Software Security vs Cloud and IoT: New Years Battle

Comparing Software Security with Cloud and IoT

Many companies in various sectors, including information technology, were forced to reduce their workforces or take a significant amount off their workers paychecks during the recession to control costs.

While some companies struggle to survive in these difficult times, many domains like IoT, cyber security software and others have seen a steady increase in demand.

Due to their resilience in times of crisis, areas such as cybersecurity, cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) have seen increased productivity.

Heres a list containing domain names that have expanded since the pandemic. These domains are contributing to software security and recession-proof employment.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

The global lockdown was implemented to control the pandemic spread across many countries. It increased our dependence on mobile devices and remote access for key business functions.

Remote work was a great way to save the world, but it raised concerns about privacy violations and the destruction and loss of crucial data networks and computers that were not protected. According to Campaign India, India is third among the 10 countries most affected by cyber threats. Many organizations are now more vulnerable to cyber-attacks and malicious attempts because they rely on digital networks and resources.

To prevent such emergencies in the future, companies need skilled and qualified cybersecurity professionals.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing

The pandemic has opened up new possibilities, not only for cybersecurity but also for cloud computing services.

Cloud technology and cloud services have received much attention in recent years. Remote work is required to have unrestricted data access and servers protected by the best security protocols. Companies must implement cloud-based programs like SaaS (Software as a Service).

We can continue living our digital lives using Zoom Video and Slack thanks to cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Cloud computing will not allow us to seamlessly transition to modern connectivity or perform our technical duties without difficulty.

Demand for cloud storage will rise by 64%, while that for cloud-based apps will rise by 56%, predicts IDC. Organizations are struggling to find qualified cloud computing specialists due to the fast adoption of cloud computing in existing business models.

On LinkedIn, there are more than 26,000 openings for cloud specialists in India. These people include cloud architects, engineers, and security specialists.

Data Science

Data Science

Data had a significant role in the IT market long before the pandemic. Since the pandemic, companies have become more dependent on data than ever.

This is especially true for data science and data mining. Due to the present recession, customer focus and behavior have changed towards digitization, producing vast amounts of data.

Data has taken over corporate life. Companies seek ways to store, track and analyze data to gain market insight. Data allows companies to make quick and simple decisions to solve customer problems.

Internet Of Things

Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the umbrella term that covers gadgets that can connect and be managed over the Internet.

IoT App Development is not restricted to the IT industry. Due to the pandemic, ioT must be included in manufacturing and other industry practices. To reduce costs, improve quality and be more responsive to future crises, organizations have increased the use of IoT in their operations.

The worldwide IoT market will increase from $150 billion in 2019 to $243 billion in 2021 because of COVID-19.

Many companies are struggling to survive the COVID-19 crisis. These companies have shown us the positive side of the situation by being resilient to the current economic downturn.

Jigsaw Academy is a leader in training in new technology. They offer specialized Computer Science, IoT Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing programs to help aspirants and learners build successful careers in these growing fields.

How To Protect

How To Protect

One of the first steps to building a strong security foundation is to assess the properties and processes. Cybercriminals could continue to target your company with the same focus.

This stage involves addressing potential flaws early and working to harden devices over time for producers who integrate IoT functionality into their products.

Vendors have not been able to implement baseline protection for IoT devices, even though it is obvious. Farmers are now motivated to prioritize protection through many regulations and precedents.

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Final Verdict

The Internet of Things (IoT), which expands the reach of emerging technologies to the physical realm, is a major step in raising the stakes.

Cyberattacks could lead to chaos in markets and industrial accidents. This is due to the interplay between digital and physical environments created by IoT technology. Cybersecurity becomes more difficult as IoT technology develops and is deployed from the cloud to edge designs within IT ecosystems.

It is often more difficult to decide what to protect. There was an established perimeter that could protect organizations using computer technology decades ago.

Information security specialists devised a series of protections for possessions in the Middle Ages. It was similar to the way nobles built castles. People and processes could be trusted within a certain perimeter. Those outside werent.

The castles approach is still evident, but its weaknesses have become even more apparent. One fundamental IoT system difficulty is that it is incompatible with a perimeter-based security paradigm that safeguards a uniform collection of computing assets.

Cloud storage and remote work present additional challenges.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes