Exploring the Role of Drupal: Front-end or Back-end?

Exploring the function of Drupal: Front-end or Back-end?

Drupal Site Builders

Drupal site builders are individuals or teams of individuals who design Drupal websites using the admin interface without much custom code written themselves; occasionally adding hooks.

Instead, their primary functionality comes from Drupal core modules and contributed modules configured into their application/site/platform. Site builders will typically have extensive knowledge of many contributed modules and understand how they work together to address specific problems.

Furthermore, they should know each modules limitations while being able to give clear explanations regarding pros and cons of potential solutions. Site builders create content types, taxonomies, navigation structures, image presets and rules on behalf of website users.

One great thing about Drupal is how accessible its community tools are - making creating innovative websites without hire drupal programmer simple! Learning Drupal programming skills will also prove highly valued in any professional career path.

Frontend Developer/Drupal Themer

Drupal Themers are front-end developers who specialize in Drupals theme layer and HTML/JS development, possess expert HTML /JS skills and possess knowledge about responsive design implementation as a plus.

Drupal Developers/Backend Developers

hire drupal developer are professionals who use PHP or another server-side language extensively for programming purposes, creating custom modules, automating tests and using web services, automating deployment; working on the theme layer as well as more advanced features within it, and automating deployment.

Also commonly referred to as "backend Drupal developers," Drupal developers often automate deployment.

Drupal is designed as an inclusive, collaborative platform. Site Builders often collaborate with Themers, Module Developers, Site Builders and site-building recipes from each other in sharing work they produce on Drupal websites.

Collaboration among module developers often occurs as themes share and collaborate together on contributed modules; site building recipes also tend to share resources among themselves.

Three Disciplines

For Drupal generalists/jack of all trades (DJAT), all three disciplines are equally essential and may even overlap at times.

Therefore, it is possible that all three functions may need to be executed as necessary.

My experience on projects does not involve using a dedicated site builder - instead it was done collaboratively by both back-end and front-end developers.

Business organizations utilize Drupal personnel differently. A software application development company may hire specialists - for certain features or functions it may require passing through all three specialized areas - while another business might assume one Drupal developer could fulfill all three roles at the same time; such a team of individuals are typically known as "Drupal Developers," with roles including site building, backend programming and theming (pros and cons of each approach are worth discussing separately!).

There will certainly be plenty of time later!

Other Roles

As With Any Web Development Process: Drupal features several roles that play an integral part in building and supporting software application development companies.

These roles include:

Sysadmin/Devops Will Manage The Live Stack: They will deploy Drupal sites into production environments while dealing with any performance issues they encounter; additionally, they may set up CDN or Varnish services in order to further boost performance.

Automated Tests May Also Be Set Up: Test all changes for quality before making changes that meet requirements, to make sure that they satisfy them fully.

Project Manager/Scrum Master: Be in charge of leading your Scrum team effectively and remove any obstacles to progress while making sure the project stays within budget and on schedule.

Product Owner: the product owner is the individual tasked with developing requirements and prioritizing backlog items in close consultation with project management.

Any changes are generally approved by them before proceeding further.

UX/Design specialists focus on crafting user experiences and designs. Prototypes may even be created so the theme can later become reality.

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Who Doesnt Develop Drupal Software?

Who Doesnt Develop Drupal Software?

Employers or recruiters in the Drupal field should heed this advice: Just because someone identifies as PHP Developer does not indicate they also provide Drupal development services. No matter how proficient a PHP developer may be in their core skill, mistakes may still happen without Drupal experience and knowledge of APIs and "The Drupal Way." To solve such errors you should hire an experienced Drupal developer.

Of course, this approach is oversimplification; in todays market where demand far outstrips supply. You may require hiring an inexperienced PHP programmer with little Drupal expertise for some reasons. At minimum, developers should seek to learn Drupal standards, culture and best practices before doing anything "Drupal way." You do not want someone who sees Drupal simply as another framework which they can bend or break according to their beliefs - as this would only create more maintenance hassle and ultimately cost your business dearly in terms of lost business potential.

Developers from Other Technologies

There are two options open to developers who come from other technologies when transitioning into Drupal development: either you build some websites with pure site building or, once youve learned Drupals fundamentals, move onto module development.

Experienced developers may gain an edge as they already understand whats involved; nevertheless it is vitally important that one gains knowledge of both its APIs and functionality to understand how Drupal operates effectively.

Site Builder

As a site builder, Drupal could present you with the perfect opportunity for backend/module development. Since you already know Drupals APIs and how its developed, however, learning its programming APIs could prove easier - though dont feel limited by that expectation as even beginners in programming neednt require advanced skill to start out! To begin this journey take my book as your guide through PHP basics as a starting point!

Designer and Themer

If you are an architect or designer, front-end development and theming may be of particular interest. Theres so much to be gained in learning CSS and JavaScript! Furthermore, module development could allow for greater achievement while broadening horizons.

Backend/Module Developer Where should a Backend/Module Developer turn next? Continuous learning about theming can open doors to become a better solution architect; you could even gain more experience programming using different PHP frameworks like Laravel or Symfony.

Taking this route may boost both your career prospects and abilities as an individual programmer.

Why Would I Need A Front-End Development Framework?

My dream world as a child has come closer than ever to reality today: devices and the technology they utilize rule our daily lives with great power to shape future trends and events.

New devices have revolutionized web browsing, while artificial intelligence (AI) and IOT technologies are expanding digital experiences exponentially - altering perceptions about what the future may hold while producing feature-rich websites with seamless experiences for users.

Even as web-enabled devices remain the dominant force online, we have altered how we produce content for the web.

While its delivery may differ depending on each device and complexity of requirements, websites should work instantly and seamlessly in future generations.

As your demands increase, using the same solutions becomes difficult. While creating complex yet outstanding UX/UX with HTML and CSS alone may be possible, employing a front-end framework like React, Angular, or Vue will reduce bulkiness as your front end grows.

Many major names in tech, such as Airbnb, GitHub Forbes, Netflix, Pinterest, and PayPal, utilize popular front-end frameworks such as React/Angular Vue respectively, for better UX.

Headless Drupal Frameworks and Front-End Frameworks

Drupals backend functionality makes it ideal, yet its front end capabilities fall short when it comes to dynamic user experiences.

Decoupled Drupal was born out of this need - specifically dynamic, complex user experiences built without Drupal as the backend repository, using API calls instead for front-end framework communication with databases. Headless Drupal provides developers with more freedom when developing front ends without being limited by this backend repository model.

How can you select an effective front-end framework to utilize for your Drupal website? Each framework offers different advantages and disadvantages; ultimately the decision should depend on business requirements of the project in question.

Let us go over this in more depth below.


AngularJS is one of the most sought-after front-end frameworks for Drupal and is widely popular with developers.

This open source framework from Google supports dynamic web apps with rich features to make Drupal work more efficiently for websites that are engaging, secure and dynamic in nature. Using it enables dynamic interaction with user browsers rather than forcing them to pull data directly from servers - giving your customers more of what they want!

Angular: What Developers Love About It

  1. A lightweight and extensible framework packed with many features.
  2. A framework which offers two-way binding that enables users to trigger applications instantly through actions they perform, such as two-way binding.
    Developers adore HTML, and its use in AngularJS to build feature-rich web apps allows developers to take full advantage of it.
  3. Repurposing or altering plain HTML templates easily enables developers to craft interactive and feature-packed applications quickly.
    AngularJS is a client-side framework that excels at handling cyber attacks effectively; data trying to breach security cannot reach the server.
  4. Furthermore, there is an active community providing tutorials, answers and use cases with clear documentation.

Read More: What Skills Does a Drupal Developer Need?

Drupal and AngularJS

Headless Drupal services have grown increasingly popular recently due to user expectations growing more stringent each day.

By taking advantage of Drupals powerful backend while using an external frontend framework for user interaction such as AngularJS for client side display purposes, user expectations can be fulfilled while remaining flexible enough for Drupals feature-rich backend to still provide services seamlessly.

AngularJS also plays an effective role in offloading Drupals logic, helping it function more efficiently on the back end.

Moving display logic onto the client side improves both performance and speed.


Developed this highly flexible JS which quickly gained popularity among developers. Vue is a JavaScript library offering reactive web components with flexible API integration for developers.

Vue is widely considered by developers as an accessible, lightweight framework with reactive data binding, composable components, and API integration built-in with ease.

Vue Js performance can also be further increased through merging Reacts Virtual DOM functionality and two-way binding from Angular 2.

Real-time progress tracking with state management integrated is another advantage of Vue JS; its component-oriented framework and modern libraries and tools make learning the framework straightforward, with its straightforward syntax being user friendly for first timers.
VueJS has quickly become one of the top trending frameworks on Github since its release last September. The PHP community has welcomed it warmly and is actively contributing to maintaining documentation around it.

Drupal also utilizes Vues official Resource plugin, which enables developers to store and retrieve Drupal data objects via Vue.

Drupal shines its magic at the back end, while Vues component system serves to handle the front end. Vue stands out by offering large applications built out of multiple self-contained components - this approach gives your users more flexibility than Drupal!

ReactJS, more of a library than framework itself, allows users to build user interfaces utilizing reusable components and helps address slowness caused by the DOM by replacing it with virtual one.

ReactJS was developed as part of Facebooks Open-Source project and used by several large corporations for providing seamless client side experience.

Who Are Drupal Developers?

ReactJSs user-friendly nature allows developers to better comprehend how components are rendered from their source code, making the framework an enjoyable read and user experience.
ReactJS is an indispensable development tool, offering developers a quick and seamless user interface experience. React combines HTML with JavaScript into one language called JSX for simplicity while taking care of any complexities between these technologies. Virtual DOMs enable React to monitor data more effectively while providing faster processing speeds overall.
Facebooks dedication to Reacts development has resulted in an abundance of documentation, tools, and add-ons that the PHP community embraces with open arms; additionally they do an outstanding job maintaining this documentation.

A hybrid approach may utilize React to handle UX complexity while Drupal handles content development; this enables an effective mapping between Drupal components and React components.

One of the primary drawbacks to Drupal migration lies in how it presents and consumes content structure for users.

When user interactions become complex, traditional solutions like Twig/JQuery cannot match this complexity; React provides all of the modern mechanisms required for seamless, rewarding experiences for its users.

What Drupal Developers Do?

Drupal developers design, construct and maintain business applications and websites using Drupal agencies. While familiar with its administrative panel, their talents extend well beyond this point; as they can also design modules and themes - and meet business requirements through new features created using this technology - with multiple knowledge and skill sets required of them as professionals in this area of specialization.

Drupal developers are familiar with both PHP and its framework - due to Drupal 7 being written entirely in PHP while version 8 used Symfony as its PHP Framework to create web services, APIs, microservices and app development agency solutions.

Twig is used as the template engine in both Drupal.

Frontend Languages

An expert Drupal practitioner must possess knowledge of JavaScript. Jquery, one such JavaScript library that facilitates standard Document Object Model and AJAX functions is one such JavaScript library used as part of Drupal websites; other frameworks like Angular React or Vue may also prove beneficial as these frameworks can serve to frontend headless Drupal Solutions.

Drupal Website Development

As website creators, Drupal developers tend to be well versed in HTML and CSS since browsers transform it into web pages.

Furthermore, these developers typically work with CSS preprocessors such as Sass and Less, which extend CSS with new features for faster front-end styling. JavaScript task managers such as these tools help convert preprocessor code to standard CSS formats.

Drupal developers can utilize Drupal APIs to develop taxonomies and nodes, image presets, and navigation, in addition to the Drupal APIs themselves (for instance).

With regard to Drupal APIs specifically, this includes:

Form API allows websites to easily create and process forms, while Render API is used for rendering arrays and pipelines with elements, caching, and capabilities. The cache API stores data that takes longer than usual to process.
Database API provides developers with a standard abstraction that enables accessing database servers, while an experienced Drupal developer should also know SQL and MySQL to set up databases within Drupal.

Module Creation

Drupal modules provide extensions that extend its integration with third-party services and tools. The community surrounding Drupal provides them free of charge; their members know how to install, configure and research suitable modules for projects.

Furthermore, developers should know how to construct custom solutions according to customer demands; also familiarity with Drupal core hooks and module hooks are crucial abilities.

Programmers have the flexibility of custom designing complex themes from scratch or configuring those offered by Drupal Community for clients that demand complex designs for their sites.

Developers need a thorough knowledge of HTML and CSS as well as being adept in working with themes. In addition, responsive design should also be an aspect that they are capable of implementing successfully.

Join a Drupal Community

Open source is built around two basic ideas: anyone can develop solutions of this sort and then freely utilize them.

Drupal Community members wrote all code that powers its CMS platform - so every developer who uses Drupal should join others to improve and advance it further by reporting issues, solving them quickly or maintaining themes, modules or distributions among many other tasks.

How Can I Become A Drupal Developer?

Learning Drupal can be accomplished either on your own, with assistance from experienced specialists or through self-learning.

While first steps might take longer depending on individual abilities and knowledge base; here are a few suggestions you might find useful when embarking upon this path.

Start familiarizing yourself with your administration panel by building a Traffic website. Click and toggle through various configuration options until you feel at home with what to expect when making decisions about traffic management options.

Explore the Views module and try your hand at building simple views with blocks, then work your way towards more complex ones that include terms and relationships.

Next step should be adding themes and modules, to learn how Drupal core is constructed by studying its code, while exploring popular Drupal modules can give insight into some PHP programming conventions and best practices.

Choose what, when and how fast to learn. While verifying and systematizing knowledge may present problems for some learners, Drupal offers support in these instances.

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Conclusion of Article

Now we have an effective module, creating both pages and blocks. Our module should give us enough knowledge for us to start creating our own modules--start with blocks before moving onto node-based modules if desired--then writing themes/filters of your own!

This tutorial module may not seem especially useful at first. But with just a few tweaks and additions, this module becomes much more engaging! Try changing the select query so it only selects nodes of type "blog," getting all content for one specific week from that particular user or expanding page functions instead of block functions; adding menus for specific dates/entries using menu call arguments, and changing the year so it displays the contents for every menu callback argument!


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes