5 Key Considerations for Hiring a Skilled Python Developer

Five Considerations for Hiring a Skilled Python Developer

When it comes to choosing python developers, there are always two questions that pop up in our minds: How much money do I want to spend on my project, and when can I start? While no one answer fits everyone, in our experience, both of these questions significantly impact how well your project will be developed.

We believe that the best developers are the ones who have experience working on similar projects, have at least some coding knowledge and are constantly learning.

Many things determine whether or not a person will be successful, and one of the most important factors is whether they can learn and keep up with new technologies.

If you are someone who loves learning and always looking for ways to improve yourself as a developer, were sure you will appreciate the resources we have shared with you today. Whether you are planning on starting your app, web portal or software development company or already working in one, these resources will help you get the most out of your experience both personally and professionally.

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Most companies look at two criteria: the developers experience with software development and their current efforts toward quality.

While this might seem like purely subjective criteria, they base their decisions on plenty of interviews with developers, product managers, and company owners. The quality of a developers coding experience is a big piece of the puzzle; as such, they typically consider previous employment experience when evaluating candidates.

Hiring the right Python developer, however, is a task unto itself

There is no certain way to "find the best Python developer", as each company may have its own unique set of requirements.

You will have to do your due diligence by carefully evaluating each candidates GitHub repositories, chances they have moderate to active Twitter followers, and any publicly available code they have contributed to before joining your company.

The Python programming language is incredibly powerful and immensely popular. Anyone can get a working program out of it with only a few lines of code.

This makes it very easy to code something without worrying too much about memory allocation or other details that slow down more complicated programs. In some ways, it even feels like a safer language to play with since its entirely compiled down from source code.

Think about some of the applications you use each day. Which ones would be impossible without some Python knowledge? Python has become an indispensable programming language for many online ventures and projects, from Instagram to Yelp.

This popularity surge can be credited to three factors, although there are probably others:

The open-source nature of Python allowed its popularity to grow through many channels.

Its popularity grew because many companies and people learned about its advantages through projects and tutorials.

Because Python is an incredibly versatile language with large community support, it has become easier to learn and use with other applications.

What is Python Needed For?

Python is used for a lot of different functions and areas. The most common are:

Web development

Software development

Desktop GUIs (UI & UX)

Scientific and numeric applications such as analysing big data sets, creating predictions, and making correlations.

This article will discuss

How to hire a Python developer

The most important skills for a Python developer

The Python developer candidate specification

How to choose a Python developer

What is Python, and Who Are Todays Python Developers?

It is a widely used, general-purpose programming language that is designed to be easy to learn. Python gives users the almost limitless potential for creating applications and content.

It is used by software engineers, designers, writers, and many others in the industry. Python is easy to learn because its structure is similar to that of English. Unlike other programming languages, Pythons clarity and elegance come from its simplicity instead of requiring the programmer to learn new ways of thinking about their programs.

This allows the beginner to customize programs and create customized tools without necessarily investing endless hours into studying advanced theory or algorithms.

For many years, programmers have been required to learn a new language or to put time into learning one. However, programming is not necessarily a harmful skill and can be beneficial in the right situation.

If you are interested in programming, you may want to learn Python first. With its ease of use, it has become the go-to language for developing all sorts of software. If you are willing to put in the work to become proficient in a language, there are other things you should take into account as well.

More about Python

Python can be divided into two categories: general-purpose (Python 1) and scripting environment (Python 2). The most significant difference between the two is the appearance of the code.

In Python 1, all data and functions are right-aligned on the left side of the screen. Information that needs to be accessed often appears on the right side of the screen (data structures and tables). In Python 2, the top side of the screen contains all information, while the bottom contains only functions such as those defined at the beginning of a module.

In simple terms, Python is a versatile, modern and easy-to-use programming language. You can use it to create all sorts of graphical user interfaces, including web applications and games.

In addition to being extremely tame and easy to learn for beginners, it also has a few unique features that make it stand out from other programming languages. Furthermore, it comes with substantial libraries and tools that create sophisticated and large-scale applications with little to no programming knowledge whatsoever.

Who is a Skilled Python Developer?

A programmer skilled in Python can solve problems and use the language in various functions and domains. A good candidate possesses a robust combination of hard skills and soft skills with an essential willingness for continuous learning.

Python is an extremely powerful yet easy to learn programming language. A programmer can achieve impressive results with it even without prior programming or coding experience. When it comes to technical skills, developers need to possess technical understanding and versatility in their language and more.

Some of the main technical skills for Python developers include:

Visible expertise in Core Python

A solid understanding of web frameworks (Django, Flask, and CherryPy)

Object Relational Mapper (ORM) libraries

Road to data science

Machine Learning and AI

In addition to the technical skills needed for a Python programmer to be proficient and skilled at their work, soft skills make a candidate even more valuable to a tech company.

As you might know, the tech industry is not straightforward or black and white. When we look at hiring, we want people who are talented and have other qualities that make them a good fit for our organization, mission, and company culture.

A programmers soft skills let them get along well with others, are valued by their employers, and help them find future work in tech.

They include communication skills (or at least being able to express oneself well), genuine interest in learning new things, financial resilience, and a willingness to work hard in an environment that prizes innovation and risk-taking.

Skills To Look for in a Python Developer - Technical and General Skills

Core Python Expertise

As a programmer, you must have the logic and algorithmic pattern recognition ability necessary to solve problems.

This foundation must include a complete understanding of:

Data structures

OOPS concepts

Variables and data types

File handling concepts

Exception handling


Understanding of web and Python frameworks

There are two main frameworks that you need to know about if you will be creating web applications with Python.

The first is called Django, and it was designed for speed and ease of development. If you create a website and want to use an advanced interface, then Django is likely what you will need. If all you will be doing is building a site for your personal use or doing small web projects on your lunch break, then the faster but less reliable Flask framework might be better for you.

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Data Science

Data science is used to analyse large amounts of data to find patterns and predict the future. A well-rounded developer has basic skills in programming, but they specialize in one area or tool upon graduation.

It takes more than knowledge to be successful in data science careers; you also need to apply the knowledge in a logical manner that produces useful results.

Data Science is a rapidly growing field within Computer Science. It involves using data and statistics in an attempt to explain or predict things.

The very nature of programming comes from the act of taking data and trying to make it useful with it, something that isnt already there. Python is a fantastic language for applying machine learning algorithms and increasing programming skills by drawing upon its many libraries for different functions.

Machine learning algorithms help to see if the data supports your hypothesis.

Multi-Process Architecture

Understanding how these different components work helps alleviate the intelligence headache of choosing the right framework or framework combination for your project.

Understanding is also necessary to provide meaningful feedback to your teammates when theyre implementing new features. By providing constructive feedback, youre able to eliminate many of the architectural decisions-technical or otherwise-that may not be optimal but are shaping the outcome of your work as a whole.

Model View Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern in web development that helps separate presentation logic from data access logic.

The model is what the user interacts with, and the view is what the user sees when interacting with the model.

Understanding the different architecture patterns for web applications help you write maintainable code and break things when necessary.

When writing applications for the web, application design is often implemented through the use of view libraries, these are small pieces of code that are attached to a view or template which allow readers or viewers of the application to interact with its data. Understanding how these pieces work and when to use them makes it easier to build maintainable applications that provide a good user experience.

Common Interview Questions for Hiring Python Developers

There are different ways to decipher how in-depth the developer's skills are, whether they have a deep understanding of the language and are adept at solving problems.

One way is to look at their GitHub activity, whether they have any open issues on their projects, and what other people are working on. Another is to look at their business experience.

Developers are notoriously difficult to hire. It takes an incredible amount of skill to get good at software development - not just technical skills, but also the ability to communicate that knowledge effectively and collaborate with others.

Even if you do manage to hire one, there is a chance that they wont know everything about your needs or your business - which means you may be investing a lot of time and money into someone who doesnt really fit into your plans.

Here are examples of some of the interview questions:

How do you identify bugs in your code?

What are the key differences between Python 2 and 3?

How is Python an interpreted language?

How is memory managed in Python?

What is namespace in Python?

What is the difference between lists and tuples?

What is type conversion in Python?

What is the difference between range and xrange?

What is the difference between deep and shallow copy?

Skill Assessments in Python - What to Look For?

The ability to learn and master a language is a fundamental requirement for anyone who wishes to work in the technology industry.

Learning a new language opens doors to careers that require far more flexible thinking and problem-solving. To test your candidates knowledge of the language is one thing. Another is seeing their technical skills in real-time by giving them a series of skills assessments that measure their ability to think on their feet, problem-solve, and use the language effectively.

Proper Python assessments can help you reduce your candidate vetting time by a considerable amount.

If you hire software engineers or project managers for your Python programming team, you should consider using the Python talent gap assessment tool.

This free online tool lets you discover whether your candidates have the basic skills necessary to work with Python and related technologies. If you find that some of your candidates lack the basic skills, theyll likely struggle to complete tasks successfully and get the job done right.

Not only will this cost you time training new employees, but it could also result in poor customer satisfaction as they wont be able to understand whats going on and are likely to give poor feedback or make poor decisions based on bad information. Engineers (and other professionals) who struggle with basic skills often find it difficult to deal with projects and deadlines and are often less efficient at work.

Developers are a valuable part of any team. The problem is finding the right one. Hiring a developer can be difficult, especially when you dont know where they came from or their job.

Developers are human and make mistakes. Although it may seem like theres little you can do about these types of mistakes, theres a lot you can do to minimize or eliminate them.

You dont need to punt on qualified developers just because they didnt fill out their paperwork correctly or didnt respond to your inquiry promptly. You want talented developers, but you also want them based on their productivity. This means developing a systematic approach to the hiring process that ensures you get the best from each potential hire regardless of whether they formed part of your closing deal or not.

Testimonials are incredibly persuasive. A testimonial from someone who had used your product or service can be far more powerful than a review from someone who hasnt used it.

When selecting a developer, always ask for a written testimonial. This will let you establish trust much earlier in the hiring process and ensure that you have a developer who will build for you, not against you.

Writing Your Companys Job Description for Python Developers

Writing Your Companys Job Description for Python Developers

Job postings on websites and job boards are an important part of the job hiring process. It is important to post only moral status related to your available positions.

There is a difference between job posting and job auditioning. Job posting means that you are looking for a specific position and would like to find possible candidates who could apply for that position.

Your job posting might look something like this:

Job Title:

Python Developer

Full Stack Developer Python, C# & Java

Python Engineer

Seniority Level:




Years of Experience:

0 to 1

1 to 3

4 to 6

7 to 9

10 to 14


When someone applies for a job at your company, you want them to be able to tell you quickly what theyll learn and how they can contribute.

This is why the first step in the hiring process should be recruiting developers. Finding talented developers is never easy. Theres always a shortage of good developers, so you have to look for ways to get more of them - either by poaching or through a bidding process in which prospective developers choose which projects theyre willing to work on.

You want to make sure that the developers you select have the skills you need and that they will benefit from working with you.

Find out which development tools they use and whether they are integrated with each other well. Make sure they have references from previous employers. Make sure they have upcoming schedules so that they can be available on time if needed.

Dont forget to mention any special projects they may be working on in their careers or side hustles!


Writing reusable, testable, and efficient code

Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications

Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic

Implementation of security and data protection

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In the past few years, Python has been picking up steam in the tech world. With all the amazing things that it can do for the programmers, its no wonder that people are looking for ways to make their jobs easier.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by utilizing the power of Python on the web. When it comes to finding great Python developers, there are several methods you can use to narrow down your options.

To help you out, weve put together a list of questions in this article that will help determine if someone is a great fit for your needs.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes