Maximizing Laravels Potential For Enterprise Applications

Transforming Laravels Potential For Enterprise Applications

So Laravel can be considered to be the best framework for developing enterprise app and there are various reasons for it.

It is also suitable for big enterprises and also for small ones.


Laravel is said to be an open-source framework which is PHP based. This framework is basically used for crafting spectacular applications of enterprise ranging from small to big projects.

This framework was introduced in the year of 2011. Experts are also choosing this framework to prepare their perfect app for their clients. The experts choose this framework because it is having excellent performance, features, and adaptability.

The MVC architecture is followed by the Laravel framework. The full form of MVC is Model View Controller. This helps the framework to have fast web page prototyping.

With the help of syntax, a developer is able to write simple and expressive codes very easily. The development of a web app is no more a painful task because it is having a focus on sessions, routing, packages, validation, and various others.

It is also easy for the developers in the customization process which helps them in creating web apps that are bespoke scalable and these apps are very much3 unique to each and every business.

A business that deploy the framework of Laravel

Because of various features, there are several businesses as well as industries which deploy Laravel and they are given below-

Business requiring applications with enterprise-level

Not only banks but there are several other industries that require enterprise-level applications. Some of the examples of such industries are healthcare, eCommerce, the entertainment industry, and various others which are having heavy data processing, traffic, and complexities.

The handling of this is done by Laravel in a great manner which is better than other alternatives of PHP. As eCommerce is there it must also be said that Laravel also helps in developing apps related to microservice architecture.

Some of the companies using the Laravel framework are-

  1. BBC
  2. Lenovo
  3. FedEx
  4. Crowdcube

Business involving backend data management

This includes various types of developments like CRM platforms, applications based on contents, websites, and many others.

For developing these websites, two solid approaches are provided by Laravel. Laravel can be used and integrate any content with any existing management system like Drupal or WordPress or build anything from the start.

As microservice architecture is available, the developers can launch a website quickly and the client will get assurance that they could scale without having any worries in the near future. So enterprise application development is not at all an easy task and must be done by professionals in order to avoid problems in the future.

Why is Laravel good for enterprise application?

There is a good craze among the enterprise owners for choosing the best Laravel development company to develop their web apps.

There are many reasons for choosing the Laravel framework but some of the main reasons for choosing are given below-

Laravel Artisan

The Laravel Artisan got its introduction first in the Laravel 3 version. Now you must have a good understanding of Artisan before you understand its importance.

In simpler words, it can be said that the Laravel Artisan is a command-line interface that helps in providing a useful command to develop apps.

This tool is very helpful and helps in reducing the task of developers as they do not have to start writing the repetitive codes as well as performing tedious programming tasks from the start.

A clean, as well as efficient standard codebase, can be maintained easily by the developers. This codebase will also help in modifying whenever the requirement is needed.

Easy system for authentication

There are in-built authorization as well as authentication features for the Laravel framework. This in-built feature helps in many ways and one such way is that it helps in establishing quick authentication for the users depending on the input.

Now in the case of web applications for enterprises, the most common concern is user authorization. So here the Laravel framework helps the developers in providing them with turnkey solutions.

App security is also another concern for every business owner and this system therefore helps in the field also that is it helps in facilitating the security of the app.

Read the blog- ASP.NET, Laravel, and Node.js Software Development- Which is Best for You?

Template Engine

The blade is very famous among developer. The blade is a renowned template engine that is owned by Laravel. Laravel helps the developers in offering them to build dynamic seeding of content and also amazing layout with the help of Blade as the in-built template which is offered by Blade is basically lightweight.

Implementing the layouts in various sections of the web application is also possible. Moreover, widgets with solid structures is also present. The widgets are the JS and CSS code. So all these characteristics play an important role in making this Laravel framework a reliable, robust but simple framework for developing apps for the enterprise of any size.

Laravel is also having the support of the default Vue.js templating. This template is having the same feeling as that of the application of a single page.

So it is also useful for small-size enterprises.

Object-oriented packages and libraries

There are various ready-to-use libraries and packages which are object-oriented and Laravel is enriched with this.

The libraries and features include CSRF feature, encryption, passport REST API packages, active user checking feature, authentication library, etc. CSRF stands for Cross-site Request Forgery. These assets are very much useful and make this framework the best among others to create the perfect enterprise web app.

Some of the in-built Laravel assets are given below-

  1. Dynamic usability- Laravel is a framework and so it is well equipped with a robust and secured structure for building Application Programming Interface. Application Programming Interface is also known as API in short. This works very well in case the developers are developing any scalable or hybrid apps.
  2. Modularity- There is a stunning library collection of Laravel which also meets the standards of PHP and hence rendering great modularity is possible. So the Laravel developers are able to create a high feature-rich, modular, and responsive web applications. All of these are possible because of the presence of beautiful assets. Hire Laravel developer India who will do all their jobs in a perfect manner.

Testing of units

Any web application is not developed properly until and unless the testing procedure is completed properly. Before releasing the app finally, rigorous testing of the app must be performed.

Laravel here also plays a unique role as it had various testing modules and is able to handle multiple modules in a single time. The unit test basically keeps the focus on the nominal and isolated code proportion. Therefore it helps the developers in testing the codes in detail and if any loophole is found then they can fix that immediately.


The deferring of process of a task which is time-consuming inside an application is done in an easy and interesting way by the Laravel Queue.

Once a new user is registering or sharing any posts, sending of verification emails are possible through the Laravel Queue.

A unified API is offered by the Laravel Queue across various ranges of Queue backends like Beanstalk, Redis, Amazon SQS, or any relational database.

If these time-consuming tasks are deferred properly then the web request speed for your application will be enhanced.

Read the blog- Top Continuous Integration Tools for PHP Laravel Developers in 2020

Architecture support of MVC

MVC stands for Model View Controller. This is the architecture on which the Laravel framework is based and this can be said to be one of the crucial attributes.

Maintaining optimum transparency as well as establishing a balance between presentation and app logic is also possible. It also plays a role in aiding the performance to get improved and document to get detailed other than providing with a various accompanying features.

The large enterprise apps are having complexities that are pretty common and MVC helps in dealing with those complexities.

Restful Routing

At a single time, enterprise apps receive loads of requests and that is because of heavy traffic. A simple, as well as effective closure, is produced by Laravel in order to deal with all loads at the same time.

This helps in bringing more flexibility as well as adaptability for routing and making it ideal. This is ideal for developing scalable, robust, interactive, and robust web applications.

Robust ORM

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapper. Laravel is having its own ORM which is named Eloquent. This Eloquent plays an important role in helping to organize and manage the algorithm of databases effectively.

There is a plethora of database management systems with which the mapper works effectively and they are SQL, MYSQL, PostgresSQL, SQLlite and SQL Server.

Seeder and migration for database

There is migration assistance for Laravel which helps it in extending the structure of the database instead of recreating it every time for a little amount of change.

A schema builder is usually present which helps in powering up the development and also in inserting multiple columns. This is the way one can prevent the loss of any kind of development data.

On the other hand, the Laravel seeder is basically an ideal way of populating the database. The populating of the database takes place with a great number of test data which is done by using a factory.

This also helps in assisting the unit testing, application demonstration, and also testing leads.


In the case of any enterprise whether it is large or small security is a matter of concern for every owner. So security is a crucial aspect when you are developing a web application for your enterprise.

Laravel basically does not save passwords in the form of plain texts in your database and so you can get assured about the security of your web apps. Enhancing of the app security takes place by the Bcrypt hashing algorithm. This process is also known as the salted and hashed password.

Few features of security by Laravel are given below-

  1. Protection routes
  2. Password encryption
  3. Tokenization for REST API
  4. Basic authentication of HTTP
  5. Authenticating normal users
  6. XSS as well as CSRF prevention

Documentation is well maintained

The documentation of Laravel is organized neatly and it is also detailed and precise in nature. So both the star-ups as well as experts appreciate the Laravel framework.

It plays a role in helping the beginners to understand the framework easily without breaking any of their sweat. This is the reason why maximum start-up developers feel comfortable when they are working with the Laravel framework for developing your web app.

Hire Full stack developers who understand all about the Laravel framework.

Community support

The community support for the Laravel framework is very wide and so the developers are able to receive help when they need it.

It is worth appreciating the diverse resources, guides, and documentation of the Laravel framework. So the speeding up of the development process takes place easily and for this reason, developers are also able to work smoothly.

Good turn-around time is therefore expected by the enterprises. This becomes an added advantage for gaining a competitive edge.


Enterprise mobility solutions are of great concern for any business or enterprise owners.

The framework already proved that it is the most stable as well as a flexible framework for creating the perfect app for any enterprise small medium or large.


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