Unlocking the Potential: How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Mid-Market Companies

How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Mid-Market Companies

As a block cannot be changed, the only place where trust is required is when a program or user enters the data. This reduces the requirement for third parties, who are typically auditors and other humans, who add costs and make errors.

Since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009, blockchain applications have grown exponentially.

These include decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible (NFT) tokens, and smart contracts.

How does Blockchain Work?

How does Blockchain Work?

Spreadsheets and databases are probably familiar to you. The Blockchain is similar to a database, where data is stored and entered.

The key difference between an old-fashioned database or spreadsheet and a blockchain is the way the data is organized and accessed.

A blockchain is made up of scripts, which are programs that perform the same tasks as a database. They enter and access information and save and store it.

A distributed blockchain means that multiple copies of the same data are stored on different machines. They must match in order for it to be valid.

The Blockchain gathers information about transactions and stores it in blocks, similar to a cell on a spreadsheet.

The information is then run through an algorithm that creates a hash.

The hash value is entered in the header of the next block and encrypted along with all the information contained within the block.

The blocks are then chained.

Transaction Process

Depending on which Blockchain you are using, transactions follow a certain process.

Your transaction in Bitcoin is sent to the memory pool, where it will be stored until a validator or miner picks it up.

After the transaction is added to a block and that block is filled with transactions, it is then closed and encrypted by using an encryption algorithm. The mining process begins.

The entire network is working simultaneously to "solve the hash". Each generates a randomly generated hash, except for "nonce", short for the number used only once.

Each miner begins with a zero nonce, which is added to the hash generated randomly. If the number is not equal to or lower than the target hash, then a value one is added to it, and a block hash will be generated.

The process continues until one miner produces a valid block hash. They win the race and receive the reward.

The "proof-of-work" that you hear about is the process of generating random hashes and comparing them to a certain value.

This "proves" the miners hard work. Bitcoins network uses so much energy and computational power because it requires so much work to validate a hash.

A transaction is completed once a block has been closed. The block is not confirmed until at least five other blocks are validated.

The network takes about an hour to confirm a block because the average is just under 10 seconds. (The first block with your transactions and five subsequent blocks multiplied 10 times equals approximately 60 minutes).

Not all blockchains use this method. Ethereum, for example, randomly selects a validator among all users who have staked ether to validate blocks.

These are then confirmed by its network. This process is faster and more energy efficient than Bitcoin.

Blockchain Decentralization

It not only ensures data fidelity but also creates redundant data. So, no node in the network is able to alter any information.

Due to this distribution and the encrypted proof of work, the information and history are irreversible (like transactions in cryptocurrency).

This record can be a list (like with cryptocurrency) of transactions, but a blockchain could also hold other information, such as legal contracts, state IDs, or company inventory.

Blockchain Transparency

Due to its decentralized nature, anyone can view all Bitcoin transactions by using a blockchain explorer or a personal node.

Each node maintains its own copy, which is updated when new blocks are added and confirmed. You could, if you wished to, track bitcoins wherever they went.

In the past, hackers have hacked exchanges, leading to the loss of large amounts of cryptocurrency. The hackers were anonymous, except for their wallet addresses.

However, the crypto that they took is easily traceable since the wallet addresses appear on the Blockchain.

The records in the Bitcoin Blockchain (and most other blockchains) are all encrypted. Only the person who is assigned an address has access to reveal their identity.

Blockchain users can therefore remain anonymous and still maintain transparency.

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Is Blockchain Secure?

Is Blockchain Secure?

Blockchain technology provides decentralized security and confidence in multiple ways.

In the beginning, all new blocks are stored in a linear and chronological order. They are always added at the "end" (or end) of the Blockchain. Once a block is added to the "end" of the Blockchain, previous blocks can no longer be modified.

Any change to data will alter the hash value of the block in which it appeared. Each block contains the hash of the previous block, so a change to one block would affect the next block.

The network will reject a block that has been altered because the hashes do not match.

Some blockchains may not be 100% secure. These are distributed ledgers which use code to achieve the high-security levels they are known for.

It is possible to exploit any vulnerabilities that exist in the code.

Imagine, for example, that a hacker is running a node in a network of blockchains and wants to steal cryptocurrency from others.

This would require them to have a majority in the network and insert the code at the perfect moment. This is called a 51%-attack because it requires more than 50% control of the network.

Bitcoin vs Blockchain

The Bitcoin protocol was built on the Blockchain. The pseudonymous Bitcoin creator described it in a research document introducing digital Currency as "a peer-to-peer electronic cash system with no trusted third parties."

It is important to know that Bitcoin relies on Blockchain to record payments and other transactions in a transparent ledger technology.


The Blockchain Development can be used for recording any number of data.

It could be anything from transactions to votes in elections, product inventories, state IDs, home deeds and more.

Tens of thousands of projects are currently looking for ways to use blockchains to benefit society in other ways than simply recording transactions.

For example, they could be used to secure voting in democratic elections.

Due to the immutability of the Blockchain, fraudulent voting will be much more difficult. A voting system, for example, could be designed so that citizens of each country would receive a single token or cryptocurrency.

