports many languages, such as Python, Ruby, Bash, and more).

Next, press Cmd+B (Mac) or Ctrl+B (Windows) to execute your code.

  1. Multi-line Editing

You may find yourself in situations where multiple text file lines need to be edited simultaneously. Imagine that you have a domain list and need to add https:// on each line.

You can certainly go line by line, but it could be time-consuming. Sublime Text allows you to select all lines that you wish to edit. Simply press Shift+Cmd+L, and you can edit each line simultaneously.

Sublime Text is a powerful tool for developers. Still, it has powerful tools such as regex support, multi-line editing, and more.

We now have an overview of Sublime Texts capabilities. Lets dive deeper and find out more about the app.

  1. Text Snippets

Sublime Texts text snippets are perhaps the most powerful feature, especially for coders. Writing code can sometimes be tedious, as we all know.

Sublime Text Snippets allow you to quickly insert text blocks that will repeatedly appear in any project.

These text snippets are easy to read and simple to write. This tool allows developers to save time and avoid many mistakes while developing.

To start a snippet, type "trigger" and click the tab button.

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2. What is Twitter Bootstrap?

2. What is Twitter Bootstrap?

jQuery is a lightweight, small and efficient JavaScript library. It supports multiple browser types and is cross-platform.

Its also known as "write less, do more." Because it takes many common tasks that require JavaScript code and binds them together into methods that can all be called with one line of code, it can also be used to simplify many of the more complicated JavaScript tasks, such as AJAX calls or DOM manipulation.

It is considered one of the wide variety used frameworks for the user interface. You will be completely impressed by the extensive UI package of Bootstrap framework if you are a UI developer or a designer.

It is mainly developed by Twitters team. You need to perform various important tasks as a user interface developer. Bootstrap helps you with the stylesheet normalizing, modal object building, addition of the Javascript plugins, and more.

Twitter Bootstrap, or simply Bootstrap, is an open-source framework of HTML and CSS used for front-end web development.

Bootstrap is a well-known name in front-end web development process. It has hundreds of thousands of websites, including many popular ones built on it.

  1. What is Bootstrap used for?

Bootstrap can be used to quickly create responsive, mobile-first websites. It means that you can quickly create responsive websites that scale to the screen size of the device used (responsiveness).

The website elegant design is first designed for mobile applications, then modified to fit larger devices (mobile-first).

This is crucial because internet use on the move has increased exponentially recently. It will continue to increase.

This is true for mobile devices. Poor user experience level will result from websites too small or too large to be viewed on a tablet or smartphone.

Websites musdt adapt to each device, whether it is in portrait or landscape mode.

Bootstrap comes with components you can use for building your websites. These components come with default styles that you can modify using Bootstraps utility and contextual classes.

You can also use custom CSS to add your markup. Bootstrap uses JavaScript components and jQuery plugins to create components such as tooltips and popovers. Bootstraps beauty is that you dont need to include JavaScript or JQuery in your project.

You have the freedom to choose.

  1. Bootstrap: Why?

Bootstrap has many benefits. Bootstrap is an open-source project, so you dont need to worry about your budget if you start with it.

It is easy to start - you only need to have a basic understanding of HTML.

You can get your project up and running in a fraction of the time it would take to create a responsive website. Bootstraps community is vast and can help you with any problem you may encounter during development.

Bootstrap is customizable if you need more than just the standard styles. Bootstrap framework works with all modern browsers.

Another advantage to Bootstrap is that you dont need to learn coding from scratch. Bootstraps official website has code snippets for basic HTML markup and all the bootstrap components.

You can also download a complete theme or web page template to simplify your work. You can also find Bootstrap code snippets online.

  1. Where can I Buy Bootstrap?

Bootstrap can be downloaded from the official website. Bootstrap can be downloaded as a single CSS and JS file or the complete source files.

Bootstrap can be included via CDN, making your website load quicker.

  1. How do I Get Started With Bootstrap?

After downloading Bootstrap, add the Bootstrap CSS file to the basic HTML markup. Bootstrap JavaScript, jQuery, and the Head Tags.

Thats all. Now you are ready to go.

Bootstrap documentation is required before you can begin using it. Bootstrap documentation includes examples, codes, and lists of all components.

Many utility classes can be used to create layouts. The Bootstrap grid system is essential, and Flexbox is necessary when creating websites. Everything you need to know about Bootstrap is in the documentation.

You can use Bootstrap documentation, for example, code, when building your website. There are many other resources online that you can also use.

These resources should be used.

Here are some official resources about Bootstrap:

  1. Bootstrap Expo - Showcases websites using Bootstrap.
  2. Bootstrap Themes - Customizable Bootstrap 4 Themes.
  3. Bootstrap Blog - Official blog of Bootstrap.
  4. Bootstrap GitHub - Bootstrap is developed, hosted, and maintained by GitHub.
  1. Are There Any Disadvantages?

Bootstrap has its disadvantages. Bootstrap is a rich source of code that can be reused for building, so you wont have to understand it.

Bootstrap should have custom CSS to style your website. Otherwise, you might end up looking just like other Bootstrap websites.

Bootstraps files are large. This can affect the loading integration of speed of your website.

These disadvantages can be overcome by customization. Bootstrap can be easily customized to create stunning websites.

The Bootstrap documentation has a customized page that addresses the problem of Bootstrap becoming too heavy. You can select what you want and then recompile.

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3. Chrome Developer Tools

3. Chrome Developer Tools

The platform can aid the front-end developers in terms of editing their HTML as well as the CSS In real-time.

It is used for debugging Javascript. Additionally, it allows you to have a look at the performance of the website. The tool comes in a bundle along with being available with Safari and Chrome.

DevTools are a collection of web developer tools built into Google Chrome. DevTools lets you view/change/manipulate DOM and modify a pages CSS in a preview environment.

You can also work with JavaScript using DevTools. It allows you to debug, view messages, and run JavaScript code directly in the console.

  1. DevTools can be Accessed in Many Different Ways

You can open the DevTools console directly from your browser on macOS. You can also open DevTools by clicking on an element on a page and selecting "inspect." This will allow you to inspect the elements and their attributes on a page.

This view will give you instant access to all the elements and styles of the page. DevTools opens as shown below. You can view the logo element and some CSS styling in the Elements or Styles panes.

  1. Viewing and Modifying a Pages Content and Styles (HTML and CSS)

You can do CSS prototyping by selecting the element from the DOM Tree and adding declarations to it in the Styles pane.

You can modify font properties like color, size, and family. You can also change background colors and button colors.

Editing your HTML is also possible. You can edit your HTML in two ways. Either in the console, by selecting an element, or directly in DevTools HTML pane by double-clicking the content you wish to modify.

  1. Debugging JavaScript

After you have placed a debugger in your JavaScript code and refreshed the browser, you can create an event. The debugger will pause the code and take you to the debugger console.

This allows you to quickly find problems and debug your code. The new code can be used by simply copying and pasting it into your JavaScript file. After that, you can remove your debugger from your browser and refresh your browser.

This is a very clever trick!

  1. Viewing Messages and Running JS in Console

Chrome DevTools can run code directly from the console or send messages to it for testing purposes. Below is a message I sent myself to check if the submit button works correctly.

My message will be displayed in the console if I refresh the browser and click on the Create New Toy link. This tells me that I can listen to click events and write JavaScript to update the page information when the form has been submitted.

This is a very useful use of DevTools.

4. GitHub

4. GitHub

GitHub is a cloud-based website that allows developers to store and manage their code and track and control any changes.

Two principles are necessary to understand GitHub.

There are several changes that will make up for your application. But, not all of the changes would come out smoothly.

There are a few which you may wish to get rid of. GitHub allows you exactly the same thing. It allows you to check out the changes you have made in addition to you being able to go back to the previous state.

It is a repository hosting platform to be used for work like wikis, managing the tasks, requesting features, and others.

  1. Version control
  2. Git

These two principles will be explained in this article. Next, well discuss GitHub and show you how to use it with WordPress.

Read More: 5 Important Tools Used When You Hire Front End Developer

  1. What is Version Control?

Version control allows developers to track and manage the changes made to software project code. Version control is essential as a software project grows.

Lets take WordPress as an example. WordPress is an enormous project. It wouldnt make sense for a core developer to work on a specific WordPress codebase section.

Version control allows developers to safely merge and branch. A developer can branch to duplicate a part of the source code (known as the repository).

