Revolutionize User Experience: Power Of Voice Interfaces

Revolutionise User Experience: The Power Of Voice Interfaces

Voice User Interface (VUI) has ended the silence between humans and machines.

It is important to learn about the VUI and its design.

The rise of VUI and smart speakers is made even clearer by a recent Google article entitled "How Voice Assistance Is Reshaping Consumer Behavior".

Google reported that 41% of those who have a voice-controlled device feel as if they are talking to a friend.

This makes you wonder: Is VUI changing the relationship between humans and devices?

Before you rush to answer, well review what voice user interfaces are and how they work.

With voice-activated AI, you can do almost everything in a flash.

  1. Whats Next in My Calendar?
  2. Book me a taxi for Oxford Street.
  3. Play me some Jazz with Spotify!

All five of the "Big Five" tech companies--Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook-have developed (or are currently developing) voice-enabled AI assistants.

Siri, Apples AI assistant, helps more than 40 million users monthly. ComScore says one out of ten US households owns a smart speaker.

Voice interactions in technology are increasingly common, whether for VUIs for mobile apps or smart speakers for the home.

This is especially true since screens can be tiring.

What is Voice User Interface?

What is Voice User Interface?

Users can interact with devices or apps using voice commands. Screen fatigue is becoming more common as digital devices are used.

This has made voice-based user interfaces more useful. The VUIs allow hands-free control of devices and applications without viewing a screen. All the worlds top tech companies, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple, have created or voice-enabled AI development Assistants and voice-controlled devices.

Apple Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are the most popular voice-user interfaces. Smart devices with VUIs, like the Amazon Echo, Apple HomePod and Google Home, are gaining popularity.

Voice interfaces and interactions are becoming increasingly common, whether its an AI assistant or voice-enabled apps on mobile devices.

Youre probably asking yourself, "How common is it?"

You can guess the popularity of the VUI from the statistics below.

A report states that 1 out of 4 Americans owns an intelligent speaker, and one-third uses the voice-search feature.

Understanding what a Voice User Interface is and how it functions will help you create an interface that wont frustrate the user and gives them a good experience.

Moving on to the next question: "How does a Voice Interface work?" Now that you know what a voice user interface is, it will be easier for you to create UI designs.

What Is A Voice Interface?

What Is A Voice Interface?

Voice UIs are the result of combining several Artificial Intelligence technologies, including Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition.

Voice UIs are available for devices and applications.

AI-powered backend components and VUI speech are often stored on a cloud, whether its private or public. The VUI then processes the users voice and speech.

AI understands user intent and responds to the device.

This is the basic design of voice-based UI. To provide the best possible user experience, most companies add a Graphical User Interface to their VUIs.

The visuals and sounds make it easy for users to understand when the device listens, processes speech or responds to them.

VUI Device Types

VUI is available on a variety of modern devices, including:

  1. Smartphones
  2. Wearables such as smartwatches
  3. Laptops and desktop computers
  4. Smart TVs with sound systems
  5. Smart Speakers
  6. Internet of Things: Locks, thermostats and lights

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Voice User Interface: Advantages and Disadvantages

Voice User Interface: Advantages and Disadvantages


  1. Its Faster To Dictate Than Type: Users will find it easier and more convenient if they rely on dictation.
  2. Easy of Use: Some people have trouble using technological gadgets. Users can use voice commands to ask VUIs or AI assistants for a specific task.
  3. Speaking is more convenient than tapping or typing in certain situations, like driving or cooking.
  4. Vui Offers An Eye-Free Experience: You can concentrate on driving instead of the device in situations like this. This is also useful for those who suffer from screen fatigue.


  1. Privacy Concerns: Some users are concerned about potential privacy breaches of VUIs.
  2. Software for voice recognition still suffers from misinterpretation and lack of accuracy. The software cannot interpret and understand the context of the language, which leads to errors and misinterpretation. Using voice dictation to type automatically can lead to mistakes, as VUIs do not distinguish between homonyms such as "there and "their."
  3. It can be difficult to use voice commands with AI assistants and devices in public places due to privacy concerns and noise.

Why Voice Interface is the Next Big Thing

Why Voice Interface is the Next Big Thing

The user interface, or UI for short, is the link that allows machines to interact with humans.

In recent years, visual user interfaces have surpassed the typing of UIs.

71% prefer to use voice searches for queries rather than typing. Voice-controlled smart speakers are also on the rise.

Over half of smart speaker owners in the US use their devices regularly.

The UX/UI designers are particularly interested in the growing popularity of voice-based interfaces.

Both UX and UI designers are ultimately concerned with answering users questions, making the user experience smoother, and ensuring it is easy to use.

Designers and developers must understand human communication to design a successful voice interface. As they engage with AI assistants, consumers expect them to have a level of functionality, an engaging tone and less misinterpretation.

What Can Users Do With Voice Commands?

What Can Users Do With Voice Commands?

Alexa, the voice assistant on Amazons Echo smart speaker or Kindle Fire tablet, is available for devices that support voice commands.

Amazon is leading in voice technology sales.

The Alexa Store has some popular apps called "skills" geared towards entertainment, news and translation. However, users can perform other actions, such as ordering a Dominos pizza, playing music with Spotify or requesting a ride using the Uber skill.

Capital One is another interesting example. It was the first commercial bank to introduce Alexa skills in 2016. Customers can use Alexa to check their account balance and due dates and settle credit card bills by adding the Capital One Alexa skill.

PayPal went one step further and allowed users to pay via Siri on iOS or Apple HomePod. Theres an Alexa Skill for PayPal which can do this.

What VUIs are capable of and how users use them are two separate things.

ComScore reported that more than half of users who own smart speakers use them to ask general questions, check the weather and stream music.

These tasks were closely followed by setting an alarm, creating a list of things to do, or managing a calendar.

You can see that many of these tasks require you to ask a question.

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What Do Users Search for When Using Voice Search?

Voice search is most commonly used when driving. However, any time the user cant touch a touchscreen (e.g., when exercising, cooking, or trying to do multiple tasks at work), there are opportunities for voice interaction.

This is the complete breakdown from Higher Visibility.

Conducted User Research on Voice User Interfaces

Conducted User Research on Voice User Interfaces

Its essential that UX designers conduct specific user research for the VUI application they are designing.

Customer Journey Map

User research involves observing and listening to the users needs, motivations and behaviors. Customer journey maps that include voice as a communication channel allow user experience researchers to identify users needs at different stages of engagement and show them how voice is used.

Suppose a customer journey map has not yet been created. In that case, the designer must highlight the areas where voice interaction would be incorporated into the users flow (this can be done by highlighting it as a channel or an opportunity).

Designers should check if a business already has a customer journey map. They can then see if voice interactions could improve the users flow.

If customers ask the same question over social media or in a live chat with support, this could be a conversation that can be brought into a voice application.

Design should solve problems. What frustrations and frictions are encountered by users during the customer journey?

VUI Competitor Analysis

Designers should analyze competitors to see if they are using voice interaction. These are the key questions:

  1. What is the apps use case?
  2. What are the voice commands they use?
  3. What do customers say in app reviews? And what can we take away from them?

To design an app with a voice-based user interface, defining what the end users want is important. In addition to creating a map of the customers journey and conducting competitor analysis (as previously mentioned), interviewing and testing users can be helpful.

These written requirements for VUI are even more crucial, as they include most design specifications that developers will need to follow.

First, you need to create a list of different scenarios. Then turn them into an interactive dialogue between the users voice assistant and themselves.

A user story example for the News application would be:

As a user, I would like the voice assistant to read out the most recent news stories so I am always up to date on what is happening without needing to check my screen.

We can design the dialogue flow for this story based on its user story.

Anatomy of a Voice Command

Anatomy of a Voice Command

Designers must first understand how voice commands work before creating a flow. Designers must constantly consider the purpose of voice interactions when designing VUIs.


Three key elements comprise a voice command: intent, utterance and slot.

Analyze the request "Play relaxing music on Spotify."

The Intent of Voice Interaction

The intent is the overall objective of a voice command. It can either be a high-utility interaction or a low-utility one.

High-utility interactions are about completing a specific task. For example, requesting the lighting in your living room to be switched off or the shower temperature at a particular level.

These requests are easy to design because it is clear exactly what the AI assistant should do.

Low utility requests tend to be more vague and, therefore, harder to understand. If, for example, the user wants to know more about Amsterdam, we first check if this is within the scope of the service and ask more questions to understand their request.

The users intent in the example given was to listen to music.


A users request is reflected in the utterance. We know from the example that the user asks for music to be played on Spotify.

They say, "Play me ...," but thats not the only request that they could make. The user can also say, "Id like to listen to music..."

The designers must consider all variations of the utterance. The AI engine will be able to identify the request and then link it with the appropriate action or response.

Slots Are the Required or Optional Variables

In some cases, intention alone may not be enough. Additional information from the user is needed to complete the request.

Alexa refers to this as a "slot", and like form fields, slots can either be required or optional depending on the information needed to complete the request.

This slot, in our example, is called "relaxing." However, you can complete the request without this slot since it is not required.

If the user wants to book a cab, the required slot is the destination. The optional inputs will overwrite the default values. For example, the user who requests a taxi at 4:00 p.m. overwrites "as quickly as possible."

Dialog Flows for Prototyping Vui Conversations

Designers of prototypes must think and act like scriptwriters to design dialogue flows that meet each requirement.

Dialogue flows are deliverables that outline the following:

  1. Keywords that can lead to interaction
  2. The branches represent the possible directions of conversation
  3. Examples of dialogues both for the user and assistant

Dialogue flow is the script of the conversation between the voice assistant and the user. Dialogue flows are like prototypes.

They can be shown as illustrations (like the one below) or created using prototyping software.

Apps to Prototype VUIs

After mapping out your dialogue flow, its time to use an app to create a prototype of the voice interaction. Some prototyping software has already been released.

Sayspring, for instance, allows designers to create working prototypes for Amazon and Google voice-enabled apps quickly.

Amazon offers its Alexa Skill Creator, allowing designers to create Alexa Skills easily. Google has an SDK, but it is only for Google Action developers.

Apples SiriKit, a competing tool that will be launched soon, has not yet been released.

UX Analytics for Voice Apps

Analytics will allow you to track the usage of your app once you have rolled out an Alexa skill (or Google action).

You can use the built-in analytical tools of both companies. However, you may also want to integrate third-party services for more detailed analytics. Some key metrics you should be looking out for include:

  1. Metrics of engagement, like sessions per user and messages per message
  2. Languages used
  3. There are many different types of behavior.
  4. Intents and messages

What is a Voice User Interface?

What is a Voice User Interface?

Designing a voice-based interface is similar to designing GUIs or other UX projects. The VUI process can be broken down into simple steps.

Step 1: Conducted a User Research

Customer journey mapping is a great way to start by understanding how the two personas interact at different stages of engagement.

Concentrate on understanding and observing the motivations and behavior of users. Use voice in your journey map for customers to understand how voice is used.

Designers should identify opportunities to implement voice interaction in user flows. The scenario is applicable if the customer journey map has not yet been created.

The designer can use voice interaction to improve user flow if an existing customer journey exists.

Designers must focus on the needs of users.

If your support team is always asked the same questions, incorporating the conversations in the voice application could be a good idea.

Step 2: Conduct a VUI Competitor Analysis

By conducting a VUI competitor analysis, designers can analyze how their competitors implement voice interaction.

Check out their reviews to see what users have said about their apps, the voice commands they use, and the use cases for the app.

Step 3: Define the Requirements

Define the users needs and pain points.

You can also try interviews and user testing instead of conducting competitor or user research. Before converting them to conversation flows, capture different scenarios.

User stories can be written using flow charts to capture user requirements. Design dialogue flows for every user story.

The next step is to prototype VUI conversation flows with dialogue flows showing the interaction between the device and the user.

Dialogue Flows Are a Great Way to Prototype Vui Conversations

The key to successful VUI Dialog Flows:

  1. Simple and conversational interactions are best.
  2. Create a strong error strategy,
  3. When a job is complete, confirm it.
  4. Add a layer of security.

Designers of VUI should create dialogue flows, including the complete conversation between a system and its users.

Dialogue flows must successfully guide users. The dialogue flow script consists of the following:

  1. Keywords that trigger the interaction. For example, "Hello, Alexa."
  2. The branches show the possible directions of conversation
  3. Dialogues that users can use and AI assistants to sample

It is similar to a prototyping app, which is a conversation script. Many prototyping applications make it easy to create dialogue flows.

The following are some of the applications for prototype VUIs.

  1. Voiceflow is a collaboration tool for prototyping and designing for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.
  2. Googles Dialog Flow platform allows you to create a conversational interface for web applications, mobile apps and other devices.
  3. Speechly is a spoken language recognition solution for voice-based user interfaces.

Amazons Alexa Skill builder allows designers to create Alexa Skills.

Step 4: Testing

It is similar to a game of role-playing when testing the flow of dialogue between the systems user and its own.

One person plays the device while the other plays the users role. This allows the two to test if they can have a successful conversation.

Step 5: Understanding the Anatomy of a Voice Command

Designers need to constantly consider the interaction scenarios that could occur and the objectives (i.e. what the users are trying to accomplish in each scenario) when designing a VUI.

A user issues a voice command based on three main factors: the intent, the utterance and the slot.

The Intent

The intent is the goal of a users command. The voice interactions intent is either low or high utility.

High utility interactions are very specific, like requesting that a song from Spotify be played or turning off the lights in your living room.

Low utility interactions, however, are more vague and difficult to understand. For example, suppose a user requests more information on a certain topic.

In that case, the voice UI must first check if the service is covered and ask more questions to understand the request better.

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The Utterance

It is how a person speaks the command to activate the action.

Voice UX designers should also consider variations to simple requests, such as "Play me some music on Spotify." Instead of "play ...", a user could say ", Id like to listen to music ..." or "Could ..." be played?"

AI can better understand and perform the requested action if designers consider more options.


Slots refer to the variables required and optional by the user to complete the task.

This slot, for example, is not required if the user wants to book a restaurant reservation. If a user, for instance, wants to make a reservation at a restaurant, then the time slot is mandatory.

Example of Voice User Interface

Example of Voice User Interface

What is a Voice User Interface? And how can you create one? Here are some examples of VUIs. Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant are the most popular and widely used.

What do you consider to be the best voice assistant on the market today?


Siri is Apples voice assistant. It comes with Apples operating systems, including iOS, iPadOS and watchOS.

The first release was on October 4, 2011. It has been in use ever since.


Alexa was first released in Amazon Echo speakers in November 2014.

The software is now available on most smart device operating systems, including Android, IOS and Fire OS.


Microsoft Cortana, the voice assistant for Bings search engine, helps users be more productive. It can do things like set reminders or answer questions.

Google Assistant

Google Assistant is a VUI virtual assistant designed by Google and available on home and smart device systems.

Loup Ventures conducted a study that found Google Assistant to be the best voice assistant.

VUI Tips and Tricks

VUI Tips and Tricks

Communicate in a Conversational and Simple Manner

Designers must consider what information to prioritize and which they can ignore when designing websites and mobile applications.

The user doesnt want too much information, but they also need to be able to finish their task.

Designers must pay extra attention to voice because there are only words to use (and perhaps a simple GUI). It is especially challenging to convey complex data and information.

Therefore, it is important to use fewer words and ensure that your app achieves its users goals and remains conversational.

How to Confirm That a Task Has Been Completed

The final confirmation screen is key when designing an online checkout flow. The final confirmation screen lets the user know that their transaction was completed.

VUIs are no different. If, for example, the user was in their sitting room and asked the voice assistant to switch off the bathroom light without confirmation, they would need to go into the living room to check.

This defeats the purpose of the "hands-off VUI" app.

This scenario is fine with a "bathroom light turned off" response.

Create a Strong Error Strategy

Its crucial to develop a solid error strategy as a VUI developer.

Design scenarios where your assistant does not understand or hears nothing. Analyses can also help identify misinterpretations and wrong turns to improve the strategy for preventing errors.

Checking for alternative dialogues requires you to consider a few key questions.

  1. What is the purpose of your interaction?
  2. Does the AI understand the spoken information?
  3. Is there more information about the AI from you to complete the request?
  4. Can we deliver on what the customer has requested?

Add Layer of Security

Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa can now recognize specific voices. It adds an extra layer of security, similar to Face ID and Touch ID.

The voice recognition software keeps improving and is becoming more difficult to mimic. However, this may not be enough security for the moment, and extra authentication could be needed. Designers may be required to add authentication methods, such as a fingerprint, password or facial recognition, when working with sensitive information.

It is particularly important for personal messaging, payments and payment methods.

VUI Revolution: The Dawn of the Revolution

VUI Revolution: The Dawn of the Revolution

In the future, VUIs will continue to be used in more products. In 10 years, some predict we wont use keyboards to interact with computers.

When discussing "user experience, " we still tend to focus on what we see and feel. Voice as an interaction method is not often considered.

Voice and visuals do not have to be mutually exclusive in the design of user experiences. They both provide value.

This research is important because it will help you determine whether voice technology can improve your apps UX.

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This post will help you to:

  1. VUI stands for Voice User Interface. It is an interface which requires voice interactions.
  2. This is not the same as a physical user interface that requires interaction with physical gestures such as tapping and swiping.
  3. To achieve an effective voice-user interface, designers must conduct thorough research on user and device personas and develop dialogue flows that flow easily.


  1. 🔗 Google scholar
  2. 🔗 Wikipedia
  3. 🔗 NyTimes