The voters would then send their tokens or cryptos to the wallet addresses of the candidates they want to vote for.

Blockchains transparency and traceability would eliminate the need to count votes manually and allow bad actors to manipulate physical ballots.

Blockchain and Banks

Blockchains are being hailed as a disruptive force, particularly in the financial terms. Banks and decentralized Blockchains are very different.

Compare the Bitcoin blockchain implementation to a banking system.

What Are the Blockchains Used for?

What Are the Blockchains Used for?

Blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain are used to store transactional information. More than 23,000 cryptocurrency transactions systems run on a Blockchain today.

It turns out. However, Blockchain can be used to store data on other types of transactions.

Why? In the food industry, there have been countless E. coli outbreaks, Salmonella and Listeria. Hazardous materials may also have accidentally made their way into foods.

It used to take weeks to track down the cause of the outbreaks and the illnesses caused by the food that people ate.

Blockchain allows brands to trace the route of a product from its origin to its delivery. These companies can now also see all the other products that the food product may have been in contact with.

This allows them to identify the problem much sooner, potentially saving lives. This is just one form of blockchain implementation, but there are many others.

Banking and Finance

Banking is perhaps the industry that will benefit most from integrating Blockchain into their business operations.

This is usually five days per week. If you deposit a check at 6 pm on Friday, youll likely have to wait till Monday morning for the Digital money to appear in your account.

The sheer volume of transactions the banks must settle can take up to three days for the transaction to be verified.

Blockchain is the opposite.

Integrating Blockchain into banks could allow consumers to see their transactions completed in just minutes or seconds - the time it takes to upload a block onto the Blockchain - regardless of the day, time or holiday.

Blockchain platform allows banks to transfer funds more securely and quickly between institutions. Even a few days of money in transit for banks can be costly and risky due to the large sums involved.

This means that virtual money and shares will be frozen during this time. Blockchain could dramatically reduce this time.

You Can Also Find Out More About Currency

Blockchain solution is the foundation of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The Federal Reserve controls the U.S.

Dollar. This central authority system means that a users Currency and data are at the mercy of their bank. The private information of a client is put at risk if the bank they use is hacked.

The value of the Currency can be affected if the bank that the client uses fails or if the client lives in an unstable country.

In 2008, taxpayers helped bail out several failing banks. Bitcoin was born out of these concerns.

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Blockchain technology can give countries with unstable currencies and financial infrastructures the ability to have a more stable financial system.

They will have more applications available and a larger network of people and institutions to do business with both domestically and internationally.

It reduces not only the risk but also transaction and processing fees. Some countries are war-torn, or their governments lack a real identification infrastructure.

Some countries have no access to brokerage or savings accounts and, therefore, no safe way to store wealth.


Blockchain can be used by healthcare providers to securely store patient medical records. The Blockchain can store a signed and generated medical record, giving patients the confidence and proof that it cannot be altered.

Personal health records can be encrypted and stored on the Blockchain with a secret key so that only specific individuals have access to them. This ensures privacy.

Property Records

You will be familiar with the inefficiency and burden of recording property rights if youve ever visited your local Recorders Office.

A physical deed is still required to be handed over to an employee of the local recording office. The deed will then be manually entered into the central database for the county and the public index. If there is a dispute over property, the index must be compared with any claims made by the parties.

It is not only time-consuming and expensive but also subject to human error. Each inaccuracy can make tracking the ownership of property less efficient.

It can be difficult to prove property ownership in war-torn areas or countries with no financial or government infrastructure.

A group of people in such a region could use Blockchain to establish a timeline that is transparent and clear.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are computer codes that can be incorporated into the Blockchain in order to facilitate contract agreements.

Smart contracts are governed by a set of conditions that users must agree to. Lets say, for instance, that a tenant is interested in leasing an apartment through a smart contract. The landlord will give the tenant access to the apartment once the tenant has paid the security deposit.

When the security deposit is paid, the smart contract will automatically send the code to the tenant.

Supply Chains

Suppliers can record the origins and purchase of materials using Blockchain, as in the Food Trust. This would enable companies to verify not only the authenticity of their products but also common labels like "Organic," "Local," or "Fair Trade."


As we have already mentioned, blockchain technology could be used to create a modern system of voting. As demonstrated in the midterm elections of West Virginia in November 2018, voting with Blockchain has the potential to reduce election fraud and increase voter turnout.

This would make it nearly impossible for votes to be manipulated. Blockchain protocol will also ensure transparency in the electoral process.

It reduces the number of people needed to conduct elections and provides officials with almost instant results.

Blockchains: Benefits

Blockchains: Benefits

Accuracy of the Chain

The blockchain network is approved by thousands of computers and devices. The verification process is virtually eliminated, which results in a more accurate record and less human error.

If a computer made a mistake in the computation, it would only affect one copy of the Blockchain and not the entire network.

Cost Reductions

In most cases, a consumer pays a bank for the verification of a transaction or to have a notary sign a document.

Blockchain eliminates third-party validation and the associated costs. Businesses pay a fee to accept credit cards because the banks and companies that process payments have to handle these transactions.

Bitcoin has no central authority, and transaction fees are limited.


Blockchain doesnt store its information centrally. The Blockchain is instead copied and distributed across a computer network.

Every time a new block of the Blockchain is added, each computer in the network updates its Blockchain to reflect this change.

Blockchain is more secure because it spreads information over a large network rather than keeping it in a central database.

Efficient Transactions

It can take a few business days for transactions to be settled through a central authority. You may not see the funds in your bank account until Monday morning if you deposit a check Friday evening.

Financial institutions are open during normal business hours, five days per week. A blockchain, however, is available 24 hours per day, seven times a week and 365 days a year.

Some blockchains allow transactions to be completed within minutes, and they are considered secure even after a few.

This is especially useful for international trades that take longer than usual due to time zone differences and the need for all parties to confirm payment processing.

Private Transactions

Many blockchain networks are public databases. This means that anyone with internet access can see a list of all the transactions on the network.

Users can view transaction details but not identify information. The common misconception is that blockchain networks such as Bitcoin are completely anonymous. In reality, they are pseudonymous since there is an address that can be linked to a specific user.

Secure Transactions

The transaction is then added to the block of the Blockchain. The blocks are, therefore, unchangeable once they have been confirmed by the network.


The majority of blockchains are open-source software. Everyone can see its code. It also means that there is no authority to control the code of Bitcoin or its editing.

Anyone can make suggestions for changes or upgrades. Bitcoin can only be updated if a majority of network users agree that the new code version with the upgrade is solid and worthwhile.

Unbanked Population: How to Bank the Unbanked

The ability to use Blockchain and cryptocurrency by anyone, regardless of ethnicity, gender or location, is perhaps the most significant aspect of it.

According to the Bank, 1.3 billion adults lack bank accounts and other means to store their wealth or money.7 They also live in developing nations where cash is still the only Currency.

They are usually paid in cash. Then, they need to hide this cash in secret locations within their home or elsewhere.

This encourages robbery or violence. Crypto makes it harder for thieves to steal.

Blockchain-Based Platforms are looking to the future for ways to be used as a unit for accounting wealth, but also for storing medical records, rights to property, and other legal contracts.

Blockchains Have Their Own Drawbacks

Blockchains Have Their Own Drawbacks

Technology Cost

Blockchain technology can be a great way to save money, but it is not free. The Bitcoin network, for example, uses a proof-of-work system that consumes a lot of computing power to validate transactions.

The energy used by millions of devices in the Bitcoin network exceeds Pakistans annual consumption.

Solutions to these problems are starting to emerge. Bitcoin-mining farms, for example, have been created using solar power, natural gas surplus from fracking or wind farm energy.

Inefficiency In Data Speed

Bitcoin is the perfect example of possible blockchain inefficiencies. Bitcoins PoW takes around 10 minutes to add a block to the Blockchain.

The blockchain network is estimated to be able to handle only three transactions per second at that rate. Visa legacy brand, as a comparison, can process up to 65,000 TPS.

There are currently blockchains that boast more than 30,000 TPS. Blockchains with more than 30,000 transactions per second are available.11 Ethereums merger between its main network and beacon chain on September 15, 2022, is expected to provide up to 100,000 transactional speeds after it implements a series of upgrades, including sharding, a splitting of the database so that more devices can run Ethereum (phones tablets and laptops).

This will increase network participation and reduce congestion. It should also increase transaction speeds.

Another issue is the fact that each block only has a limited amount of data. The block size debate is one of the biggest issues facing the future scalability and scalability of blockchains.

Illegal Activity

The blockchain network is a secure network that protects its users against hacks. However, this also allows illegal activity and trading.

Silk Road is the most common example of how Blockchain was used to facilitate illicit transactions. The dark-web marketplace operated from February 2011 through October 2013, when it was shut down by the FBI.

The dark web is a place where users can buy and sell illicit goods without being tracked using the Tor Browser. They can also make purchases with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

The U.S. requires financial service providers, when opening an account, to collect information about customers. They must verify each customers identity and confirm they are not on any known or suspected terrorist organization list.

The system has both pros and cons. This system allows anyone to access financial accounts but also makes it easier for criminals to conduct transactions.

Many people have argued the positive uses of crypto outweigh its negative uses, such as banking for the unbanked. This is especially true when the majority of illegal activities are still carried out using untraceable money.

The Regulations

Many people in the crypto community have expressed concern about government regulation of cryptocurrencies. Although its becoming increasingly difficult to stop something like Bitcoin, as its decentralized network expands, governments can theoretically make it illegal for people to own cryptocurrency or participate in the networks.

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The Bottom Line

Blockchain is making its mark, thanks to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Blockchain is a buzzword that every investor uses to describe how it can make government and business operations more efficient, secure and cost-effective.

A blockchain project manager bridges the gap between clients expectations and developers creation.

Its not a matter of whether legacy companies will adopt blockchain technology but when. We are seeing a proliferation in NFTs and tokenization of assets.

The next decade will be a period of significant growth for Blockchain.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes