PHP vs Python: A Comprehensive Comparison for this year

Pythons Development History

Guido van Rossum, a Dutch researcher in mathematics and computer science, created Python in the late 1980s/early 90s.

Python can also be created in other languages, such as Modula 3, C++, and ABC. Python copyrighted.Although the Python core team is now responsible for maintaining Python, Guido van Rossum still plays a major role in its development.

Statista indicates that 49.28% of developers use Python.

Python Features

Here is some features which indicates what can python be used for :

  1. Python is easy to learn.Students can easily learn the language.
  2. It is simpler to understand and interpret the Python code.
  3. Simple-to-maintain Python code source code is easy to maintain.
  4. It's cross-platform and portable.
  5. Python lets you debug and test code in real time.
  6. Mobile Can be used on multiple devices.
  7. These modules let you extend the Python interpreter.
  8. Python provides interfaces for major commercial databases.
  9. Python offers functionality for GUI apps. These applications can be portable to many Windows systems, including Windows MFC and Macintosh.
  10. Python can be used to support complex systems and is more efficient than shell scripting.

Python offers many more amazing features than the ones mentioned.

  1. It supports OOP and functional programming with structured programming.
  2. It is suitable for large-scale applications.
  3. This allows dynamic type checking.
  4. This allows automatic garbage collection.
  5. It can integrate with ActiveX and C++, as well as COM.
  6. Python is compatible with many platforms, including Linux and Mac OS X. Let us now see how to set Python up.
  7. Python could also be used to port to Java and .NET virtual machines.

What does PHP Mean?

What does PHP Mean?

PHP was originally a Personal Homepage. It doesn't contain the full meaning of the abbreviation. PHPs first version was launched 26 years ago.

Version 8 was released in November 2020. Version 7 is still the most used. PHP is used to create web servers. You can also display your code output in the terminal.

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The Benefits of PHP

The Benefits of PHP

PHP is a very popular language with many benefits. PHP has been used to develop web servers for more than 15 years.

  1. Cross-Platform: PHP is platform-independent.It doesnt require you to use a specific OS because it works on all platforms, whether Mac or Windows.
  2. PHP can be used open-source: Anyone is allowed to modify the source code. Laravel is one of the most well-known frameworks.
  3. PHP is simple to learn: If you have programming knowledge, it's easy to pick up.
  4. All Databases can be synced with PHP: PHP can connect to any relational database.
  5. PHP provides a supportive online community.

Who uses PHP?

Who uses PHP?

Many tech companies, including tech giants use PHP. They accomplish amazing things.

  1. Facebook: Facebook uses PHP to build its website. Hiphop for PHP was created by the company and shared with the community.
  2. Wikipedia: Wikipedia was built in PHP. It is the most comprehensive information source on any topic.
  3. Content Management Systems, also known as WordPress, was developed in PHP. PHP can also be used by Shopify.
  4. Web Hosting Platforms - Many Web Hosting Platforms like BlueHost and Siteground use PHP to manage their web hosting servers.

Popular PHP Other Websites

Some popular PHP websites are given below :-

  1. Facebook
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Tumblr
  4. Slack
  5. MailChimp
  6. Etsy
  7. WordPress

Is PHP Dying?

Is PHP Dying?

There has been much debate about PHPs future. This is because of the rise in popularity of languages that can be used on the server side, like JavaScript (Node JS) and Python.

Is PHP dying? No. PHP is used by almost 8 out of 10 websites you visit each day. PHP is more widely used than any other programming language on Indeed regarding job availability.

An average PHP developer in the US makes $86,000 per year.

In-depth Comparison of PHP and Python

In-depth Comparison of PHP and Python

Here is a huge difference among PHP Vs Python

  1. Which one is More difficult to Learn?

PHP is a general-purpose programming language that can also be used to create complex web applications. PHP variable names are case-sensitive.

Curly braces are used to indicate a method. The -> operator is used. Learning PHP takes time, especially for beginners.

PHP 4 is an example of improved object-oriented programming, which uses better abstraction.

This makes it much easier to complete tasks.

Python is, however, much more accessible for beginners. Python does not use curly braces for delimiting blocks. Instead, it uses whitespace indentation.

Python is less likely to include semicolons than other languages. These attributes make Python programming simple to understand and easy to write.

These attributes make Python programming easy to understand and write.

  1. Installation is Simple

Installing PHP is easy. It works well on Windows, Linux, and MacOS X. You can also find it on many shared hosting websites for lower prices.

PHP is an excellent tool for building small apps. Python can be difficult to install.

Another problem is that your Python version may be out of date and not be suitable for development. We know how frustrating this can be.

It can be difficult to install Python on Windows. A package manager such as Chocolatey is a great choice. Installing Python on your computer will be easy if you're a Linux user.

Verdict - PHP wins the installation race.

  1. Performance

According to a recent survey 79% of online shoppers had issues with site speed and overall performance. They said they would not return to the site again.

Your apps and websites should load quickly and be responsive. It shouldn't take more than 2 to 3 seconds. Many factors affect speed and performance, including memory, storage, and code logic.

You should also consider the programming language you use.

It's important to compare the speed and performance of PHP and Python. PHP 5. x had slow performance in its early days and took a long time to execute codes.

Zend Engine 3.0 was released along with PHP 7. The programming language is now 2x faster than its predecessor.

However, Python's code compiler process is faster than any other language. It also converts bytecode from a file to bytecode when it's modified or created.

This was faster than PHP before PHP 7. x.

A bank system that handles a large amount of daily traffic must be very fast. That is why PHP 7 is preferred over Python.

If you want to create a quick, simple application that doesn't have a time lag, you can still use Python and PHP.

Read More: How does PHP take an essential place in the process of Web Development?

  1. Library Support

Developers can use web-based frameworks to integrate libraries into their development workflow. Your projects can be completed in less time, and testing is easier.

You can also reduce the cost of testing. PHPs library support is not very strong. This will make it much easier to manage your libraries.

The composer is still young and may not be 100% reliable. Python, on the other hand, offers great support for libraries.

Python uses "Pip installs Python." Pip makes it quick and simple to manage libraries for Python applications. You can also easily extract your project requirements.

These web apps that are ML-backed or AI-based are in high demand. Python has outstanding ML libraries such as Scikit Learn, TensorFlow, and Keras.

These libraries can be installed and integrated with web frameworks. Python simplifies web development.

  1. Web Framework Options

Both PHP & Python provide many options for web frameworks. Zend and CodeIgniter are the most widely used PHP-based frameworks.

Many modern PHP apps use Symfony or Laravel because they have lower configuration requirements and offer faster scalability.

Many famous websites, including Vogue, Sony VAIO UK, and Barracuda, use these frameworks.

Many web frameworks for Python can help you create high-customization and support functions such as interpreting requests, producing responses, storing data, etc.

Django, TurboGears, and other Python web frameworks are the most well-known. Django, a popular framework, is perfect for perfectionist developers.

With its emphasis on automation, you can create apps faster with less code.

Other Python-supported platforms can also be useful in terms of security, performance, and customization.

  1. Environment Management

It is crucial to talk about environment management in PHP and Python. This is especially important if you don't want to rely on software containers when building applications.

It is important to ensure that the library versions and installed languages are mixed up with your code.

virtPHP manages PHPs environment. Many developers prefer virtPHP to a container. For operational development, a container is more efficient.

It can be used by developers to run microservices and large applications and software processes. It is easier to use, has consistent operation, and can be transported more easily.

It makes it easy to develop apps faster using containers like Kubernetes and Docker.

A container is a good option. You don't have to worry about the environment. Lets see how Python works with environmental management.

Virtualenv allows you to manage your Python environment. Virtualenv has been in use for more than 10 years.

  1. Flexibility, Scalability, and Versatility

A business user base expands. An application that they use should be adaptable to their customers requirements.

Scalable apps allow businesses to respond to market demand and withstand high volumes during peak seasons. Both PHP & Python can be used for web development with various libraries and frameworks.

PHP is compatible with powerful frameworks like Symfony or Laravel, so you don't have to worry too much about development, testing, or management.

When it comes to scaling, Python is better than PHP. Its artificial intelligence, machine-learning capabilities, and scalability allow it to adapt to new trends and scale as needed.

Despite the many improvements, PHP is not as flexible to adapt to growing trends and changing needs. Python supports many web frameworks.

Python has many web frameworks. Django helps you to deploy ML models and use decoupled parts to create apps. Django is used by Instagram because it's simple and versatile.

It also chose Python in the PHP-vs-Python battle.

  1. Security

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's internet world. Cyberattacks evolve with technological advances including cross-site scripting and malware injection.

Both individuals and businesses suffer tremendously from reputation and lack of money.

Designers and developers must be concerned about security when creating websites. They should try to use a programming language with better security features.

Python is more secure than PHP. Many security features can be used to create complex applications with high-end functionality.

Python supports Django, for example.

These security features protect apps from threats.

  1. Debugging

We will next compare PHP and Python to see how efficient they are for debugging. Developers must be prepared for both good and bad situations.

Bugs can cause your application to not work as it should. This could pose security threats. A debugger is a tool that can be used to identify and solve problems.

Debugging PHP is difficult. Python offers a variety of debuggers, including Python Debugger (PDB), that are easy to use for beginners.

You can also integrate debuggers from PHP and Python using IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or PyCharm.

  1. Documentation

Good documentation is essential for every developer, no matter how experienced or novice they are. All the information you need to keep abreast of all developments and any challenges you may face We need to compare the documentation in this comparison of PHP and Python.

Both PHP and Python have extensive documentation. Many websites, forums, discussion boards, and tutorials can be accessed in PHP and Python.

PHP offers documentation in 10 languages. Developers can comment on pages to clarify complicated concepts and give examples.

Comments are permanently saved so everyone can see them. Older comments are also displayed at the top pages of pages that used PHP versions before this.

These issues are either fixed or made obsolete. This is not possible with Python. There are no comments in this documentation.

It is possible to find the explanations confusing.

Comparing each advantage and drawback shows that Python still has a higher score because of obsolete comments. This is why Python is so popular.

  1. WordPress: What They Do

WordPress uses PHP as its core programming language. Download WordPress from the official website to learn more about PHP.

Open the ZIP file. The ZIP file contains most of the instructions to use PHP. Most WordPress themes and plugins include PHP files.

Your website is visited by visitors.

PHP modules running on the server process PHP code to generate HTML output. The output is displayed on the visitor's screen.

PHP is required to process URL requests, fetch data from a table, load files, and fetch metadata. It validates user permissions.

It's not necessary to be an expert in PHP to manage WordPress websites. WordPress themes and plugins are written both in PHP and Python.

It sounds strange. WordPress is the best CMS for creating blogs.

You can also use Python to create high-end applications for fin-tech web scraping, data analytics, and other purposes.

You must connect to MySQL if you wish to use Python in WordPress. WordPress and Python both support MySQL. A plugin should be able to execute MySQL queries to your databases and display the results on your front end development.

Many would not mind if these inconveniences became part of their everyday lives. PHP is an excellent choice for WordPress, as it integrates with WordPress more effectively than Python.

  1. MySQL: What They Do

MySQL was established in 1995, the same year PHP was founded. Open-source offers many advantages, including high speeds, low digital footprints, and easy installation.

MySQL must be used in all applications. We will also compare the usability of MySQL. You can create any type of website using PHP and MySQL.

You can use PHP with almost any database, from large-scale business portals to small contact forms.

MySQL is the most widely used PHP-based web product. It is free, flexible, reliable, and uses standard SQL. PHP and MySQL are used by many people to create cross-platform apps on different Os like Windows, Unix, or Linux.

Once you've completed the PHP command will automatically connect with MySQL. You might need additional codes or plugins to connect to MySQL using other popular programming languages.

Python must have a special driver to communicate with a MySQL server. You should also ensure that the drivers you use conform to their standard interface.

MySQL documentation uses the term "connector" rather than "driver" to indicate that it connects and interacts with a database.

Different programming languages have different drivers or connectors. Python uses MySQL Connector.

The PIP is used to install MySQL Connector. Now you can execute SQL queries and fetch the results. These are difficult processes for many.

PHP is the better choice when comparing PHP to Python for MySQL.

  1. Application and Web Development

It is important to understand the best language for web and application development processes. Both PHP and Python can be used to develop web and app apps.

It all boils down to the project's complexity and size.

PHP was designed for a web development team. On the other hand, Python has powerful functionalities that make it ideal for creating apps based on AI, ML, and data science.

Both Python and PHP are great in their ways. It is important to have a solid understanding of both languages and their usage before making a decision.

  1. Developer Community and Support

It's important to have a supportive developer community. This is a great resource for both new and experienced developers.

Since Python and PHP were first released over a decade ago, an incredible developer community supports professionals.

You can search these forums and websites and ask questions to better understand your web development skills.

PHP was first introduced in 1995. It has been continuously improved over the years with new features, resolutions, and integration for speed improvements.

PHP is home to a large developer community that can assist you. PHP is Facebook's main backend development programming language.

Python was released for the first time in 1991. It is home to a strong developer community, much like PHP. Google made Python more famous when it was used for creating YouTube and other products.

PHP is second to Python in terms of support and community.

Similarities between PHP and Python

Similarities between PHP and Python

Now let's look at the similarities between PHP and Python.

  1. Both languages are free and open-source.
  2. Both are excellent candidates for debugging.
  3. Both IDEs are custom-made for all major operating systems.
  4. Both provide a strong developer community to help you with questions and expand your skills.
  5. Both allow dynamic typing and method chaining.

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This PHP-to-Python comparison shows that Python has the edge by 2 points. Both PHP and Python can be used to develop web apps and applications.

For many years, PHP was the preferred choice for web development projects. Python's unique features and functionalities are slowly making their mark in science-based apps.

Your requirements and knowledge of PHP or Python will determine your choice. You should start with Python if you are just starting.

You can then move on to PHP or another language. Python is better if you want to create science-based websites and applications such as AI, ML, or Big Data.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes