Broad Match Modifier Examples

Example - 1
Imagine that your company sells cloud ERP software. A broad match modifier would look something like: "cloud +erp".
Here, "+" signifies the keyword must appear regardless of whether "cloud" also does; in such instances, your ad would still appear if search users utilize cloud ERP technology.
- Cloud ERP systems.
- Cloud ERP services.
- Cloud ERP.
- The ERP system is a good example of this.
- ERP Services.
Example - 2
Think about using "+cloud+ERP" as our broad match modifier - that means both keywords should be preceded by "+", so your advertisement would appear for any search query containing both terms; in practice, this means your ad could appear for these specific searches:
- Cloud ERP systems.
- Cloud ERP services.
- Cloud ERP.
- Cloud computing companies.
- Best Cloud ERP services.
What Is The Difference Between The Broad Match Modifier And The Other Keywords?

How does Google AdWords differ between keywords with broad match modifiers? Keyword match types serve as parameters for different advertising campaigns, enabling you to control which searches trigger your ads - thus guaranteeing only relevant traffic is directed your way.
Based on data from Statista, Google's advertising products and services brought in around 62 billion dollars in income in 2021 and by 2024, the company expects to have produced 81 billion dollars.
Understanding each of them gives a deeper insight into running successful campaigns. Broad Match Keyword Match allows you to reach the widest audience possible.
Your ads will appear when someone types in any combination of words from your keyword phrase - regardless of order!
Broad Match allows your ads to appear when people search using misspelled or synonymized terms, generating additional impressions but may not always be relevant or effective in reaching its goal of brand awareness.
Broad match campaigns use broad Match for impression-based campaigns to increase brand recognition.
Broad Match Modifiers Broad match modifiers are one of the more widely-used match types for keywords because they provide you with an expansive reach while remaining specific and focused on your desired search query and keyword target.
Broad match modifiers work by placing "+" before any word that should always trigger your ad; otherwise, it won't trigger.
This ensures only users interested in your campaign are shown your advertisement; you don't need to order keywords sequentially within search queries as long as all the desired ones appear first for targeting to take effect.
Exact Match is AdWords most stringent form of keyword matching, permitting only specific phrases and keywords to activate ads; any deviation may prevent your ad from showing.
Your ad won't appear unless all relevant words have been entered exactly.
Negative Match With negative Match, you select which keywords your ads shouldnt show for. This helps prevent it from showing for searches unrelated to your campaign and ensures only qualified leads see and click your ad.
Word Match Phrase Match can help you combine certain keywords with the keyword phrase you select for ads to appear when searched with those terms (i.e.
"cloud ERP systems"). Your ad appears when searches with that term contain it. Phrase match keywords appear between quotation marks (e.g.
"cloud ERP systems").
In Google Ads, How Do You Build Up A Broad Match Modifier?
Now that we understand how a Broad Match Modifier operates, how do we set one up? Here are a few easy steps:
- Signing into your Google Ads Account, the Campaigns Tab will appear, followed by the Keywords Tab with the +Keywords option when clicking it.
- Select the group of ads where you would like to apply broad match modifiers. Add + signs next to broad match keywords, then include any words or phrases you want to be included in a user search, either exactly or through close variations of them.
- Add + symbols before any or all words you want to use for board match, then click Save to Download. Phrase match ads provide more precise results than broad Match.
They appear for search results with keywords related to phrase match ads even when there are additional words before and behind them; ads also may show for variations with additional words before or after them, including additional ones between your phrase match keywords - your ad won't display if there are additional ones between your phrase match keywords; therefore the order of words matters and should always include quotes ( " " ).
What Are The Best Ways To Avoid Wasting Money On Google Ads And Other Online Advertising?

Running successful Google Ads campaigns requires more than understanding different match types; our experienced PPC staff is committed to increasing conversions while decreasing cost-per-acquisition, and our Customer Generation team is proven to produce outstanding results for clients.
PPC success relies heavily on keywords as the engine behind pay-per-click advertising (PPC). Without keywords, ads won't reach their intended audiences.
They won't appear within an AdWords Account that you created - making ads as relevant to users as possible. Imagine searching for cheeseburgers - when arriving at a restaurant, the first two items on its menu that catch your eye are "food" and "meat between bread." You might decide not to order anything even though this restaurant serves the finest burgers around, simply because their PPC keywords did not match what was advertised - likely leading them away forever from returning in future visits.
Google Keyword Planner offers tools that make selecting high-quality and relevant words for use in ads relevant to products and services easier, such as selecting ones relating to people searching for it directly or content found on your site.
When selecting keywords to feature as ads, it's wise to consider searching terms people commonly use when looking up your product/service online and related to website content related to those words/phrases people enter when looking up the word/phrase being advertised for.
Once you select your keyword, two things must be considered. You can set how much it will cost per click when someone clicks your advertisement, with every keyword receiving its own match type and matching type.
Also Read: Improve Your PPC Campaign Performance with These 7 Expert Actions
Keyword Match Types

Keywords should be high-quality and relevant if they will help you attract customers exactly when you desire them.
To make keywords even more pertinent to searchers intentions, assigning matching types is vital; matching types give you control over which searches trigger ads based on whether a query matches one in an AdWords campaign, such as broad or specific.
Keyword match types can be broken down into five distinct groups.
- Broad Match
- Phrase Modifier Attempt
- Negative Match Won't Increase Traffic
- Broader keywords
Tend to generate higher traffic, while narrower ones will better align with users' search queries and increase your ROI.
Understanding different match types will allow for maximum impactful returns - starting broad could increase the chances that ads appear against relevant search queries.
Broad Match
Broad Match is the default keyword selection option. Searches with close variations and similar phrases include misspellings, plural and singular forms, synonyms, abbreviations, acronym stemming, related searches, etc.
Will display ads when using broad Match. For if your keyword "black shoe" was set as a broad match, then your ads would show up under searches such as "buy black shoes on sale" or variations thereof (e.g.Keep an eye on your search query report to ensure you don't waste money paying for traffic that won't convert, then identify terms that should be changed into phrases or exact match terms.
Broad Match Modifier
Broad match modifiers typically increase the specificity of broad match keywords, increasing their relevance, but at the expense of traffic loss.
Searches containing similar variants like misspellings, plural and singular forms, acronyms and stemming could display ads while synonyms would not.
Exact Match
Exact Match provides maximum control for advertisers, enabling you to determine who sees your ad. Here, your ads may appear for variations of an exact phrase, including misspellings and singular/plural forms, acronyms, stemming, etc.
They'll appear only on search results that contain your keyword phrase directly without additional words before or after.
At the same time, exact-match keywords will have lower impression counts but higher clickthrough rates. When writing exact match keywords, it should include square brackets around their phrases to write them correctly.
Negative keyword match types

Negative keywords effectively refine your bidding strategy in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or Search Advertising to only bid on searches that matter, thus minimizing waste while increasing reach.
Negative keywords will prevent ads you run from appearing for searches or browsing sites with those words in them, increasing ROI, reaching more customers, and decreasing costs.
When writing out negative keywords, use an "-" before each phrase, e.g. Search Example for Baseball Hats.
Negative Broad Match Keywords
Negative broad-matching keywords eliminate your ads when appearing as part of searches in which the whole term occurs in one query.
When your keyword features such an exclusion criteria, its ads will no longer show when appearing within such queries.
Assuming "running shoe" is set as your negative term, your ads won't appear for users searching terms such as "running shoes for sale" and "shoes to run".
Using this match type is useful when seeking to eliminate multiple variants simultaneously. Ads will only appear for users most likely interested in your products or services, with ads also showing synonyms and variations of these words.
Therefore, it is crucial that different search terms that appear similar be added as separate keywords to prevent displaying ads to audiences interested in products your business doesn't sell.
Be mindful that broad-match negative keywords won't block ads if users perform searches containing words from your negative keyword list without including all phrases; ads will still show when someone searches for "blue shoe" since shoes as separate terms do not count as negative.
Negative Phrase-Match Keywords
A negative phrase match keyword allows your ads to remain hidden from search results that include specific phrases as long as those phrases were part of the initial query.
Negative phrase-match type works similarly to regular keyword search terms by excluding an exact phrase from any searches conducted, using quotation marks around any phrases contained within quotations to identify a negative keyword as a phrase-match type.
Your target users must understand that they will still see your ads even if they search only partially within your phrase.
For instance, if your negative keyword phrase includes wedding catering and you search vegetarian caterer, your ads could still show.
Even adding additional words such as "wedding party caterer", for instance, may result in your ads still showing as your negative keyword phrase has not been breached.
Negative Exact Match Keywords
Negative exact-match allows advertisers to exclude themselves from search results when someone uses exact keyword matches; you still show ads if someone's search terms include another term that includes all or some of your negative keywords.
When setting this match type up with bracketed words for their negative search term(s), any time someone includes other search terms that do not exactly match, such as searching "yellow shirt deals' ', your ad will still display as it doesn't exactly match (example).
Overall, adding keywords and negative keywords to Search Engine Marketing campaigns effectively targets specific audiences while eliminating unnecessary traffic.
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Understanding match types and keywords impact on Pay-Per-Click marketing success is significant, particularly with Pay-Per-Click (PPC).
Choose a match type that best compliments your campaign to maximize returns on investment (ROI). Phrase matches allow users to access information through searches, while broad matches target broader search volumes; this article explores differences and similarities between phrase and broad matches and how each can optimize campaigns using them both.
Broad Match vs. Phrase Match

PPC campaigns must take note of both phrases and broad matches when creating them because this determines which keywords appear first in search engine results pages - this can greatly enhance success! When building PPC ads, keywords must first be carefully selected with an understanding of these distinctions between phrases and broad matches as soon as they begin development.
Step one in creating any campaign should always involve selecting relevant keywords to match with ads displayed through PPC platforms - choosing different matching types will affect their length of display on search engine pages based on proximity between keyword/ad proximity between keywords/ad and ads appearing across search engine result pages/search engines/for whom.
Choosing different match types can increase or reduce success, as this step determines your keyword selection process when creating PPC campaigns.
There are two different kinds of matches: phrases and broad match keywords. Phrase match requires customers to search specifically for your phrase while broad Match allows it to show for all variations of that term; so, for instance, if your keywords match "black witch costume," broad Match allows it to show even when users enter other search terms like "witch costume black." In contrast, phrase matches only show it if users type the exact phrase black witch costume into Google Search.
What Is The Broad Match?
Many online advertising platforms utilize broad Match as their default keyword matching strategy, matching variations on broad match keywords when people type them into search boxes.
Your ad may show up for many searches, including those for those which include these phrases:
- Second-hand cars at low costs
- Buy cheap used cars locally
Broad match ads allow your ad to appear for searches involving terms that do not match its exact keyword, increasing visibility.
What Exactly Is A Match Type For Phrases?
Phrase Match Ads allow you to only display ads in search results with keywords exactly matching those targeted for display in their order of appearance, without using quotation marks for each phrase target keyword (for instance, brown Cowboy Boots will only show up when searched).
Still, if a phrase-matching option is selected, your ad may also appear when searches contain this phrase in full-text search results.
Get stylish brown cowboy boots here.
Machine learning algorithms can also be employed to match words and phrases. For instance, when searching for "black pants", an algorithm might use phrase match keywords based on whether two terms share similar meanings.
Phrase match keywords can narrow down who sees your ads depending on which keywords are targeted within each campaign goal and who are its primary recipients.
Also Read: Introduction to New Bidding Strategies by Google Ads
Similarities And Differences In The Phrase And Broad Match

Before making your PPC campaign decisions, it's vitally important to understand the distinctions and similarities between phrase and broad matches.
Your match type selection depends upon who your intended target audience is - here are examples of both broad Match and phrase matching:
The Similarities Between Phrase And Broad Matches
Broad and phrase matching share many similarities when creating PPC campaigns, such as targeting an audience based on keywords they search for (both enable this).
Some similarities include:
- Ad groups can be created using both phrase- and broad-match ads.
- Reaching out to people can be accomplished using both types of matches.
- Negative keywords for both match types can help limit which search queries trigger your ads.
- Users can utilize both match types to add other keywords before or after phrases in their searches.
The Difference Between Phrase And Broad Search
These two forms of match offer very distinct results due to their differences. A broad match keyword will display your ad whenever someone searches with any combination of keywords that include yours.
In contrast, phrase match only displays it when someone enters exactly your phrase into their search query. One major distinction between phrase match keywords and broad match keywords:
- Broad-match keywords do not need quotation marks, while phrase-match keywords do.
- A keyword match could be established if a user searches for phrases with similar meanings.
- Broad-match keywords can potentially reach more viewers (and may incur higher costs than phrase-matching keywords).
Broad Match: Advantages And Disadvantages

Before using broad match keywords in your Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign, carefully evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
Broad match keywords allow your ads to appear more frequently in search engine results pages - helping reach more users more rapidly while reaching potential customers searching for competing or similar products, prompting them to buy yours instead.
Broad-match keywords come with their drawbacks. As these ads may not restrict clicks to relevant terms, users may become less inclined to buy your products or register at your website, resulting in reduced conversion rates and an increase in cost per click, even though your conversion may remain unchanged.
These ads can become expensive as more clicks must be purchased, even though your conversion may decrease due to paying more per click for less return in sales or leads.
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Phrase Matching

Phrase-match advertising should be carefully considered when creating PPC advertisements for multiple reasons.
You won't waste money on irrelevant clicks; when keyword order matters a great deal - such as when setting up an ad campaign in London for "New York Diner '', phrase match will ensure users searching New York diners don't come across your ad by accident!
Phrase-matching keywords may hinder your pay-per-click (PPC) campaign, making reaching target audiences difficult.
Therefore, conducting more extensive keyword research before creating any ads. Also, remember that users must already recognize your product, while broad match keywords allow for reaching new clientele.
Different keywords require various forms of matching: phrase matching will reach users directly searching for certain services; broad Match allows you to reach more people while remaining general; it is even possible to combine both by doing exact matches for certain phrases while broad matches on others; consider these tips when choosing an optimal keyword match type:
- Cost and conversion rate do not always go hand-in-hand, however.
- Consider who you wish to reach and choose either broad Match or phrase match as the most effective approach for that target group.
- The timeframe should also be considered: Do you wish to increase the speed people reach you as part of launching and expanding a brand-new business venture?
- Consider whether broad matching can help make more of an impression among potential customers, even if many don't click your ad directly.