This allows the developer to make safe changes to the code without affecting other parts of the project.

Once the developer has completed his or her code, he/she can merge the code into the main source code. This will make the project official.

These changes can then be tracked and reverted if necessary.

  1. What is Git?

Linus Torvalds created Git in 2005. Git is a distributed version management system. This means that every developer has access to the entire codebase and history.

This allows for easy merging and branching. A Survey found that 87% of Git users are Git developers.

  1. What is GitHub?

GitHub, a non-profit company, offers a cloud-based Git repository host service. It makes it easier for teams and individuals to use Git to collaborate and control the version.

Gits interface is easy enough to use for even beginners. Git is not available without GitHub. You will need to have some technical skill knowledge and the ability to use the command line.

GitHub is so easy to use that many people use it to manage other types of projects, such as writing books. GitHub is especially popular among open-source projects because anyone can sign up to host a public repository.

GitHub is a company that makes money selling private reusable code repositories hosted by other companies. This also allows organizations to better manage security and team members.

5. What is jQuery?

5. What is jQuery?

The following is the Java library which is fast having a small footprint. Additionally, it presents functionalities for the cross-platform.

There are various functions left to the developers to figure out. It allows you to abstract the functions and thereby saving time. However, there is a massive scope to hire front-end developers who can use this tool for developing the animations, navigating through the documents, and adding the new plug-ins.

jQuery is a small and fast JavaScript library thats rich in features. With an API that is compatible with a variety of browsers, it makes HTML document traversal, manipulation, event handling, and animation much easier.

jQuery is a great tool for web developers. You can perform many tasks quickly and easily with the built-in functions.

  1. jQuery: Important Features

HTML DOM Selection: JQuery offers Selectors that allow you to retrieve DOM elements based on various criteria such as tag name, id and class name, attribute name, name, value, etc.

DOM Manipulation: You can manipulate DOM elements with various built-in jQuery functions. You can modify HTML content and CSS classes and add or remove elements.

Special Effects: You can apply special effects to DOM elements, such as show or hide elements or fade-in/out of visibility, animation, sliding effects, and so on.

Events: jQuery includes functions that are equivalent to DOM events like click, dblclick mouse enter mouse leave blur, keyup, and keydown, etc.

These functions handle cross-browser issues automatically.

Ajax: jQuery includes simple AJAX functions that load data from servers without reloading the entire page.

Cross browser Support: The jQuery Library automatically resolves cross-browser issues so the user doesnt have to.

jQuery supports IE 6.0+ and FF 2.0+ as well as Safari 3.0+ and Chrome 9.0+.

User Actions Such: As a mouse click or form submission are reduced to a few lines that can be inserted almost anywhere in your applications JS logic.

Document Object Model:It is a browser interface that allows you to add, delete, or update HTML elements.

jQuery provides multiple methods to do this, including.replaceAll() and.remove().

The .ajax() method makes sending asynchronous HTTP requests easy without reloading the page. The Library also contains useful AJAX functions, such as.getJSON() and.load().

These can be used on any platform and with any browser.

  1. What Are the Disadvantages of Using JQuery

The biggest problem with jQuery is its inability to import large libraries. jQuery is a single JS file that contains all of its DOM, events, and effects, as well as AJAX components.

Over time, the file has grown in size significantly. Version 1.2 was the first to be released, and it had a file size of 77.40 megabytes. Version 3.3.1 has a compressed size of 272 kilobytes! The user must download the heavy Library at the receiver end, which takes longer to open.

Another problem is that jQuery hides complex JavaScript parts, making it more difficult to learn JavaScript. Designers and developers end up with people who can do simple slideshows and rollovers.

Still, they have trouble when it comes to real DOM manipulation. jQuery DOM APIs have become obsolete. Modern browsers can do the same thing, but more quickly than jQuery. Vanilla JavaScript DOM manipulation code (sans framework) is lightning-fast and less complicated for cross-team development.

It also integrates seamlessly with your business logic.

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We highly advise you to look at our Full-Stack Web Development Program if the notion of learning these frontend tools and embarking on a journey to become a web developer at your own speed appeals to you.

Its intended to educate you the fundamental frontend technologies from beginning as well as provide you the much-desired ability to build JavaScript and the option of specialising in some of the key programming languages of 2023, including Python and cloud computing.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes