Transforming Industries: AIs Top Real World Applications

Reshaping Industries: AIs Top Real World Applications

This article will teach us about Artificial Intelligence, its applications, and how it is used. You will learn about the topics of Artificial Intelligence and its Applications.

By the end of this post, you should have a solid understanding of Artificial Intelligence Applications.

Its still not the truth. Artificial Intelligence is the imitation of human Intelligence by machines programmed to mimic humans actions and think as they do.

It can also refer to any device that displays traits of a human brain, such as the ability to learn, analyze, understand, and solve problems. Artificial Intelligence has many more applications in real life than most people realize.

Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction

Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction

Artificial Intelligences ideal trait is the ability to rationalize and then take action that has the most excellent chance of accomplishing a defined goal.

AI has evolved from a handful of machines that perform basic calculations. Artificial intelligence applications are developed using a multi-disciplinary approach that includes mathematics, computer sciences, linguistics, and psychology.

The applications of artificial Intelligence are limitless. Applications of technology and AI can be used in many sectors to maximize the output from the operation front.

AI applications are being used and tested in the health industry to administer drugs, perform different treatments on patients, and also for surgery in operating rooms.

Computers that play games such as chess and self-driving vehicles are other examples of machines using artificial Intelligence.

To achieve the best results, these examples of artificially intelligent machines also need to consider each decisions impact. The result in chess is to win the game. The computer must view all external data in self-driving vehicles to prevent a collision.

Artificial Intelligence is not only used in technology but also finance. It can detect malicious activity in banking, such as large deposits and unusual card use.

The fraud departments of banks use AI applications to detect any abnormal behavior on behalf of their clients or third parties. AI applications are used in the trading sector to streamline it.

The supply, demand, and price of securities can be estimated more efficiently using comprehensive analysis algorithms. We now know the different aspects of AI intelligence and how it is used in various sectors. Lets look at the Top 15 AI Applications.

Artificial Intelligence Types

Artificial Intelligence Types

Artificial Intelligence can be classified into three types:

  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): We have only successfully generated narrow artificial Intelligence, also known as narrow AI and weak AI.

    Narrow AI has a specific goal and is designed for a particular task, such as driving, using voice assistants, speech recognition software, or facial recognition.

    It is very competent in achieving the desired outcome.

  2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Artificial General Intelligence, also called strong AI or Deep AI, refers to a machine with general Intelligence that can apply it in solving any given problem. AGI can think, act, and understand in every context in an identical manner as a human.
  3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI): Artificial super intelligence is an AI that is more intelligent than humans and can understand their Intelligence. ASI occurs when the computer becomes self-aware.

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Artificial Intelligence: What Is It Used For?

Artificial Intelligence: What Is It Used For?

AI has been applied to various areas to gain insights into user behavior and provide data-driven recommendations.

For example, Googles algorithm for predictive search used user data in the past to predict what text a user might enter into the search box. Netflix uses previous user data to recommend what movies a user will watch next. This keeps them hooked and increases their viewing time.

Facebook automatically suggests tags to your friends using historical data. Large corporations use AI to improve the customer experience. Artificial Intelligence falls under data processing and includes the following categories:

  1. Autonomous cars
  2. Smart Assistants
  3. The disease mapping
  4. Robotics manufacturing
  5. Booking Virtual Travel Agent

Artificial Intelligence Applications

Artificial Intelligence Applications

Lets move on to the next step and learn more about artificial Intelligence.

Personalized Online Shopping

All, the major tech companies, are now focusing on personalizing the user experience. Ecommerce sites are a little behind, as they have also been among the largest platforms for implementing AIs personalization.

Artificial intelligence algorithms are used to create the latest AI applications, which curate a list of recommendations for users and filters.

The first step is to collect user information by looking at the most recent searches. These AI algorithms then create a list that includes products in different and similar categories that meet the criteria for being valuable and equal.

If a customer has bought a phone, AI algorithms can suggest extra add-ons for that model, such as screen protectors, covers, headphones, etc.

The algorithms can go beyond and offer personalized products such as compatible devices that pair, warranty extensions, protection plans for damage, etc.

This personalization allows users to select products they might be interested in. Amazons intelligent AI is implemented in its e-commerce recommendations.

Smart Cars

The most popular application of Artificial Intelligence is self-driving vehicles. They are becoming more reliable every day and can be dispatched.

Googles project for self-driving cars and Teslas autopilot feature are just two examples of AI in action.

Advanced Deep Learning algorithms can accurately predict the behavior of objects that may be near. The AI system collects data from radars, cameras, GPS, and cloud-based services to create control signals for the vehicle.

Some high-end cars already come equipped with AI parking systems. Soon, with the advancement of AI, we will see fully-automated vehicles on many streets.


Marketing is one of the most important artificial intelligence applications. It has also been the subject of many recent trends.

In the early 2000s, AI implementation in online marketing could have been better. The search could have been better. It could be easier to locate if you knew what the item was called. The improvement of AI is why smart suggestions work so much better now.

With the advancement of AI, consumers can purchase products online by taking a picture. AI is also being integrated into software and hardware used by marketing professionals to calibrate and analyze the vast amount of data.

AIs success in this domain has been mainly due to using Big Data and Machine Learning. These technologies have improved the data handling processes. AI has increased productivity in marketing by removing the burden of mundane and monotonous tasks.

Enhance Images

Cameras and apps use AI to apply different effects, improve the quality of images and suggest ways for you to take them.

AI helps identify objects in photos and can enhance them to their maximum by considering each images lighting and depth. It also helps capture as many details as possible. Many apps and cameras allow you to add different effects using this feature.

Artificial Intelligence allows users to add filters and perform a variety of amazing experiments with the image.

Google Photos also uses AI to allow users to search for photos of specific people within their contacts or tags. The software identifies faces in pictures and will enable you to search or tag the images.

Social Media

Social media has become an essential element in the lives of todays youth. Chats, Tweets, Posts, and more have generated valuable information.

AI and machine learning are involved in most cases with a large amount of data. Face verification and facial feature detection are the most popular uses of AI on social media.

AI on social media is often associated with machine learning and big data. Deep understanding, which uses a collection of deep neural networks to extract each minute detail in an image, can be equated to AI.

Machine learning algorithms, on the other hand, are used to create your news feed according to your preferences.


A human operator is typically responsible for monitoring traditional security cameras. The human being is prone to making mistakes for many different reasons.

Human error can also be dangerous in this area. Multiple monitors can cause accidents due to the difficulty in tracking them simultaneously.

As with other artificial intelligence applications in the real world, AI is also trained through supervised exercises.

Security algorithms, protocol identification, etc., can be developed, as well as camera inputs. AI will eventually be able to identify threats and alert human security agents.

AI is a significant advancement in surveillance, and it can detect many threats, such as intrusions, invalid entry, unknown individuals in defined locations, etc.

Despite its limited capabilities, AI is predicted to become a significant asset in global surveillance in the coming 10 years.


Agriculture is one of the newest artificial intelligence applications that has significantly impacted this industry.

Due to the increasing demand for food in our society, many organizations use automation and robotics with AI to assist farmers in finding better ways to protect crops against various factors such as weather, weeds, and market consumption rates.

Climate change, population increase, and concerns about food security have led the industry to seek more innovative ways of improving crop yields and targeted production.

Images captured with the smartphones camera can be used to identify defects. The user is then given soil restoration tips and techniques to fix the flaws.

Customer Service

Many websites offer the option to chat live with customer service. Artificial Intelligence is used in this application.

Chat support bots can be viewed as little more than automatic responders. Advanced customer service chatbots can extract and provide data from the website on demand. Chatbots must adapt to the language of natural speech.

It is challenging to teach a computer how to read human speech. Natural language processing is evolving rapidly, and they consume information constantly.

Video Games

Artificial Intelligence is now a major part of gaming. AI has made a significant impact on the gaming industry. The enemys actions are unpredictable because the AI is never trained to make the same mistake.

As the difficulty of the game increases, so does their ability to play the game. The games are challenging, and players have to switch tactics constantly. Artificial Intelligence is best used in gaming because it has many applications.

The AI helps design games, create characters, and influence the plot to some extent.


In terms of AI adoption, the Healthcare industry has led the way. The healthcare industry depends on AIs ability to quickly crunch data and learn from past experiences.

AI is a crucial step in helping people care for patients. Automated bots and applications in healthcare ensure that patients are treated and medicated correctly. AI has also proven to be a valuable tool for doctors in certain situations.


Many banks already use AI systems and software for customer service and to detect credit card fraud and anomalies.

Fraud detection is another use for AI in banking that is far more valuable for banks. Machines are better at understanding patterns than humans. Fraud prevention AI is an excellent tool for this. Security specialists can prevent fraud more efficiently by tracing the card use and access to endpoints.

AI is used by organizations to track these steps through the analysis of transactional behaviors.

Smart Homes

Home automation is a growing trend. The latest artificial Intelligence applications are being implemented and getting smarter each day.

Smart locks, switches, and other devices are becoming increasingly compatible, making intelligent homes more available. In the past years, many devices with intelligent capabilities can learn from your habits and save you money through energy savings, suggestions of steps that could protect time and resources, and cost-optimized operation.

They help you live a more intelligent life.

For example, thermostats and building control systems can automate building heating and cooling. They learn to predict the best time for your boiler to be on and off while considering outside conditions.


Travel companies use AI for a variety of tasks. They use AI to determine prices in different places by analyzing historical and current data.

AI applications and machine-learning help companies calculate reasonable prices with various factors to attract customers. Travel agencies can also use AI to estimate the cost of a trip and evaluate traffic levels on roads. The AI can calculate how long it takes to travel by bus, train, or plane.

Space Exploration

The analysis of vast data sets is always required for space explorations and discoveries. The best method to process and handle data of this size is through artificial Intelligence and machine learning.

After years of research, for example, astronomers have used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to sort through the data collected to find a solar system with eight planets that are far away.


Virtual assistants have become a commodity in many industries. Virtual assistants are used by almost every home to control their household appliances.

Some examples are Siri, Cortana, and Alexa. These virtual assistants have become popular because they offer a great user experience.

Amazon Echo shows how AI can translate the human voice into desired actions. The device can carry out various tasks using NLP and speech recognition.

You can use it for more than playing your favorite songs. You can use it to order food, control your home devices, call cabs and make phone calls.

Read More: Artificial Intelligence: Definition and AI systems

AI Implementation Examples

AI Implementation Examples

Google AI Predictions

Google Maps can use anonymized data collected from smartphone locations to analyze traffic flow at any time. Maps will be able to incorporate more user-reported incidents, such as construction or accidents.

AI Autopilots Are Used On Commercial Flights

AI autopilots for commercial airlines are a surprising early application of AI, dating back to 1914, depending on how you define autopilot.

The New York Times reported that an aircrafts average flight involves just seven minutes of manual flight control, usually reserved for landing and takeoff.

Smart Email Categorization

Gmail also uses the same approach for categorizing your emails in primary, social, and promotional inboxes and marking emails as necessary.

Gmail is learning every time you label an email important.


The labor-intensive nature of essay grading has led researchers and businesses to develop AIs that grade essays.


Voice-to-text is a standard feature of smartphones. You can speak by pressing a key or saying "Ok, Google" (for example).

Your phone will convert the audio to text. Many AI researchers aim to create a machine with human intellect to perform any task. AI is the subject of many dystopian sci-fi stories, where super-intelligent machines overtake humanity.

But experts say we dont need to be concerned about this anytime soon.

In the past decade, AI and machine-learning technologies have seen rapid growth. The technologies are now a necessity in many industries.

They continue to be embraced by other sectors. Soon, your fridge will be able to tell you what foods are best for your health and diet. Your chatbot, like Alexa and Siri, could be your assistant.

AI is advancing at a breakneck pace, and the possibilities are endless.

AI has made many tasks more accessible than 10 years ago. This includes space exploration, research into microorganisms, archeological advancements, and more.

AI will continue to expand the possibilities, as Virtual Reality (VR), intuitive chatbots, and exploration technology are already setting the stage for future advancements. Humans can only watch this progress and hope it will help build a better world.

Why Do We Use AI?

Why Do We Use AI?

Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool for people with a lot of work. Automating daily tasks makes sense. It saves time for the staff and increases output.

Artificial Intelligence can also be used to find competent employees to develop the business.

Businesses today also believe they want to automate every routine and everyday task. They can automate these routine tasks with a simple app.

Automation is increasing as the data sciences advance. Most commonly, this AI is used for online chat portals. You have undoubtedly noticed the greeting message on the website.

The actual talk usually begins after the welcome message.

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We now have a solid understanding of Artificial Intelligence and the applications it can be used for. Artificial Intelligence can be defined as "a thinking power that is man-made." We will then understand in depth the different types of synthetic Intelligence, their uses, and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, such as healthcare, finance, Ecommerce, Robotics, or Marketing.

in detail. Artificial Intelligence has a significant role in the lives of people. Artificial Intelligence development at the beginning of the 21st century has led to a wide range of technology applications.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes