Master the Basics: A Comprehensive SEO Guide

Excelling the Basics: A Comprehensive SEO Guide

As experts in our field, we recognize how critical it is that your website ranks well across search engines such as Googles and Bings results pages.

What is SEO?

What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization (SEO) refers to increasing three aspects of a website:

  1. Quality of traffic - Ensuring that visitors are genuinely engaged - to make sure people who visit your website are truly interested in what it offers; for instance if a potential customer visits looking for video games but you offer video creation tools instead, chances are your prospective buyer wont become customers.
  2. The quantity of traffic - Now that the target audience is visiting your site through search engine page results (SERPs), it is time to increase traffic to your website.
  3. Organic search results - "Organic search results" refer to any traffic obtained via SERPs without directly paying for advertising space.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is all about meeting customers where they are online - answering their queries before they have even asked! SEO requires understanding which words customers search with and the type of content that resonates best.

Knowing who your ideal customer is will enable you to connect with quality leads online who need a solution for their issue.

How Does SEO Work?

How Does SEO Work?

People rely heavily on search engines such as Google for answers to virtually every query that arises in modern life, from finding their next home to understanding how SEO works exactly.

With search results at our fingertips and an endless supply of results readily available from just typing a phrase into it; search results provide immediate access to an endless supply of answers - but how exactly does that process work?

Search engines use an ingenious process called crawling to deliver their search engine results to you. Crawling involves sending crawlers out to visit all pages made available to the engine; when visiting each one they extract data that allows the engine to index it.

Once a page has been included in an index, data about that page is fed through to an algorithm that matches it up with searches people make online.

There are various other factors used by search engines like Google to rank pages; they include as following.

  1. Off-page metrics - These metrics are measured by Google and typically involve backlinks pointing back to your webpage (which we will cover further in part 4 of this article).
  2. On-page ranking - On-page ranking is determined primarily by how many keywords and information requests exist on a webpage.
  3. Technical - When it comes to ranking pages, the final determination lies with factors that take into account overall website performance rather than single pages alone.

Search engine optimization (SEO), however, refers mainly to website optimization using content creation like that found herein; articles like these provide one focus of optimization here.

Quality content uploaded to your website increases its chances of ranking well on search engine results pages, drawing prospective customers in while giving search engines all they require in terms of keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, and internal links to understand who visits and why.

White Hat Seo Vs. Black Hat Seo (Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

White Hat Seo Vs. Black Hat Seo (Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Black and white hats first made an appearance in Western films as symbols representing bad guys and good guys respectively.

SEO uses two different categories of practitioners; those who adhere to Googles Webmaster guidelines and those who do not.

Black Hat SEO refers to any unsavory practices designed to increase the rankings of a website through fraudulent or unethical means.

These techniques may lead to fast results on Google; however, search engines will most likely penalize and ban your website at some point or another.

White Hat SEO refers to regular, ethical SEO techniques that adhere to established rules.

This long-term approach yields positive rankings as the result of good optimization practices, quality content creation, and a user-centric approach.

Though most SEO specialists support "white hat" strategies as the ideal method, their opinions vary regarding certain link-building tactics (including buying links).

Why is SEO Crucial?

Why is SEO Crucial?

Search engines such as Google use SEO techniques to determine who deserves to rank highly for various terms or queries.

Without modern SEO strategies used today, however, manipulation would likely occur using bots that take advantage of larger companies with unlimited budgets. Modern SEO ensures a fair playing field by decreasing the chances that people manipulate results to their benefit.

As such, every website deserves its current rating. Working hard on content that resonates with visitors will result in higher search engine rankings - users often view businesses with top search result pages more as credible than ones not ranking as highly in page ranks, making SEO key if you want people visiting your website.

SEO offers you an efficient means of increasing website traffic while saving budget on expensive advertising space purchases, making SEO one of the most cost-effective means of increasing website visitors.

In part two of this article we will cover seo writing and how to seo your website. is focused on quality rather than quantity; unlike many companies, we do not settle for modest growth; neither should you.

If your current website growth or SEO success leaves something to be desired then reach out and speak with our team; they are eager to take it one step further and help take your website forward!

Related:- A Comprehensive Guide for SEO in 2023

How to SEO Your Website?

How to SEO Your Website?

One of the first things you must do when optimizing a website for search is to check whether it exists on Google and other search engines, especially given Google is by far the largest and most used search engine on the internet; 227 Million People utilize its services every hour alone with over 5 Billion searches per day recorded! You must make sure Google can find your website!

Locating your website within the Google directory is straightforward - all it takes to check is searching your name or URL on Google.

In most cases, it should already appear since their crawler bots scour the internet looking for new pages to index, but if it hasnt appeared yet there could be various causes; perhaps it is because your page doesnt fit certain parameters;

  1. The site is not well-connected.
  2. The site is too new.
  3. The design is ineffective and Google cannot crawl its content accurately.
  4. Google is restricted from indexing the site.
  5. Google errors on your site.

Google can easily identify new websites when crawling for them if yours includes a sitemap for them to reference during crawls, providing search engines and other services with information regarding new or altered pages, validating links pointing back to it as proof.

With your website recognized by the overlords at Google, youre ready to produce content to boost traffic to it!

Content creation will require time, especially if you do it without outsourcing this task to more experienced SEO writers.

Of course, there are other types of media you could create as well, like videos and podcasts which could leverage traffic from sites like YouTube. Videos might not be everyones cup of tea produce but might suit businesses running popular culture shops more appropriately than written blog posts would.

Before diving in with cameras and pen at hand we thought it would be useful to highlight some key factors search engines look out for before returning a website listing to visitors like yourself or writing blog posts this would make an ideal starting point - we thought wed make this guide an essential read with all this advice as you head off camera or writing your first blog posts that wont leave anything important out for viewers to take notice and provide some tips before getting creative when writing blog posts like Google would serve their site visitors!

  1. Relevance - Search engines strive to return searchers results that are tailored specifically for them, making their experience with us convenient and useful.
  2. Quality- Publishing regularly useful articles or media is an ideal starting point.
  3. Experience is key - Navigable websites will do wonders in garnering Google approval as well as encouraging potential clients to visit them regularly.
  4. Compatibility - Gone are the days of booting up an enormous PC just to check email; nowadays people browse websites on mobile phones instead. As such, your site needs to ensure compatibility for them all.
  5. Internal links - Utilizing internal links like this articles table of contents to assist your readers and boost trust signals on Google can greatly facilitate user navigation of your site and can result in higher trust signals on search engine platforms like Google.
  6. Site speed - No one likes having to deal with slow websites - Google doesnt care and neither will your customers!
  7. Title tags and meta descriptions - Although meta descriptions wont help your chances of Google ranking your website on SERPs, they certainly increase user click-through rate and engagement on your website. Meta descriptions work alongside headlines to draw users in for further exploration; title tags offer more concise ways of communicating this content to both search engines and potential visitors, usually including your targeted keywords in them.

How Long Will It Take for SEO Benefits to Show?

How Long Will It Take for SEO Benefits to Show?

SEO results develop over time; as more time passes, so will the results you see from SEO services. In general most companies state it takes approximately six to eight months before results become evident, although an excellent SEO company should at least double your website traffic!

5 SEO Tips for Beginners

5 SEO Tips for Beginners

Developers.devs team decided it would be helpful to compile five SEO Tips For Beginners as an aid for any budding SEO beginners out there!

Keywords Represent 90% of Any Successful Search

Keywords are at the core of SEO; they help shape content creation and give insight into what potential clients might be searching for.

There are a few simple strategies you can employ when developing keywords for content strategies - as follows;

  1. Brainstorm your ideas- our experience shows us that brainstorming works best when done by multiple individuals working on one problem together. If brainstorming is left to one person alone, try listing out all your services or products provided along with any terms relating to that specific service/product and which areas your target clientele live within - this can provide a starting point for creating keyword lists!
  2. Keyword research tool - while we will cover this subject more extensively later on, keyword research tools are effective tools for expanding and refining searches as well as helping build content.

Build and Disseminate Unique Content

Now you should have an extensive list of potential keywords and content ideas for blog posts.

Structure your article effectively by grouping titles together that make sense and then working from that basis.

Content creation is an area of SEO in its own right; creating blog posts takes practice to master. Google seems to value websites publishing useful, frequent articles.

Be Social

You may have noticed when searching online, one of the top links for any brand will often include its social media account.

This should come as no surprise; the social media presence of brands is becoming an integral component of their identity online and offline alike.

Google prizes all profiles or pages online, making creating social media profiles worthwhile in the long run if they do not already exist.

By adding social media accounts to your business listing, google can serve more pages of information when prospective clients search for your business name online.

Establishing an email list can also be an excellent way of expanding your contacts and starting conversations with fellow marketing managers, which will prove instrumental when beginning to create backlinks of your own.

Optimize Your Images

Optimize images whether uploading them directly to social media accounts or websites, adding tags with descriptions to help those with visual impairment, and Google index your site more accurately.

Furthermore, many social media websites prefer posts featuring images over those consisting of only lengthy texts.

Use Googles Analytics Tools

Google Analytics is an invaluable free service from Google that tracks website visitor activity. Search Console by Google offers users another great opportunity to optimize site performance - another free offering!

What Are Backlinks in SEO?

What Are Backlinks in SEO?

Backlinks occur when one website links back to another; also known as inbound or incoming links, backlinks serve as an endorsement from one site to the next and prove to Google and other search engines that real people support your content.

Your chances of ranking on search engine result pages (SERPS) increase when more sites link back to you with valuable backlinks that point toward your website.

Backlinks can be earned, making an essential component of off-site SEO services; off-site SEO refers to any actions performed outside the website that have an effectful ranking effect.

Ideal backlinks should come from reliable sites with high authority that dont promote spam content - this strategy would likely displease Google and other search engines.

Backlinks form the cornerstone of Googles original algorithm; thus using them within search engines is nothing out of the ordinary.

Backlinking may be Googles oldest way of tracking and indexing websites, yet it still plays an essential role in building the authority of websites today.

While building backlinks takes more time and is more complex than some aspects of SEO work, having trustworthy backlinks from reliable sites is invaluable when building authority online.

What Are SEO Tools?

What Are SEO Tools?

SEO tools are tools used by website owners and SEO specialists alike to increase search engine results rankings for specific website pages or entire domains.

Such tools analyze content online for keywords, backlinks, or any other measurable indicators relating to keywords, backlinks, or any other measurable metric information - we will explore some of the common tasks performed with these tools here:

  1. Keyword researching - One of the main advantages of employing SEO tools to increase website traffic is in-depth keyword research. With these tools, you will be able to see which search terms or questions might pertain to your topic as well as which are being looked up most frequently for better website and content optimization.
  2. Content creation - Unfortunately there isnt an SEO tool that will write articles for you yet; what these tools will do is help guide and shape the creation of articles for you.
  3. Backlinks - As previously discussed in this article, backlinks play an integral part in SEOs background activities. Certain tools allow you to track and edit backlinks as well as generate them yourself.
  4. Ranking - Search engine optimization tools provide another essential service - keeping an eye on a websites ranking. Furthermore, they enable you to monitor what competitors are up to as well as any effective content they might be creating or publishing that might provide insight.
  5. Measuring traffic - Although measuring traffic may seem like an obvious task related to SEO, you will likely end up performing this activity regularly.
  6. Social media - Certain SEO tools enable users to monitor and analyze social media data. Such platforms allow you to see which of your blog posts have been shared through these channels as well as track trending keywords by actively searching them out regularly.

How to Boost SEO?

How to Boost SEO?

As part of our series on how to increase SEO, we have discussed numerous tactics for increasing and creating search engine-optimized content on websites such as keyword-rich blog posts or making sure mobile versions load fast enough for visitors.

Now lets delve deeper and look at more ways you can increase your SEO.

  1. Header tags - To keep readers engaged while also aiding writers through the writing process, header tags provide another great way of keeping reading moving smoothly. Not only can they break up text but it helps guide writers as well.
  2. Outbound links - Linking outward can help increase traffic to your site, but make sure it leads to reliable sources when discussing data-related subjects.
  3. Explainer video - Uploading and embedding an explainer video onto YouTube ensures maximum views while taking advantage of having it search-engine indexed and becoming part of Google search results.
  4. A professional website - While header tags, writing regular blog content, or driving visitors through search engine ads might bring them in, having a professional site with an engaging interface that users want to spend their time on will always attract more viewers than any of these methods combined.

Do you require professional web development with SEO expertise from an established company, which delivers immediate measurable results? Reach out to today.

Our expertise includes producing results within days rather than months!

How Much Are SEO Services?

How Much Are SEO Services?

As you shop around for SEO companies and freelancers, three main pricing structures should emerge when searching.

They include.

Structures Come With Benefits -

Hourly pay structure - Many freelance SEO professionals opt for an hourly pay structure as it helps bolster cash flow between jobs.

Unfortunately for anyone hiring SEO services, however, hourly pay offers no real benefits in terms of cost-effectiveness as SEO takes many hours to complete successfully and this may be one of their least cost-effective methods of engagement.

Monthly retainer - Agencies commonly employ this payment option across the UK as SEO and website management are ongoing tasks that should have regular payments to reflect that ongoing nature.

Pay monthly also works well with smaller businesses that dont have a budget to invest thousands up-front.

Per project payment structure - Per project payment is another popular pay structure among larger organizations that possess significant budgets; as this option could prove quite expensive.

Now that we understand some of the main pay structures you might encounter when searching for SEO, lets consider some average costs in each state.

Of course, if you opt to manage SEO yourself then free services might be provided, yet without professional expertise in making sure your website succeeds.

Freelance SEO professionals typically charge anywhere between PS10-PS100 per hour depending on their experience and where you hire them from, but at we have three-tiered monthly investment programs designed specifically to address that cost issue.

Differences among them generally lie in their relative workloads: our first-tier package costs PS450+VAT per month while second-tier costs are between PS1250 and 2000 per month respectively.

At Digital Marketers, we offer an exhaustive plan that encompasses keyword research, content creation/publishing/backlinking/video syndication.

Every package comes complete with an account manager who offers assistance should any issues arise during its implementation process.

Want to Know More About Our Services? Talk to Our Manager


Over this series of articles weve gone over some basic information related to SEO and how you can utilize its full potential on your websites traffic.

We explained what SEO stands for as well as why its presence matters when running an effective site.

Next, we explored SEO content writing and explained how you could optimize it with keywords from brainstorming sessions or using SEO tools.

SEO companies provide services designed to increase website traffic by producing relevant and easily navigable content while making all posts searchable on the internet by adding tags and metadata tags.

As SEOs ourselves, we hope the information presented will assist in your journey toward SEO expertise. For additional articles visit knowledge hub.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes